Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The authorities threatened to Solikamsk Court TV channel "Russia".

The City of Solikamsk in the Perm region are considering filing suit against the administration of "Russia" in connection with the issuance of the "honest detective, came on the air last week. According to the radio station "Echo of Perm, in the program Solikamsk was called the" city of prostitutes, drug abusers and areas. "
According to Vice-Mayor Solikamsk Dmitry Perminova, "the administration had questions: how it all might be said on the air, so if it is not." He stressed that "the positive image that we have formed, one story came to nothing." "The Office of Internal Affairs has the first place in the forefront of the lack of indicators for prostitution," - explained Perminov.
One of the most recent stories "honest detective," which dealt with the Solikamsk, was a program devoted to the former special forces diver Marines who "kill police officers and security guards in order to seize their weapons."
Chief-editor of "honest detective Andrei Bakhtin, responding to the comments of one user in a forum TV, said that the program was not the phrase" city of prostitutes, drug abusers and areas. " The message left Bakhtina, said: "literally in the program were the following:" In the north of Perm Region is a small town Solikamsk. It is surrounded by defense and colonies for especially dangerous criminals. Many local residents are employed at these sensitive spetsobektah. The criminal situation in Solikamsk easy. There is drug trafficking, and prostitution. "

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