Saturday, February 14, 2009

Karadzic allowed to talk to reporters.

SyuzhetyRadovan Karadzic Karadzic after aresta19.01.2009U zaschituMezhdunarodny ran out of money at Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia has allowed the former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic to communicate with the press, reports Reuters.
First a journalist, who will be able to talk with the ICTY, the defendants, will be a reporter for the Dutch weekly magazine Revu Zvezdana Vukoevich. According to the court, it will be able to communicate with Karadzic, in writing, by telephone and "other authorized means."
On a personal interview with Vukoevich asked Karadzic himself, but in November 2008, his petition was not granted. He appealed to the Court partially granted.
The process of communication between Karadzic and the journalist will be strictly monitored by the court. In case Vukoevich will not obey the rules of the ICTY, it could have been charged with contempt of court.
Radovan Karadzic was transferred to the Hague Tribunal Serbian authorities during the summer of 2008. ICTY accuses him of war crimes and genocide during the Bosnian war of 1992-1995. In particular, Karadzic charged with the murder of 8 thousand Muslims of Srebrenica.
Sam Karadzic denies all charges.

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