Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Azerbaijani journalist sentenced for beating maids.

Journalist Azerbaijani opposition newspaper "Yeni Musavat" Mahal Ismailoglu 1 July was sentenced Baku Absheron district court to two years suspended, said
Ismailoglu was found guilty of intentionally causing harm his neighbor's maid on the testimony, an officer of the Azerbaijani police Wahid Imanov. Nasiba Sahirova stated that in June 2008, journalist assaulted and beat her. The prosecution requested Ismailoglu sentenced to three and a half years of probation.
It clarifies the issue, the Ismailoglu called the criminal case registered: in the opinion of the journalist, the prosecution has to do with his professional activities, in particular, with the publication of "Yeni Musavat" article under the heading "Wipe the tears" 7 June 2008, which mentioned that a neighbor on cottage makes garbage into the street. A journalist contends that the housekeepers did a neighbor comments on the matter, but not insulted her and did not beat.
Before Mahal Ismailoglu moved to the opposition "Yeni Musavat", he headed the "Respublika", the founder of which, according to agency "Interfax", was manager of President of Azerbaijan.

Mr. Parker would become the modern Saltykov-Shchedrin "on NTV.

TV channel NTV is preparing a new program, which would lead a well-known blogger and journalist Maxim Kononenko (Mr. Parker). As explained in an interview with the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets deputy director of the channel, Alexander Nechaev, the operating name of the program - collection of ridiculous. "
According Nechaeva, the new project Kononenko must be brought to the role of "modern Saltykov-Shchedrin: he will talk about" everyday, but equally egregious nonsense. " As an example zamgendirektora NTV cited a recent case, when the Kirov for the arrival of Dmitry Medvedev paved crossing.
Alexander Nechaev did not specify when the program with Maxim Kononenko will be aired NTV. However, June 30, himself a journalist wrote in his mikrobloge on upcoming promotional filming a new program on NTV, which premiered on 1 August. Recall that from 2005 to 2008 Kononenko was soveduschim program "Real Politics" at the same channel.
Nechayev also told in an interview that the July 6 premiere will be held on the NTV program "Middle class" dedicated "to all that relates to personal and family budget." As stated in a press release NTV received in ", the program will go from Monday to Friday at 11 am. According Nechaeva, spectators will be the program office workers who watch TV in the background, as well as those working at home or sitting with their children.

Glavred Rostov newspaper accused of insulting Jazid.

   In the Rostov region chief editor of "Priazovske edge" was accused of inciting religious hatred. On this June 30, reportedly at the UPC RF.
The case against the chief editor of Basil Kuchkova sent to the Kirov District Court in Rostov-on-Don. He is charged with violating Article 282 of the Criminal Code ( "Incitement to hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity").
According to investigation, Kuchko wrote and posted in the "Priazovske edge" art "of his strange, a stranger among his, which declares Incompetent adherents religion. Law enforcement agencies have found that the article contains offensive characteristics of Hasidism. According to experts, the material inciting hatred towards Chassids, as well as to Jews and Jews. The newspaper has a circulation of 2.4 distributed thousands of copies.
According to the Jewish Agency's news paper "in his strange, a stranger among his" was published on 22 May 2008. Kuchko in February 2009 stated that he does not agree with the opinion of experts who found the illegal material. Editor-in-chief called the actions of law enforcement agencies attempt to "stifle constitutionally guaranteed freedom to express their views."
Hasidism - emerged in the XVIII century, the religious-mystical trend in Judaism. Jazid believe in miracles, and the just-read tsadikov, which the adherents of Hasidism are in constant contact with God.

Investigating the murder of Paul Klebnikov stopped.

SyuzhetyDelo Paul Hlebnikova17.12.2007Sud demanded from the Prosecutor General to find the defendant
   Russian law enforcement authorities stopped the investigation into the assassination of the chief editor of the Russian version of the journal The Forbes, U.S. citizen Paul Klebnikov. On this June 30, said Reuters.
As it became known agency, the Russian investigators have American relatives of the journalist a letter to lawyers, which stated that the investigation was halted May 28, 2009. The reasons for this decision is not called. Reuters correspondents tried to get the comments of Russian investigators and prosecutors about the statement, but were refused.
Unnamed source in Russia's law enforcement agencies told reporters that the investigation has already been renewed due to new evidence, but lawyers Klebnikov family said that did not receive notice.
According to Reuters, the investigation of the murder of Klebnikov will be discussed at a meeting of U.S. President Barack Obama, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, to be held in Moscow in early July.
Paul Khlebnikov was killed in Moscow in 2004. In 2005, charges of murder were Chechens file Sadretdinovu, Kazbek Dukuzovu and Muse Vahaevu. Customer investigation found the former vice prime minister of the unrecognized Ichkeria Hozh-Ahmed Nuhaeva, which Khlebnikov wrote a book entitled "Conversation with a Barbarian." His law enforcement authorities to detain failed. According to some reports, Nuha was assassinated in 2004, six months before the death of Klebnikov. Sadretdinova, Dukuzova and Vahaeva Moscow City Court in 2006 acquitted. General Prosecutor's Office and the Klebnikov family appealed the decision. Soon the Supreme Court overturned the acquittal.
In 2007, the court returned the case of the murder of Klebnikov in the General Prosecutor's Office. The court instructed the prosecutor to find Kazbek Dukuzova that after the abolition of acquittal has been subscribed to house arrest but escaped. Another defendant, file Sadretdinov, is currently in prison: he was sentenced to nine years for another crime.
