Saturday, January 31, 2009
NTV will receive a new 15-storey building.
A project proposal on 30 January approved a public town-planning council with mayor of Moscow.
According to the chief architect of Moscow Alexander Kuzmin, the building will be constructed on a site area of 1.2 hectares. It provides office accommodation, studio space and technical support, as well as two underground parking for 642 cars.
The developers believe that the new building will be the architectural focus in the Ostankino district, which planned to build a set of "Media City". As the RIA Novosti, to preserve the features of perception manor "Ostankino", located nearby, will be set no higher than 65 meters.
"First Channel" will become a sponsor of "Eurovision-2009".
The budget of the international competition, which this year will be held in Moscow, was calculated before the economic crisis. According to Ernst, the crisis amounts pledged for the contest, it was not enough.
"All the shortage of budget" First Channel "assumes", - said director, adding that finally clarified the situation in April, when the fiscal year.
"First Channel" has a license to broadcast the contest "Eurovision-2009", which will be held in Moscow in May. It will be attended by 38 countries. It is anticipated that tickets for the semi-tender will be worth from 800 to 20 thousand rubles, at the finale - from a thousand to 30 thousand rubles.
International Music Contest "Eurovision" contest is held since 1956. It is attended by representatives from the countries - members of the European Broadcasting Union. In the budget competition involved the country in which the contest, and the European Broadcasting Union.
Russia in different years at the "Eurovision" was represented by Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, "Mummy Troll", Alsu, "Silver." In 2008, victory in the competition won the Russian singer Dima Bilan, making the country the host Eurovision in 2009, became Russia.
Friday, January 30, 2009
TV Channel "Russia" laid out in the series and network transmission.
While at present recording serials "Carmelites, Carmelites. Gypsy Passion" and "One would love." The list of restricted programs "town", "military program" and the program Sladkova Arkady Mamontov. The "movie" consists of announcements, as in the "Documentary" is the movie "The death of 'air Titanic'. Stratonavty.
In addition to videos serials and movies on the site are photographs, descriptions and poseriynye biography film and telezvezd.
TV show, not only on "Russia". Live, for example, you can look at the site of the First Channel.
Lennon's son found in the Fox News lies.
January 29, American television columnist Roger Friedman, Fox News reported that Lennon's sons, had never before played in public together, will speak Feb. 26 in New York for the ceremony the charity Millenium Goal Awards, patroniruemoy UN.
Soon on Julian Lennon's network MySpace has a refutation of this information. "Interestingly, they say whether the Fox News right in principle? They did not even udosuzhilis contact with any of our representatives, or producers of the ceremony, to verify the accuracy of history," - writes in his blog, Julian. Comments from Sean Lennon has not yet been reported.
Julian and Sean Lennon have in the footsteps of his famous father. Julian, the son of first marriage to Cynthia Lennon Beetle, its 45 years has released five studio albums. 33-year-old Sean, Lennon's son from the marriage to Yoko Ono, has recorded three albums.
Lennon's son found in the Fox News lies.
January 29, American television columnist Roger Friedman, Fox News reported that Lennon's sons, had never before played in public together, will speak Feb. 26 in New York for the ceremony the charity Millenium Goal Awards, patroniruemoy UN.
Soon on Julian Lennon's network MySpace has a refutation of this information. "Interestingly, they say whether the Fox News right in principle? They did not even udosuzhilis contact with any of our representatives, or producers of the ceremony, to verify the accuracy of history," - writes in his blog, Julian. Comments from Sean Lennon has not yet been reported.
Julian and Sean Lennon have in the footsteps of his famous father. Julian, the son of first marriage to Cynthia Lennon Beetle, its 45 years has released five studio albums. 33-year-old Sean, Lennon's son from the marriage to Yoko Ono, has recorded three albums.
In Moscow, was detained participants picket in memory of murdered journalists.
According to Yabloko, were arrested five activists of the youth branch of the party, spokesman for Yabloko Igor Yakovlev, the five journalists and two passers-by.
In the party declared that all detainees are in the management of the FSB in Moscow and Moscow region.
Picket was held in memory of Anastasia Baburovoy, Anna Politkovskaya, Yuri Schekochihine, as well as lawyers Stanislav Markelov and leader of Dagestan Yabloko Farid Babayev.
On the London buses shows "God is."
According to the director of the Russian hours "Alexander Korobko, Christian action was welcomed by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in London and Moscow. In addition to the slogan on the buses will be deployed image dome of Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
"There are very difficult times, there have been a massive 'programming' the crisis, this time a person must meet to receive a maximum of a life-premise" - commented Korobko aktsiyu.Ateisticheskaya advertising campaign was launched in autumn 2008 at the initiative of the journalist that vozmutila propaganda Christianity.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Journal Ogonek "in early February is not out.
According Loshak, the situation around the "lights" remains uncertain. "There is no clarity yet. One owner went (means" Telecominvest "), the other - has not appeared. The team is on leave," - said the agency Glavred "lights".
Recall that the issue will not go in January it was reported in late December of last year. Then on the website and publications in the latest issue of the year it was reported that "because of the need to reorganize the publishing house of Christmas break, during which" Ogonek will not go, may be prolonged. "
In the beginning of the year, Russian media wrote that the potential buyer "lights" can be a publishing house "Kommersant", but the general Demyan Kudryavtsev this information is not confirmed. But the message that "Telecominvest" looking for a buyer for the magazine, not refuted.
 On Thursday, a few Russian bloggers have reported that the publishing house "Kommersant" has bought the entire photo journal, starting in 1923. "" unable to obtain the comments in "Kommersant" and the chief editor of "lights" Victor Loshak this information is not confirmed.
A weekly illustrated magazine Ogonyok "goes to 1899 and is the oldest public policy publishing in Russia. In December 2009, the brand "Ogonek" turns 110 years old.
Medvedev explained his refusal to condole the families of Markelov and Baburovoy.
According Muratova, presidential debate as to why not Medvedev expressed his condolences in connection with this crime. "He explained that as a jurist considered unacceptable in such a way to give some power plants investigation - because of his sympathy to the person it would be more broad statement with the content of ratings occurred", - said Muratov.
In addition, he said, the meeting discussed the confrontation manifestations of fascism in Russia. In this regard, Medvedev has supported an initiative to create a memorial to victims of GULAG.
"Still, he said that especially love the" new newspaper "is not necessary, but respect for the fact that she criticizes the power - it is necessary. I promised that we will continue to deliver this fun," - said Muratov.
Markelov and Baburova were killed January 19 in central Moscow. The perpetrator has not yet been found. According to the investigation, the main goal murderer was Markelov and Baburova became undesirable witness to the crime.
According to the basic version of the investigation, Markelov was killed because of his professional activity. He was a lawyer journalist "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya, the chief editor of "truth Himkinskoy" Michael Beketov, relatives killed, Colonel Yuri Budanov Chechen Elzy Kungaevoy, as well as a number of anti-fascists activists and social movements.
Foreign media phrase attributed to Putin about the mentally retarded.
The head of Dell, Michael Dell said the Russian prime minister, that it is possible to use information technology more intensively than they are now in Russia, and asked how IT-sector could help the country expand its economy.
According to foreign media, Putin has responded to this: "We do not need help. We are not disabled. We are not mentally retarded" (We don't need help. We are not invalids. We don't have limited mental capacity). As such, the phrase quoted, for example, Fortune and The Wall Street Journal.
However, in the text of Putin's speech, published on the website of "Vesti", there is no mention of the mentally retarded. According to this text, Putin said: "You know - the focus is that we do not need help. We are not disabled. Really need help the poor, it is necessary to assist people with disabilities, need help for pensioners, it is necessary to assist developing countries." The fact that Putin has not talked about the mentally retarded, and the video confirms his responses posted on YouTube.
Foreign media called Putin's response, Dell box. Fortune writes that "last shot" on the Della Putin was a reminder that Russia has traditionally been well-developed mathematical school and programmers, we have some of the best in the world. " According to Fortune, it means: "Any old fool can collect 'iron'." The title on the website The Inquirer states: "Russia said Della, where he thrust his computers."
Tajik ambassador accused "Kommersant" of lying.
Recall that in the paper "Kommersant" published on 29 January, reported that on the evening of January 27, Dostiev was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. "The conversation was not pleasant," - the newspaper writes, referring to sources in the Tajik embassy. Ambassador, according to the publication, indicated that the first people commenting on remarks made by a foreign state "beyond the scope of diplomatic ethics."
Agency "Asia-Plus Dostiev said that it" can not call anybody. " Information Kommersant he called a lie. At the same time, the Ambassador did not rule out that in the near future it could still be invited for interview to the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Recall that the discontent aroused expressions of Tajikistan, Dmitry Medvedev the Russian president made during his visit to Uzbekistan. Medvedev said then that the hydropower stations in Central Asia must take into account the interests of all the neighboring states. Russia, he said, will abstain from participation in such projects, unless the consent of all parties. "
As reported, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which are higher in the flow of transboundary rivers, plan to build a hydroelectric power station, which significantly reduce the flow of water to the areas in Uzbekistan. Russia intends to participate in projects for construction of stations in Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.
The words about "the interests of all neighboring states in Dushanbe viewed as lobbying for the interests of Uzbekistan. In this regard, the Tajik Foreign Ministry sent a protest note to Russia.
Seimas of Lithuania lifted the ban on shooting of deputies in canteens and toilets.
First Deputy Chairman of the Seimas, Irena Dyagutene reported that "now once again operating procedures of the journalists, the former prior to making decisions that have led to disputes and disagreements." Dyagutene expressed satisfaction that the conflict has been exhausted.
The purpose of restrictions was announced desire to create more comfortable conditions for the work of parliamentarians, who were afraid of being caught by journalists in the disadvantageous situation. Earlier in the media have got photos of people's elected representatives, caught by surprise, especially over drinks.
In addition, at that time were limited opportunities for ad hoc accreditation, and then Parliament imposed a quota management, according to which one of the media in the parliament could not work more than three people.
Lithuanian Union of Journalists admitted restrictions illegal because they contravened the constitution and put in place not by the laws and decisions of the board Seym. Once the leaders of the parliament ignored the complaints of journalists, their actions were challenged in court, and the majority of the media have begun a boycott of the Diet guide.
Proceeds from the Russian press advertising will drop by a third.
Experts ATSVI found that in November 2008 provided for the advertisers' media budgets remain at the same period in 2007. But in December they fell by 4.5 per cent. In January-March, the fall could amount to 25-30 per cent already.
According to the analytical center "Video International", in October last year, advertising revenues and the capital's 777 federal publications increased over the same period of 2007 to 7,5 percent to 5,8 billion rubles. In November, the increase was minimal - just 0.4 per cent to 4,9 billion rubles. In December, the first fall was recorded at 4.5 percent, ie up to 4,5 billion rubles.
The publishers interviewed by Kommersant, confirmed the decline in advertising revenue. However, such as advertising director of Foreign Affairs "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Vladislav Gemst believes that the assessment ATSVI overly optimistic. According to Gemsta, falling advertising revenues from publishing houses in November and December exceeded 15 percent.
Some advertisers have confirmed in an interview with the publication of the reduction of interest in advertising in the press. As explained by the head of corporate promotion Mirax Group Anna Mironova, now the company cut the budgets for all media except the Internet. Russian representative office of Procter & Gamble Konstantin Dubinin acknowledged that the company had reduced spending on advertising in the press, although it has no plans to completely abandon this advertisement. The press secretary Irina Osadchaya MTS also announced a reduction in the presence of the central press.
MTV will resume broadcasting in Lebanon, after seven years of hiatus.
At a conference in Beirut, the chairman of the board of directors of Gabriel Murr (Gabriel Murr), said that MTV is now in Lebanon will be financed from its own sources. "MTV will not support any political party in Lebanon" - said Murr added that the resumption of broadcasting has nothing to do with the elections in the country.
Work on the canal invited prominent Lebanese journalists.
FUZZ magazine closed because of the crisis.
The latest issue of the magazine will be released in February. In an official report said that the issue on hold until September for the reorganization. However, all staff have already been sent to unpaid leave, left the chief editor editor Alexander Dolgov, who worked in FUZZe more than 18 years.
In summer 2008, the magazine was replaced by shareholders, after which, according to journalists portal Zvuki.Ru, attended by the chief editor of the publication of life beginning to fall.
Deputy editor-in-chief Alexander Starostin said that going along with the part of staff to address the issuance of the Internet version of FUZZa. The first issue of the electronic version will be no earlier than April.
The first issue of the music magazine FUZZ released in March 1991. For several years the magazine has turned into all-Russian edition. Throughout its history FUZZ survived several crises associated with lack of money, but each time it resumed publication.
National Geographic has opened its own record label.
At Nat Geo Music plans to release recordings of contemporary music artists from around the world, regardless of their genre.
The company has already signed agreements with several companies for distribution. Product Nat Geo Music in the U.S. will INGrooves, Australia and New Zealand - Shock Records, in Canada - Napadogan Music, for the rest of the world - ADA Global.
According to the Nat Geo Music Matt Uittingtona (Mat Whittington), a new record label will follow the general principles of National Geographic Society and with the help of music try to "inspire people to respect for nature."
BBC Corporation will create the largest catalog of the paintings.
Along with the BBC project "Your Paintings" will deal with the nonprofit fund Public Catalogue Foundation, which since 2003 is the creation of directories of public art collections country. By 2009, the Fund has processed about 30 percent of the paintings.
The project of establishing a national directory of painting is part of a new great cultural BBC. Among the initiatives of the corporation mentioned stoseriyny opera "The World History of hundred items, which will lead the British Museum director Neil MacGregor. Along with the broadcast museum will demonstrate the relevant exhibits. The project is scheduled for 2010.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The head of the IAEA boycotting "the BBC" because of the scandal with the Palestinian pulley.
In a statement al-Baradei said that the refusal of "BBC" broadcast the movie violates the basic rules of humanity, according to which people in need should be helped regardless of who is right and who is to blame.
The head of the IAEA should have taken part in "BBC" during his stay at the World Economic Forum in Davos. TV representative said the company regrets that al-Baradei will not give them an interview, but hoped that he would be able to do so later.
Along with "BBC" movie Disasters Emergency Committee has refused to broadcast TV and Sky News. Representatives of both the media stated that they did not want to send the video in its broadcast in order to cause no one doubt the impartiality of coverage of the situation in the Gaza Strip.
Al-Baradei took over as director of the International Atomic Energy Agency in 1997, and should leave it in November 2009. In 2005, he and his organization were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
The State Duma has refused to encode erotic transfer.
Amendments to the Law "On the Media" presented a North Ossetian parliamentarians. They also suggested not to allow journalists in texts using words that distort the rules of modern Russian literary language, languages of the republics and other languages of the peoples of Russia.
Under this definition, most are slang expressions. In addition, the unknown, this bill would allow the use of expressions in the languages of foreign countries and verbatim quotations from newsmakers, whose utterances do not always conform to those standards.
For the bill voted only 59 MPs while needed for the adoption of the document 299. Profile Committee of the State Duma and the government also did not support the amendment.
Landing on the moon called the most remembered television spots.
Second place in the list of the most remembered television took the inauguration of the new U.S. President Barack Obama. She drew attention to 37,5 per cent. On the third line has a plot about the murder of American President John F. Kennedy, which occurred in 1963. According to published data, they remembered 27 percent of the audience.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong was not the first time mentioned in such surveys. For example, in 2006, was drawn up rating the most famous phrases heard on the American television over the past 60 years, in which the phrase "small step for man, great - for humanity" took second place.
The blogger Learn how to register your media.
The author of the diary told that LJ has registered as a mass media in order to "prove wrong blog register as media." He also intends to draw attention to the consequences of registration, of which up to now, no one thought.
Certificate of registration of the electronic periodical "Shades of Gray" for the number has been issued federal Service 2 December 2008. The founder of the media is the author of the diary, Sergey Eduardovich Mukhamedov. As an editorial address listed the home address of the founder.
It was expected that the new edition will be information and learning. The certificate says that the "Grayscale" can be placed advertisement in accordance with Russian legislation. Sam is a blog nonpromotional edition.
It should be noted that users of LJ prohibited conduct business in LiveJournal without prior permission, in particular, can not display banners for the purpose of profit.
In February 2008, Senator Vladimir Slutsker described the new bill, which amends the definition of media in a way that it covered only a popular resource. Later it became known that blogs, online retailers, social networks, online conferences and dating sites for a new interpretation of the media are not. Slutsker said that blogging is a voluntary registration process.
"Expert" did not have enough funds on their own television.
As the publishing director, media "expert" Valery Fadeev, now the company is negotiating with several potential partners. Search for investors holding began in August last year.
According to Fadeyev, through projects such as the journal "Expert" and the rating agency "Expert RA", the company can develop the magazine "Russian reporter." But these funds are not enough to "expert-TV." Shareholders holding channel launched in December last year. "Expert-TV broadcast in Moscow, in the networks of cable operators' Academy, and in several cities millionnikah.
According to Fadeyev, holding company is looking for various options to attract financing, such as a credit against collateral of shares or selling shares in the media. In any case, for the sale of a controlling block of speech is not. Fadeyev refused to tell which package may be offered for sale or get bail, but said that the company "Bazel", headed by Oleg Deripaska, is also involved in finding investors. Recall Deripaska became co-owner of "expert" in 2006.
Valery Fadeev refused to name potential buyers. However, sources Vedomosti reported in holding that the portion of shares of "expert" may buy Russian Railways. However, Head of Corporate Communications RZhD Sergei Mikhailov in an interview with the publication of this information denied.
Ministry has not accepted the concept of the development of digital television in Russia.
According to a source of Kommersant at the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications, the project was returned for revision 16 January, but after minor amendments after a day was again sent to the Ministry of Economic Development. Also, the source of the publication stresses that the fundamental differences between the agencies on the project no.
According to Kommersant, the Ministry of Economic Development to agree on the final concept of the development of digital broadcasting in the Russian Federation on 2009-2015 years "before the end of the week. For the Government it will be introduced in February.
Program "Development of digital broadcasting in the Russian Federation on 2009-2015 years" to Russia's transition to digital broadcasting by 2015. The realization of this project is planned to spend 127.3 billion rubles. Of these, 80.1 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget, 1.13 billion rubles - from the regional budgets. Another 46.08 billion rubles are planned to attract extra-budgetary sources.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
In Sevastopol buried Anastasia Baburovu.
Anastasia Baburova was shot dead January 19, 2009. According to reports, the killer shot the lawyer, Stanislav Markelov, which the journalist was returning from a press conference, and then shot in the head Baburovoy. The first reports from the scene indicated that Baburova was injured while trying to apprehend the murderer, but then in the law enforcement agencies said that journalist was shot in the neck. Baburova died a few hours after the assassination in a Moscow hospital.
Law enforcement agencies were unable to find a killer. According to the basic version, Markelova murder was linked to his professional activities. A lawyer involved in several cases loud: he represented the family Kungaevyh on trial Yuri Budanov, but also defended the chief editor of Himkinskoy Truth "Michael Beketov in a criminal case of defamation brought against a journalist. Previously, it was reported that Markelov investigate the circumstances of the attack on Beketov, but then another lawyer representing the interests of Glavred "Himkinskoy government, denied this information.
The Guardian called the perpetrators of the global economic crisis.
First on the list of The Guardian was the former head of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), the U.S. and one of the world's most famous economist, Alan Greenspan. Previously, not only a British newspaper, but many of the world's media noted that it is the policy of the Fed contributed to the bubble in U.S. real estate market and the subsequent crisis in the housing market, which later developed into a global crisis. Recall the fall of last year, Greenspan admitted that he underestimated the magnitude of the crisis and made a mistake, considering that banks are able to cope with it.
According to the publication responsible for the development of the crisis is also a former U.S. President Bill Clinton and George Bush. Clinton, establish the separation of commercial banks, storage deposits, and investment who invested, including in vysokoriskovye mortgage securities. That investment banks affected by the crisis in the first place. In September 2008, the last two independent investment bank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, changed status to bank holding companies in order to confront the crisis. When Bush, said the newspaper, the issuance of mortgage loans to borrowers neblagonadezhnym "do not have any income, no work," peaked.
Among those responsible for the crisis razrastanii The Guardian also called British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of Iceland, Geir Haarde (Geir Haarde), as well as former heads of the major insurance and credit institutions. On the list were, for example, the former director general of the biggest U.S. insurer AIG, Maurice Greenberg (Maurice Greenberg), former head of the nationalized British bank Northern Rock Adam Epplgart (Adam Applegarth), as well as former heads of organizations of the U.S. credit crisis - James Kane ( Jimmy Cayne) from Bear Stearns and Stan O'Neill (Stan O'Neal) from Merrill Lynch.
The crisis that began in the U.S., raised the economies of many developed countries. According to the International Monetary Fund, the losses and write-off of funds around the world during the crisis could reach 1.4 trillion dollars.
The channel TNT did not close the show "Our Russia".
"This is a complete delusion," - so the agency said the press service of TNT on the issue of closing the show, adding that a formal denial channel appears later.
Remember, Monday newspaper "Your Daily published an interview with Sergei Svetlakovym, one of the participants in the project. Svetlakov told that he and his colleague Michael Galustyan decided to close the show because of creative crisis "same jokes." In particular, the publication Svetlakov said that shooting the fifth season sitkoma "Our Russia" does not take place.
Comedy show "Our Russia" is on channel TNT in 2006. The main role performed by the former members OIO Galustyan Mikhail and Sergei Svetlakov.
Leading "BBC" charged with assaulting a teenager.
Teenager injured person in the restaurant of The Place 2 Boldmere in the night from Saturday to Sunday. The owners of the restaurant are Blake and his girlfriend.
In addition to leading "the BBC, accused of assaulting a teenager facing 38-year-old man who was in the restaurant at the time of the incident, reports Sky News. Name the second defendant did not specify. Also, while it is not known whether he was in any way with Blake. The leader and the second defendant must appear in court on 2 February.
Teleradiocomany "BBC" until the completion of the case Bleyka suspended from the air. Blake, who came to work in the "BBC" eight years ago, recently led a program of Inside Out and Midlands Today.
BlagojeviÄ other Opru Uinfri to place Obama in the Senate.
According Blagojević, he seriously obdumyval Uinfri candidacy, because I believe that as a senator, she will be able to enjoy great influence. However, the Governor has decided that the choice Opry Uinfri consider advertising stunt, but she is likely to give up seats in the outcome Senate.Po 2008 Opra Uinfri was named the most influential woman in the television industry. She supported the candidacy of Barack Obama during the kampanii.Rod Blagojevic was arrested in December 2008. His suspected of trying to sell a seat in the Senate, released after the victory of Barack Obama's presidential elections. January 26, in the Illinois Senate will begin hearings on the impeachment governor, who has rejected all accusations.
Designated Blagojević to place Obama Roland Berris has already begun work in the U.S. Senate.
The first interview as president of the U.S. Obama will the Arab television channel.
According to ABC, Obama interview recorded on Monday evening, will be transferred to the broadcast by Al-Arabi of 07:00 Moscow time on 27 January. No details of the first television president Obama has not yet been disclosed.
Broadcasts in Arabic channel Al-Arabiya, which is headquartered in Dubai, appreciates his audience in 23 million viewers.
Barack Obama officially took office as President on 20 January. In the near future, a new U.S. president must make the first official visit to a foreign country. By tradition, the first country visited by Obama, will be Canada.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Shutka scandalous lead "BBC" once again aroused the anger of the audience.
In the broadcast program producer transfer Andy Davis told Ross that his Spanish villa near the old residence, which saw him, nabrasyvaetsya with arms and kisses, so that Davis sometimes have to hide from it in the house. In response, Russia has offered to donate it to a colleague in the form of charity "last night in front of the tomb."
On the complaint of the lead touched son really living in the Spanish village of 86-year-old woman who had three years of suffering from dementia. Despite the fact that the broadcast was not the name of his mother, the listener has expressed its outrage and jokingly called the lead "inexcusable and outrageous."
To demand the dismissal of Ross joined many other listeners, who believe that such statements should have no place in the air "BBC."
Representatives of the broadcasting corporation, this time, stood on the protection of Ross, saying that he was not referring to a specific person, and he had no intention to personally offend anyone.
Recall that one of the most highly paid radioveduschih "BBC" Jonathan Ross, an annual salary of about six million pounds, was a three-month suspended from duty in October 2008. The reason for the punishment were several messages left by them in the air at the answering machine of British actor Andrew Sachs, in which Ross had discussed intimate details of life granddaughter, 78-year-old actor.
Sky News has supported the decision "the BBC failed to pass propalestinsky movie.
The head of Sky News John Riley said that the television would not broadcast the movie in order to maintain impartiality in covering the conflict in Gaza. Manual "BBC" motivated its decision earlier by the same considerations.
Meanwhile, the "BBC" has received approximately 11 thousand complaints from its viewers, the site of BBC News. About 60 members of Parliament, officially called channel to transmit video in its broadcast, with the same treatment and was made archbishop of Canterbury. On weekends, thousands of disgruntled protesters held a rally in front of "BBC" at the heart of London.
TV channels did not support the decision of Sky and the BBC, will show caused contradictory responses in his video aired on Jan. 26.
Russia Today will open korpunkt in South Ossetia.
According to RIA Novosti, citing a press release of Russia Today, korrpunkt TV will be based in Tskhinvali. Head the Bureau of TV Naida Azizov, which is more than a year, is a military correspondent for Russia Today.
The exact timing of the opening korpunkta not called. It is just that, working in Tskhinvali team of journalists will prepare reports not only of South Ossetia, but also because of several Russian republics: North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya and Dagestan.
Produced by NBC and CBS began preparing nekrologov Dzhobsu.
Representatives of TV channels have already calls Dzhobsa, arguing that remove "theme story" about the title Apple. Later, they admitted that in fact the pre-prepared obituary.
In January Dzhobs heavily pohudevshy over the past six months, said that the outbreak of simple treatment for hormonal imbalance. Later Dzhobs reported that the treatment has proven more difficult than he thought, and took a six-month sick leave.
Obituaries prepare in advance, many media outlets. For example, Bloomberg News in August 2008, bury "the head Apple, accidentally published" fish "obituarist in the tape.
Editor-in-Chief of the Russian Transbaikalia "will be tried for extremism.
According to the agency, Deputy Attorney Zabaikalsky edges Bair Dorji, Yaremenko charged for 1 of 282 articles of the Criminal Code (incitement to hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity, by using the media). However, the Yaremenko not admitted his guilt.
According to the examination of the Institute of Forensic Sciences of Russia's FSB, a number of publications that have emerged in the Russian Transbaikalia in the period from 9 February 2007 to 4 June 2008, contains extremist material.
Thus, the prosecution pointed out that in the article "What is the Holocaust," "Open letter to Steven Spielberg," The Holocaust through the eyes of Sherlock Holmes "," harmless whether "blue" fun? "," Haragun-Kondopoga, Stavropol. Who is next? , as well as in several other texts contain offensive remarks and calling for the violent acts against persons nerusskoy national as well as those who follow Judaism.
Recall that Yaremenko have repeatedly received from prosecutors Zabaikalsky edge of preventing the spread of the inadmissibility of extremist material and carry out extremist activity. Thus, the issue of Russian Transbaikalia "on 22 February 2008 (â„– 2) was found containing extremist material published by the media in Russia has been banned.
In September and April 2008 assessment also recognized that the "Russian Transbaikalia contains unacceptable for publication and dissemination of materials. Lexicology of Chita newspaper has been recognized on the offensive against members of the public authorities and the existing socio-political order in Russia.
The Economist magazine ceased to sell in Thailand.
Representatives of the journal agency explained that the decision not to extend the number accepted by the Thai distributors. In Thе Economist speculated that the sellers apparently feared prosecution. The point is that under the laws of Thailand, the spread of defamation of the King Bhumibol Adulyadej could lead sentence to 15 years in prison. A total of Bangkok have been sold only seven copies of the latest edition.
In the latest issue of Thе Economist published material on the Australian writer Harry Nicolaides (Harry Nicolaides), who in January this was a Thai court sentenced to three years in prison for insulting the monarch. Remember, his novel "credibility" was published in 2005, the authorities found it tarnishes the honor Adulyadeta.
She died last representative of the family founders agency Reuters.
Baroness died on January 25 at the age of 96 in residential homes for the elderly, on the border of France and Monaco, which has spent the last years of life. Marguerite was the widow of the grandson of Paul Julius Reuter, founded in 1851 in London, news agency.
Reuters was born in Germany but became a citizen of Britain, and Queen Victoria granted him the title of Baron, is liable to be inherited. Marguerite was the last Baroness de Reuter - after her death, the heirs of the title does not remain.
Reuters has been for many years is not the main shareholders of the information agency, said the nekrologe prepared by Reuters, however, the late Baroness Marguerite has always been proud of the involvement of the family of its founders. In 2005 she took part in the festivities devoted to the relocation of the headquarters of the agency in Fleet Street in Kenari Uorf.
Marguerite de Reuter, from a husband of 40 years, devoted his life to patronage, support for artists and musicians, said the nekrologe. Buried the last representative of the family Reuters in Lausanne will be next to her husband Oliver.
"Our Russia" is closed due to a creative crisis.
Popular entertainment show "Our Russia", which goes on channel TNT, will soon be closed. This newspaper writes "Your Day" on Monday, 26 January.
According to Sergey Svetlakov and Michael Galustyan, the two main actors of the show, decided to close the project because of creative crisis. In an interview with "Your Day" Sergei Svetlakov (aka miller Ivan Dulin) reported that in December last year was 19 otsnyato series of the fourth season of the project. Fifth season, according to Svetlakova, probably will not.
"We just realized that in our case is important creative component. You can not annoy viewers same jokes! So we decided to stay at the peak of popularity and not squeeze themselves to the last, do not bring people to hatred. Rather, the channel will twist the series" Our Rashi " but it will already be repetitive, "- said Sergey Svetlakov edition.
However, according to Svetlakova, the completion of the project will yield a full length film "My Russia", which is a work in "practically finished." The exact date of entry into the movie rental party show did not specify.
Recall comedy show "Our Russia" is on TNT in 2006, the main role performed by the former members OIO Sergei Svetlakov and Michael Galustyan.
Turkmen media were removed from the names of references to Niyazov.
For a magazine for women, formerly known as "Gurbansoltan eje" (the name of Niyazov's mother), in 2009, renamed "Zena kalby (" Women's Soul "). The name changed and the youth newspaper carried Turkmenbashi "(" Descendants of Turkmenbashi "). Since January 1, it is called a "bear" ( "Descendants" or "Generation").
 While in office, Saparmurat Niyazov, recalls said, his name or the names of his relatives were identified as human settlements, streets, public organizations, enterprises and cultural institutions.
The current president of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov has a policy of eradicating Niyazov's cult of personality and liberalization. So in December 2008, it was decided to remove from the national anthem on the lines of Turkmenbashi. Earlier in Turkmenistan was canceled Niyazov introduced a calendar in which months of Turkmenbashi (instead of January) and Gurbansoltan (instead of April). The country has once again emerged the circus and opera, was during the Niyazov banned.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Lebedev gave Evening Standard three years to achieve financial success.
According to Lebedev, his condition over the past six months has decreased by half, and he simply will not be able to maintain the newspaper longer than that period, if the markets continue to fall. At the same time, billionaire assured that during the three years within the publication, he had no intention of closing. In addition, Lebedev said that the newspaper did not intend to use for political purposes, and bought it solely for profit.
The Sunday Telegraph also reported that Lebedev intends to form an editorial board of celebrities, to determine the further development of the newspaper. In particular, he referred to Tony Blair, Mikhail Gorbachev, the soloist U2 Bono and writer Joanne Rowling, but stressed that any negotiations with them have not yet been conducted.
On that based Alexander Lebedev and his son Eugene acquisitions "for a nominal sum" 75.1 percent stake in loss-making is currently the newspaper The Evening Standard, was reported on 21 January. The nominal amount, as was previously thought, was only one pound, said The Sunday Telegraph.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Sarkozy of France will provide young people a free subscription to the newspaper.
It is noted that the measure would be one of the forms of state support for the French newspaper industry, is severely affected by global financial crisis. The state reimburses the cost of delivery of newspapers, newspapers in the program. Sarkozy also promised to reduce taxes for the distributors of the printed press and double the state fund intended to buy advertising space in newspapers.
In addition to the economic component, the program has another goal. According to the AFP, even before the crisis, representatives of the newspaper industry have repeatedly expressed a significant reduction in demand for newspapers, especially among young Frenchmen. As the French leader proposed measure will also help "develop the habit of reading among young people in the press."
Two Kazakh newspaper became public.
The founders of this company are the ruling party "Nur Otan" and the State Fund for National Prosperity "Samruk-Kazyna". Internet ZONAkz newspaper reports that the fund will be owned 51 percent of Nur-media "and the party - 49 percent.
According to the Kazakh media, the holding company will include the party newspaper - Kazakh "Dala Men Kala" and Russian-language "The country and the world" - TV Tselinograd "Radio NS, the newspaper" Turkestan "," Nur Astana "and affiliated publications Izvestia, "Arguments and Facts" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda".
In 2008, Kazakhstan has been created state holding "Arna Media, which includes 22 of the media. Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Seytkaza Mataev told Kommersant that the media audience of two media companies, as well as the total volume of circulation, would be incompatible with the other editions.
"BBC refused to provide air for the collection of aid to the Palestinians.
The decision was taken "BBC" in connection with fears that this action would undermine the impartial image of the TV. However, it is reported that the television coverage will continue humanitarian operations in the Gaza Strip.
The agreement between British television and charitable organizations for free two-minute air in prime-time force since 1963. To provide the necessary agreement of all broadcast channels. Meanwhile, at a meeting on 21 January this agreement because of the position of "BBC" to reach it was not possible.
"BBC" in recent years has been repeatedly criticized for coverage of events in the Middle East. In particular, the channel was accused of sympathizing with the Palestinian side. Meanwhile, the very "BBC" insisted that the position of the channel is unbiased.
Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip was carried out from December 27, 2008 to 21 January 2009. According to the Palestinian side, were killed over a thousand residents of the sector. Damage is estimated at up to three billion dollars.
Human rights activists demanded an investigation of diversion of materials for the murder Markelova.
January 22, on Thursday, a portal published the photo with outdoor surveillance cameras in the subway, which, according to the accompanying article, the alleged killer was captured Stanislav Markelov and freelance correspondent for Novaya Gazeta "Anastasia Baburovoy. In addition, the material was cited expert on the nature of injuries Baburovoy, as well as witness the incident, the operativnikam.
Note that the January 21, representatives of the Moscow Municipal Department of Internal Affairs said that no witness has not yet been found.
The lawyer, Stanislav Markelov, representing an advocate for a number of high-profile cases, was shot dead on January 19 Prechistenka. Student 5-year student of journalism faculty of Moscow State University Anastasia Baburova received a wound to the head and died at the hospital did not come to mind.
Tajikistan threatened to turn off the only country in the Russian TV channel.
According to Rakhmonov, the Tajik side VGTRK owed 4.8 million rubles for technical services. In addition, the Head of the Committee drew attention to the fact that the country has increased electricity tariffs, but the service "RTR-Planeta", he said, has maintained the old rates.
"If the debt is not settled soon, the RTR will be given to the frequency of one of the local channels," - it cites Interfax.
According to the agency, "RTR-Planeta" is currently the only Russian television channel, which broadcast the program in the meter range on the territory of Tajikistan. Broadcast of Russian channel ORT "in the country was suspended in 1997.
Israel has allowed foreign journalists from entering the Gaza Strip.
Check for journalists in Gaza was shut down another 5 November 2008, after a threatened collapse of a truce between Israel and Hamas during the summer of 2008.
This move triggered a sharp protest from the representatives of leading world media, who decided to challenge Israel's actions in court.
Under their pressure, Israel lifted the ban on 4 December, but the December 8, he was re-introduced, and since the beginning of December 27, the military operation "Cast lead against militants of radical Islamic movement Hamas tightened.
Reporters repeatedly tried to infiltrate into Gaza illegally. Seven of them were detained by Israeli soldiers in a closed military zone. The government of Israel intends to present charges against them.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Human rights activists held an action on the ground and killing of Markelova Baburovoy.
Agency passes, that the action was a crowded, and that because of the crowded Prechistenka was partially blocked. It is noted that the next meeting on duty policemen who ask people to leave the carriageway. Representatives of law enforcement officials said that although the action is not agreed upon with the authorities in Moscow, they will not interfere with it.
In the action was attended by representatives of human rights organizations "Memorial", Amnesty International and others, came to the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia, Vladimir Lukin. It is noted that among those gathered a lot of young people. The correspondent of Radio Liberty, in turn, said that the place of death and Markelova Baburovoy had a lot of journalists.
Stanislav Markelov, who was, among other things, the family lawyer Kungaevyh and journalist Michael himkinskogo Beketov, as well as a journalist "Novaya Gazeta" Anastasia Baburova were killed the day on 19 January. According to the investigation, killer approached him on the street and fired first at Markelova, and then the Baburovu, which is one of the versions, tried to seize the offender's hand. The lawyer, died on the spot and seriously injured the girl died later in hospital.
According to the basic version of the investigation, the murder of a lawyer linked to his professional activities. Baburova same, apparently by accident was near - they Markelova came together after a press conference. The investigation of the double murder took under his personal control of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika.
RIA Novosti reported that the Journalists Union of Russia (WLN) will also monitor the investigation. This agency said Union Chairman Vsevolod Bogdanov. "Every time a journalist is killed, followed by reports that the investigation was taken under control and investigations are still there ... so now we have a board to make sure that in this case to come to a result" - explained the position of WLN Bogdanov .
Scandalous eminent "BBC" was allowed to return to the airwaves.
Recall, in October last year, leading radio station Radio 2, Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand during a broadcast called well-known British actor Andrew Sachs and left on his answering machine a few offensive messages (they discussed intimate details of life granddaughter, 78-year-old actor).
The next day the story hit the press, and later to the "BBC" was about 42 thousands of letters, in which listeners and readers have expressed outrage and indignation. Shortly leadership otstranilo leading corporations from the ether, despite the fact that they have Saksu a public apology.
AFP notes that the 48-year-old Donatan Ross is the most paid radioveduschim with "BBC". His reward for the three-year contract is 18 million pounds (25 million U.S. dollars). However, according to the agency, a period of three months suspension from the ether it will not be paid.
As for the comedy actor Brand, a former partner of Ross, now Brand is located in Australia, and is writing the British media, is going to take part in several comic show in Sydney.
Reported that the first guest in the studio Ross will become a Hollywood actor Tom Cruise. Yesterday in London the British premiere of the film "Operation Valkyrie", in which the actor has played a major role. Transfer from Russia and Kruzom will be aired on Friday, January 23.
In Vladimir because the fire stopped broadcasting several television channels.
In particular, it was not broadcast by television channel NTV, Ren-TV, Muz-TV and STS, in addition, suspended broadcasts of Radio Europa Plus "," My Radio "," Russian Radio "," Dynamite FM.
The fire occurred on the evening of Tuesday, January 20. Of the buildings were evacuated 348 people. In the fight involved 54 people and 20 vehicles. The fire destroyed equipment in an area of 12 square meters. The amount of damage has not yet been determined. The causes of fire is also still remain unknown. Has begun an investigation.
"Novaya Gazeta" asked the FSB to issue its journalists weapons.
According to the publication of co-owner Alexander Lebedev, journalists are forced to ask about this, because the law enforcement authorities can not ensure their safety. He noted that, "Novaya Gazeta had once sent a similar letter to the FSB.
Lebedev also said that the newspaper has long been leading the investigation, some of which have never left the publication. According to him, killed with a lawyer Stanislav Markelov freelance correspondent edition Anastasia Baburova was related to one of these investigations.
As reported, Baburova was killed in central Moscow on 19 January. According to some reports, she tried to apprehend the murderer Markelova. With the severely injured, she was hospitalized and later died in hospital.
In addition, 7 October 2006 near the entrance of his home was killed browser "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya, known for its investigative journalism.
In the Philippines, killed a leading Islamic radio.
Journalist Badrudina Abbas (Badrodin Abbas), who was on the radio transmission of Islam, was shot dead by two passengers of the minibus. However, it is not yet clear whether the killing of the journalist profession and whether the aim of the killers is Badrudin Abbas. He was able to shoot in error, because more often than not this minibus takes his brother.
The Philippines is one of the most dangerous countries for media workers worldwide. Since 2001, there were 59 journalists killed. During 2008, at the hands of the murderers killed six representatives of the profession. Abbas became the first Filipino journalist murdered in 2009.
Americans stood in line for newspapers with Obama.
According to the agency, in Washington, for example, people buy the memory as soon as a few copies of the "gift" of publications. "Who said that the U.S. newspaper market crisis?" - Not without irony, noted author of AP.
It is noted that such standing rivals, as The Washington Post and The Washington Times, came out with the same headline - "Obama took office."
 Recall the 44 th U.S. president Barack Obama has sworn in on Tuesday, January 20, in Washington.
Obama did not allow news agencies to withdraw at the White House.
Representatives of all three news agencies said that this restriction is in violation of a long tradition in which to withdraw the U.S. president on the first day of work in the Oval Office is not precluded. It is for this reason, the agency refused to use the White House photo.
"The use of these photographs would be a violation of established procedures and would run counter to the long tradition of independent coverage of the president and White House photographers major news agencies," - said the representative of Reuters Courtney Dolan.
For its part, the representative of France Presse Amaluy Vincent said that the ban on shooting on the first day is not seen as something serious, and expressed the view that it was not intended to further the ban on filming in the Oval Office.
According to the AP, news agencies tend to use photographs of the press service of the White House made in those parts of the presidential residence, where the media usually do not allow. Nevertheless, as the representatives of news agencies insist, Oval Office, offices of U.S. president, not a "closed", and therefore the reasons for the ban on shooting it does not.
In Ukraine, recommended not to show "Simpsons" and "Comedy Club".
The list of unwanted software, among other hit channel "Comedy Club" and the TV series "Simpsons." According to the "New Channel", a Russian version of "Comedy Club" will appear on the air on Sunday after 23:00, a Ukrainian version of his TV refuses altogether.
The list also hit transmission "Post", "material evidence," "Witness," "The most famous Ukrainian maniacs," the movie "Pozhiratelnitsa men."
Despite the fact that the list named recommendatory, the heads of TV channels, he is perceived as a direct prohibition. General producer of TV M1 Valentine Koval believes that in Ukraine "the failure of the recommendations can sometimes be worse than the violation of the law."
In turn, the head of Natssoveta Vitaly Shevchenko said that the decision was taken not Natssovetom, a public authority, and channels can not call into question his decision, otherwise, will be taken against them respond.
In London, the court began with Abramovich wrote about the sale of Chelsea newspaper.
Earlier Abramovich denied the information on the forthcoming sale of Chelsea. " According to The Sunday Times, a Russian businessman was negotiating about the deal with members of the royal family of Saudi Arabia, as well as investors from the United Arab Emirates. Abramovich said in rebuttal that there was "not the slightest intention to" sell "Chelsea."
"Chelsea is also a plaintiff in the case. What kind of compensation required London club and its owner with a newspaper, are not reported.
Roman Abramovich bought "Chelsea" in the summer of 2003 for 140 million pounds. Russian citizen has paid the debts of the club and also spent large sums on new players. In 2005 and 2006, "Chelsea" became the champion of England, and in sezone-2007/08 reached the finals of the Champions League.
Obama was seen by the inauguration of 37.8 million Americans.
Thus, by the number of viewers inauguration ceremony Obama second only to the inauguration of Ronald Reagan in 1981, it was seen by 41.8 million people. However, as noted by The Los Angeles Times, in assessing the number of visitors did not take into account those who watched the inauguration outside the home, as well as on the Internet.
According to CNN, referring to data the company Akamai Technologies Inc., On the Internet during the peak time of the ceremony while looking 7.7 million, which according to some sources, it became an absolute record for the Internet broadcast of all time, the existence of Internet video. Translation ceremony at per day was seen by some 27 million people, more than five times higher than the previous record of 5.3 million recorded on the day of presidential elections on 4 November 2008.
As the AP, referring to the data The Washington Post, in Washington, where the ceremony was attended in person about 1,8 million Americans. According to the Office of the U.S. national parks, in any event in Washington before the inauguration of Obama was not going to so many people.
44 inauguration of U.S. President on 20 January in Washington.
Abramovich sued the written about the sale of "Chelsea" newspaper.
Hearing should begin on Monday, January 19. The site "Chelsea said that the claim relates to the false facts, published in the Sunday Times, but what kind of compensation demanded Abramovich, did not specify.
The morning of January 18, Sunday Times wrote that the Russian businessman is going to sell the "Chelsea" investor from the Gulf countries. According to the newspaper, commissioners Abramovich visited Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and met with representatives of the royal family of Saudi Arabia.
Roman Abramovich bought "Chelsea" in the summer of 2003 for 140 million pounds sterling (taking into account the debts the club). In the future, the Russian businessman has spent on buying players, several hundred million pounds. In 2005 and 2006, "Chelsea won the championship in England, and in 2008 went to the final of the Champions League.
Estonian ruling party apologized to the Jews for the cartoons.
Cartoons published in Eesti Eest, were drawn as early as 1940's Estonian artist Vello Agora. Perturbation of the leader of the Jewish community in Estonia, Alla Yakobson, according to Postimees, led to the signature of the first drawing. A picture depicting Joseph Stalin, has been written that Stalin had decided to seize and destroy Estonia Estonian people, who disagreed with the desire of Jews to take over the world. "
The other two drawings depicted Red Army soldier holding a bottle of vodka in his hand, and arrived in Estonia, a resident of the USSR, which umyvaetsya water from the toilet.
Alla Jakobson, commenting on the publication, drew attention to the fact that the cartoon printed next to the editorial IRL leader Mart Laar. In publishing, where she stated that it was a "mistake a young employee."
As a state party that did not want to offend anyone. According to the press secretary IRL Rauno Very, cartoons were "a historic document, published in connection with articles on the occupation of Estonia."
In the UK, will create a radio station for prisoners.
It is anticipated that the station will broadcast 12 hours a day in the 140 prisons in England and Wales. The foundation will broadcast educational transfer and communication, taken from prisoners and for them.
According to estimates of experts, the cost of launching the project is two million pounds sterling. The money can be obtained either from the state budget or from charitable organizations.
However, some members of the government, the establishment of such a station is a waste of resources that could go to improving the welfare of prisoners.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Alexander Lebedev bought the Evening Standard.
The official reported that Associated Newspapers Ltd approved the sale of shares in the Evening Standard "for a nominal sum" of Evening Press Ltd, founded by Alexander Lebedev and his son, Yevgeny Lebedev. The Guardian says that the proportion of Lebedev in the loss at this time the newspaper will be 75.1 percent.
Remember, on 15 January in the British media have reported that after the "secret and dramatic" talks Lebedev had negotiated with the Daily Mail & General Trust (DMGT) to purchase shares of publication.
However, the same day, the press service of the businessman has denied the report, saying that he was going to buy an influential foreign publications, but not the Evening Standard. At the same time became aware of the negotiations Lebedeva with Rupert Murdoch about buying The Times, in which a Russian businessman was refused.
Wounded in assassination attempt on Markelova journalist died.
Anastasia Baburova a freelance correspondent for Novaya Gazeta. " According to Sokolova, it is informal youth movements, in particular, neo-Nazi. After the assassination attempt on Markelova it to the First Municipal Hospital in serious condition. It was a difficult operation to Baburovoy pristavili protection as a particularly important witness.
According to available data, Baburova near the Markelova, when a killer shot to the back of the head in from close range, and tried to catch the perpetrator. Then he shot and into it.
Stanislav Markelov was shot near the Metro: Kropotkinskaya about 14 hours of the day on 19 January. He was a family lawyer Kungaevyh at the trial of former Colonel Yuri Budanov. Reported that shortly before his death Markelov received threats in connection with Budanov. Protecting Budanov has already declared him not belonging to the assassination attempt.
Chinese censors' popravila "Obama in a live broadcast.
The fear has caused the Chinese authorities call for Obama to remember that the previous generation svergali communism and fascism, not only by force of arms, but also the firm belief and association in strong alliances. " Subjected to censorship and appeal to the governors of some states to "stick to power through corruption and deceit, forcing silence dissent." "Please note - Obama said - that you are on the wrong side of history, but we are ready to extend your hand if you razozhmete fist."
The Agency explained that the "inconvenient" for local authorities to broadcast the speech and an end to the frame instead of an American president appeared Chinese leader. At the same time, English language China Daily, aimed mainly at a foreign audience, published a speech Barack Obama, without notes.
Earlier cases have repeatedly been distorted by Chinese state media presentations of foreign political figures. So in 2004, delivered a speech in Shanghai U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney disappeared speech on political freedoms and, in 2003, when editing of the book, Hillary Clinton has been removed references to the events in Tiananmen Square and other episodes, followed by the publication of the memoirs had to be abandoned .
Match "Zenit" has collected a record for Russia teleauditoriyu.
Match "Zenith" - "Glasgow Rangers" ended with the score 2:0 in favor of the Russian team. August 29, 2008 "Zenith" has won the UEFA Super Cup, beating "Manchester United" (2:1). This match saw 20 million Russian viewers.
For comparison, in a message on the site "Zenit" gives the size teleauditorii finals of the UEFA Cup sezona-2004/05 CSKA - "Sporting" (3:1). This game saw 19.5 million viewers.
How many viewers watched the match for the UEFA Super Cup 2005, "Liverpool - CSKA (3:1 in extra time), did not specify. The site also does not present data on teleauditorii match broadcasting team of Russia in the Euro 2008, where the Russians won a bronze medal.
Ukrainian TV podeshevela at 40 percent.
Under the new pricing scheme for telereklamu depend only on the value of the advertising budget. Five types of accommodations were replaced by two: the deployment of the first-class and low, the latter can take only customers with a budget of more than 20 million hryvnia.
The ratio of the price of Ukrainian television has also changed. Advertising on television ICTV and "New" has become more expensive than Inter, and advertising on the STB is now worth as much as at Inter. " Advertisement on other channels Inter cheaper.
Advertising group Inter company engaged in UA Media, "Pantoriya Plus" and "Good Morning." Earlier this function performed by "Internet advertising" and "Good advertising", but because of the crisis, they were unable to fulfill obligations to collect advertising for TV. The old company will operate until the payment of all debts.
Latvia will take part in "Eurovision" to the crisis.
"Latvia, despite the difficult economic situation, did take part in the international song contest" Eurovision ", which will be held in May this year in Moscow. The funds were found and the country will be represented in this prestigious music competition", - quotes agency Puchku .
Recall that earlier guidance LTV said the refusal of Latvia to participate in the Eurovision in order to save money. Moreover, the Latvian television refused to broadcast the contest in the country, as the government is obliged all state agencies to reduce costs by 15 percent.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
ID Rodionov denied care Mikhail Leontyev of the magazine Profil. "
"This is not the case. Actually unclear from where did such information. Mikhail Leontyev none spoke and did not give interviews to anyone," - explained the representative of the agency press-service publishing house. According to the interlocutor said, Leont'ev continues to work.
Remember, earlier on Tuesday Interfax with reference to its sources in ID Rodionov announced the resignation of a journalist from the company. In turn, "representatives of the publishing house explained that the statement made by Mikhail Leontyev of care" has not yet been signed. "
The famous journalist is headed by a "profile" in May 2007.
Rodionov Publishing House publishes the weekly magazine "Profil", "Company", "TV 7", a monthly magazine XXL, FHM, "She / It," "House" and "Peasant".
World Association of Newspapers Congress abolished because of the global crisis.
The Congress was held in the Indian city of Hyderabad, 22-25 March this year. As the representative of the organization, the event moved later. Maybe Congress will be held in late November.
The Association has its headquarters in Paris, brings together 18 thousand newspapers and news agencies from a hundred countries. According to AFP, this year had been filed only 250 applications for participation in the Congress, though usually WAN forum gathered about 1500 media representatives.
Putin was the main hero of the Russian media during the gas conflict. "
Third place was taken first person of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko - the press wrote about them roughly equal frequency. They are ahead of much of heads of Gazprom and Naftogaz - Alexei Miller Oleg Dubina won the fourth and fifth places respectively. Curiously, in the first ten days of 2009, according to Interfax, Miller on this indicator ahead of Medvedev and took the second place.
"Medialogiya also calculated the index of information favored (ISS), each of these figures. That figure takes into account the influence of the media, which cited figure, his role in the communication, as well as the brightness of the publication. The championship in the ranking Putin shared with Medvedev.
But in the last three days obozrevaemogo period, Russian Prime escaped to leaders on both tests - this is due to media attention to success in the talks with Tymoshenko, believes "Medialogiya. At the same time increase the value ISS Heads of the Ukrainian government led to a 18 and 19 January, it was on this indicator ahead of Dmitry Medvedev, and became the second figure in the information field of Russia.
Mexican billionaire borrow New York Times 250 million dollars.
In a statement distributed by the publishing house on Monday evening, said that this amount will be provided Slimu bonds maturing in six years, with 14 per cent income.
Previously, it was reported that Slim, which owns 6.4 percent of the shares in New York Times Company, intends to increase its share of the publishing house, faced with financial difficulties.
At the end of September 2008, the debt of the publishing house was estimated at 1.1 billion dollars, and money New York Times Company did not exceed 46 million.
Carlos Slim, claiming the title in the richest man in the world, in September 2008 bought a 6.4 percent stake New York Times Company for 118 million dollars. At the beginning of 2009, the value of Slimu owned shares in the publishing house declined almost by half.
Writer Sergei Minaev become the leading show on NTV.
Shaw will be called "Honest Monday, the premiere will be held on 26 January this year. The author of the novels "Duhless" and "Media Sapiens" Sergei Minaev will transfer, each issue of which, as stated in a press release, "will focus on the most pressing topic completed or coming weeks." "Audience is waiting for an acute, open and truly honest conversation, regardless of grades and ranks," - explains the NTV.
Press Service NTV also explained that the guests will Minaev, federal officials and big businessmen.
The volume of magazine advertising in the U.S. for the year declined by 7.8 percent.
Total for the year in various magazines ad was allotted more than 220 thousand pages. This was 11.7 percent lower than in 2007. In the fourth quarter of 2008 there were 60.8 thousand advertising pages. This was 17.1 percent lower than in the corresponding period of 2007. Revenues in the fourth quarter fell by 13.8 percent compared to 2007.
The drop in the volume of advertising was observed in 12 major magazines country. Most seriously affected were automotive, financial and pharmaceutical industry, was less advertising in the insurance and real estate.
For certain categories of goods, however, there has been growth in the volume of advertising. This applies to the advertising of soap, cleaning and polishing tools, discount department stores, as well as food, toiletries and cosmetics.
"First Channel" will return on Estonian television.
The publication said that the operators have concluded an agreement on the resumption of the broadcast on 19 January. At the same time, company operators do not exclude that in the near future may move IBK in expensive packages of channels, so it will become unaffordable for poor people. Presumably, the low-cost packages will replace him on the social and legal channel ETV2.PBK disappeared from the ether on 12 January. In some areas of Estonia by the first thematic channel "Hunting and Fishing, in the other - on NTV Mir. IBK seven-day disconnection was caused by the fact that the company-mediator in the face of the Baltic Union sponsors and broadcasters had decided to raise prices for the right to broadcast three times. The operators of cable television broadcast programs considered further IBK unprofitable.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tymoshenko headed the top Russian foreign media.
Tymoshenko was cited in 1015 materials related to the gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the termination of transit, which went through Ukraine to Europe.
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko won in the second place ranking (933 references). The third was newly elected U.S. President Barack Obama (445 references). In the first five foreign politicians joined another representative of Ukraine - Chair of the Board of "Naftogaz" Oleg Dubina (his name had met in 273 submissions).
Among the Russian political leaders are the head of government Vladimir Putin (1684) and the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (1252 material).
Recall that on 17 January, during the visit of Yulia Tymoshenko to Moscow, an agreement was reached on the formation of prices for Russian gas for Ukraine. In accordance with the arrangements in the first quarter of 2009, Ukraine agrees to pay 360 dollars per thousand cubic meters. The agreement must still approve Viktor Yushchenko.
Glavred Moscow bureau of Radio Liberty "has become a journalist in the" Echo of Moscow ".
According to the journalist, he received the offer to become director of the Russian service of Radio Liberty in place of Mary Klein, who retire in March 2009. Until that time Valiulin elaborate as chief editor of the Moscow bureau of the radio station.
Valiulin graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University Faculty translation. Maurice Torez. From 1990 to 1996, conducted several programs on the radio "Echo of Moscow, then worked at NTV, and the Russian Service," the BBC. " In 2002, switched to Radio Arsenal, which is holding JSC "Radio Echo of Moscow", and since 2005 has served as general director of the Information Agency "Echo of Moscow" and the deputy chief editor of the radio station.
Issue "Ogonka" suspended.
However, he denied rumors of the closure "Ogonka. "First of all, I want to point out that" Ogonek "is not closed, as she went some of the information. And the fact that he is not released in January, we warned in advance", - said Loshak.
In an interview with radio station Ekho Moskvy Loshak said that perhaps the magazine will start out again in February.
For its part, the source Interfax in PH Telecominvest, which owns the magazine, said that the "Telecominvest" is undergoing difficult times. "So, who could become the owner of" Ogonka, "until the subject is very difficult to say," - said the source.
A weekly illustrated magazine Ogonyok "goes with 1899. In December 2009 it will celebrate its 110 anniversary.
The Iraqi "botinkometatel" asks for political asylum in Switzerland.
According to the lawyer, Al-Go, located in the Iraqi prison in Baghdad, fears for his life. Documents required for a petition for political asylum will be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, already this week. The lawyer explained that his client is going to settle in Geneva, where he will be able to work a journalist at the UN.
Earlier, the brother of al-Go reported that the journalist broken arm and several ribs, but was unable to explain whether this occurs during detention or in prison.
Remember, December 14, during a speech by George Bush in Baghdad, 29-year-old journalist threw a two shoe, vykriknuv: "This is a farewell kiss, a dog." The American president managed to dodge and do not hurt, but in the prevailing confusion press secretary Dana Perino White House accidentally hit the microphone in the face.
Al-Go act triggered conflicting reactions around the world, and a wave of imitations. In Iraq, Syria, Iran and some other countries, Al-Go became seen as a hero, defying the United States, but in his support of a few rallies.
Journalist charged with assaulting a representative of a foreign state, for which al-Go faces up to 15 years in prison.
Mexican billionaire to increase their share in the New York Times.
68-year-old businessman, whose state is estimated at 60 billion dollars going to buy a large amount of preferred shares, does not give the right to vote in the decision-making, but provides dividends. Buying under discussion and it has yet to receive the endorsement of family members Sultsbergerov, which owns the publishing house, including the chairman of the board of directors Arthur Sultsbergera.
In September 2008, Slim acquired a 6.4 percent share of publishing houses for 118 million dollars. This made it the largest shareholder of New York Times, not a family member Sultsbergerov.
Remember, the publishing house was faced with significant difficulties because of the loss of readers and advertisers to the Internet. The situation has worsened the financial and general economic crisis, as a result of April 2008 the value of the company's shares fell more than 70 per cent.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Al Jazeera has launched a TV channel for preschoolers.
According to the agency, "bar" has begun work on Friday, January 16, 2009. In the TV schedule includes programs aimed at viewers aged three to six years. About 15 percent of programs will be broadcast by the channel itself, the remaining 85 percent will be bought from other broadcasters.
It should be noted that Al Jazeera is already a project aimed at young audiences. Children's version of Al Jazeera, for children from seven to fifteen years, was launched in autumn 2005.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Under the bombardment of the Gaza Strip hit a house correspondent said.
Foreign Ministry urged the Israeli government to take necessary measures to ensure the safety of journalists and their families, as well as all other members of the media working in the Gaza Strip.
January 15, Israeli troops fired on a building where the Palestinian Bureau "Russia Al-Yaum" and some other media, including Reuters news agencies and television channels Sky News, Fox and Al-Arabiya. " The Russian Foreign Ministry said that none of the journalists were injured, but the building was extensively damaged.
Commenting on attacks on civilian targets in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli command, usually refers to the shelling by the militant Hamas, which uses schools, mosques and residential buildings as the ground for an attack.
Medvedev awarded working journalists in South Ossetia.
Seven people received the Order of Courage - this camera and spetskor "First Channel" Kirill Butyrin and Anton Stepanenko, producer operator NTV Peter Gasse, the staff of TV Channel "Russia" Leonid Losev, Alexander sweet and Igor Uklein and columnist Izvestia, Yuri Snegirev.
Medals for Bravery "received operator of Channel Aliya Aribzhanova, spetskor" Komsomolskaya Pravda "Alexander Kots and staff" Moscow Komsomolets "Victor and Irina Sokirko.
"You create a high quality product, which is watched all those who wish to obtain unbiased point of view of those events that occurred during that period in the Caucasus", - Medvedev told reporters. He also noted that the majority of Russian media coverage honestly situation in South Ossetia, while the foreign press were often "absolutely tendentsiozna.
The government of Bavaria banned the republication of the Nazi newspaper.
The legal basis for the ban was that after the war, all the property of publishing Eera, including licenses for newspapers NSDAP, transferred to the authorities of the federal lands.
Already issued the first part of the project will be, at the request of Munich, withdrawn from sale.
The editor of the newspapers as the witnesses "Paveronshits Sandra (Sandra Paweronschitz) said that it was ready for such a decision of the authorities. Revision knew about all the legal intricacies involved with the project and that the "deal with Munich would be difficult, especially when it comes to publishing Eera.
The campaign "Newspapers as witnesses" planned reissue some 150 German newspaper released until 1945. Publications, print runs of about 300 thousand copies, must be equipped with modern historians' commentaries. The action was educational in nature, the organizers felt that because of their draft Germans will be able to "get acquainted with the news of the times of their fathers and grandfathers."
The first issue of the project came in light of 8 January, 2009. It was the newspaper Der Angriff from January 30, 1933 with a good article "Hitler - reyhskantsler!", Written by future propaganda minister Joseph Gebbels.