Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The blogger Learn how to register your media.

Press konferentsiiPravovoe regulation of the media in internete12.11.2008Na questions readers Lenty.Ru "said a member of the Federation Council, Vladimir SlutskerBloger ottenki-serogo January 27 announced that officially registered in your LJ Rossvyazkomnadzore as media. This is the first such registration diary on LiveJournal.
The author of the diary told that LJ has registered as a mass media in order to "prove wrong blog register as media." He also intends to draw attention to the consequences of registration, of which up to now, no one thought.
Certificate of registration of the electronic periodical "Shades of Gray" for the number has been issued federal Service 2 December 2008. The founder of the media is the author of the diary, Sergey Eduardovich Mukhamedov. As an editorial address listed the home address of the founder.
It was expected that the new edition will be information and learning. The certificate says that the "Grayscale" can be placed advertisement in accordance with Russian legislation. Sam is a blog nonpromotional edition.
It should be noted that users of LJ prohibited conduct business in LiveJournal without prior permission, in particular, can not display banners for the purpose of profit.
In February 2008, Senator Vladimir Slutsker described the new bill, which amends the definition of media in a way that it covered only a popular resource. Later it became known that blogs, online retailers, social networks, online conferences and dating sites for a new interpretation of the media are not. Slutsker said that blogging is a voluntary registration process.

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