Monday, February 9, 2009

Publisher magazine CEO was unable to defend the monopoly of the abbreviation.

Company Bizneskom, publishes magazines "Director General and CEO, was unable to prove in court that it has sole right to use the well-known acronym CEO (Chief Executive Officer -" General Director "). This was reported on the website of the newspaper "Vedomosti".
"Bizneskom registered trademark of CEO in 2004 for office supplies and a variety of activities, learning and education. However, until 2007 conference for top managers "CEO Forum" held "Vedomosti". Scheduled to begin in 2008 issue of CEO, "Bizneskom" asked the Moscow Arbitration Court against the company's "Business News Media, which publishes the" Official ". "Bizneskom" won a court, but the business news media "has been made that the panel of the Chamber of Patent Disputes in February 2008 deprived the protection CEAUX acronym for the Conference.
After this "Bizneskom" sued for ROSPATENT and business news media "as a third person in the Moscow Arbitration Court. 9 Feb., 2009 the court denied the claim, see the letters of American and Russian Chambers of Commerce, who confirmed that the CEO is a common abbreviation. However, the lawyer "Bizneskoma" intends to appeal to the appellate court. He noted that, according to a survey conducted by the MSU Faculty of Sociology, together with CEO knows only 6 percent of CEO of Russian companies.

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