Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dmitry Medvedev was unable to overtake the popularity of Jack-Sparrow.

On the economic crisis in an address by the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, last February 15 on the channel "Russia" in the "News Week", was unable to overtake the popularity of a movie about Jack Sparrow, while broadcast "First Channel", said Kommersant.

In Moscow, the proportion of the audience the final of the "News Week" did not exceed 17 per cent, while the widely advertised the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean. The Curse of" Black Pearl "collected 21.4 per cent audience.

Speech by Dmitry Medvedev also was unable to overtake the popularity of a weekly issue of "clean confessions" on NTV, which has collected 18.2 per cent.

But in Russia the share of audience "Vesti week, where made by Dmitry Medvedev, has been more about sharing it with the film, Jack Sparrow: 22,4 and 22,5 percent respectively.

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