Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The head of Iranian intelligence denied information about the arrest of journalists "the BBC."

KommentariiParanoyya23.12.2008Iranskie authorities uncovered a plot "BBC", which does not byloGlava Iranian Intelligence Gholam Hossein Mohseni Edzhehi (Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejehi) denied about the arrest of journalists "BBC" in Iran, said agency IRNA.
"Information about the arrest of British citizens by Iranian secret services did not correspond to reality," - he said to journalists on the meeting of the cabinet.
Reports of the arrest of several Britons, who worked in Iran, correspondents Broadcasting Corporation "BBC", appeared on 22 December.
Member of Iran's parliamentary committee on foreign policy and security, Mohammed Karim Abedi said that the espionage network has been organized with the assistance of the British Embassy in Tehran. On the number of those arrested were reported.
Meanwhile, representatives of the "BBC" rejected the accusations of spying against Iran.

Black eye did not prevent Press Secretary Bush to go to work.

KommentariiIraksky potseluy15.12.2008Zhurnalist TV channel Al-Baghdadi "Kinula in George Bush's boots
Tuesday, December 16, press secretary Dana Perino White House commented on the Baghdad incident metaniem shoes in the George W. Bush, said France Presse.
Recall of last Sunday in Baghdad, an Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaydi threw in the American President, speaking at a press conference, his boots shouting: "This is a kiss goodbye, dog!" Bush managed to escape, and Dana Perino formed in the mix was hit in the face with a microphone. Muntazer al-Zaydi was immediately arrested. His brother later said that journalists in detention broken ribs and damaged his eyes.
Dana Perino stressed at a briefing that Bush "does not obidelsya" for Iraqi journalists. Moreover, the representative of the White House welcomed the work of the Presidential Security Service during a visit to Iraq, which many observers accused of slowness. According to Perino, Bush is never exposed. "It was just the shoes" - she added.
Speaking on the punishment for Muntazera al-Zaydi, Dana Perino stressed that "Iraq - is a sovereign democratic state, and country authorities themselves decide how to proceed with the journalist." Previously, it was reported that Muntazeru al-Zaydi faces up to seven and a half years' imprisonment.
In turn, correspondent for the British edition of Times said that at a briefing at the White House Dana Perino looked so "if returned to war.

On Russian TV will promote the rejection of ethnic strife.

   On Russian television before the New Year will be launched advertising campaigns to promote the rejection of fomenting ethnic strife. On this December 22 RIA Novosti.
Heroes series of advertisements will be different celebrities. They will tell the audience of several federal and regional TV channels on the need for tolerance. It was attended, among others, director Eldar Ryazanov and musician Garik Sukachev.
Promoting tolerance rollers lifted media group KomInter. " CEO Media Group Oleg Berdyugin argues that the advertising campaign will be one of the biggest social projects in Russia.

In Bishkek, beaten and robbed by a well-known Kyrgyz journalist.

In the capital of Kyrgyzstan, beaten and robbed by a local television journalist Alisher Tashmatov NTMs. As the RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the General Directorate of Internal Affairs of Bishkek, the attack on a journalist was on the busy crossroads of the city.
According to the law enforcement authorities, "a group of unknown persons of Asian ethnicity, using force, took a journalist cellphone worth 30 thousand soms (750 dollars)." In addition, looters took Tashmatova documents.
In connection with the attack on a journalist was introduced plan "Interception", which, however, no results, and a criminal case under the heading "Robbery." In the police are considering several versions of the incident, among them - professional activities Tashmatova.
Earlier, at the NTS has encountered friction with the authorities in Kyrgyzstan because of the position taken in terms of television coverage of local opposition.

Politkovskaya family lawyer demanded to take measures to "misleading" media.

SyuzhetyUbiystvo Anna Politkovskoy22.12.2008Odnogo of the accused during the investigation was never questioned in the case of the ubiystveKarina Moskalenko, representing relatives of Anna Politkovskaya, said she tried to convey a list of media and publications, that distort information about the process. The lawyer said "" that this is about the media, which "will provide the public with inaccurate information, distorting the process, distort the facts have shown contempt of court."
According to Moskalenko, the list has not yet been granted a court, but if the situation in light of no change, that "if the court itself would have to decide whether it was possible to prevent such media representatives to information if they distort it." The lawyer did not specify what the media and publishing, she had in mind, as toropilas the beginning of the next hearing.
The trial of the murder of Options "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya was taking place at the Moscow District Military Court. The process of repeatedly trying to close the press, but the journalists were not allowed only on a few meetings, where heard documents constituting state secrets.
Politkovskaya was murdered in Moscow in October 2006. The main motive of the crime investigation finds her professional activities.
In the dock are brothers Jabrayil Mahmudova and Ibrahim, who is accused of organizing the crime, a former member of the Moscow UBOPa Sergei Hadzhikurbanov, organized according to the indictment, surveillance of Politkovskaya, and Lieutenant-Colonel Pavel Ryaguzov FSB, accused of collecting information about the journalist in excess of authority.
The alleged perpetrator of the murder of Rustam Makhmudov declared wanted. The customer is not a crime.

In Russia will be an anti-terrorism telethon.

National anti-terrorism Committee (NAC), and RF channel TV-Center on December 19 will hold telethon "Say terror - No!", RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of NAC Nicholas Sintsova.

According to Sintsova, telethon goal - to attract the general public and especially youth to "anti-terrorist issues."

As part of the telethon is scheduled to discuss the causes of terrorism and how it is possible warnings on the basis of the interaction of society and the state.

Reported that a teleconference will be arranged with residents of towns in southern Russia, in particular, Rostov-on-Don and Grozny, as well as the residents of Kazan. The broadcast will begin at 16:30 Moscow time.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad congratulated the Britons with Christmas.

British television Channel 4 on Thursday night issued a congratulatory statement broadcast by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, timed to celebrate the Catholic Christmas.
In his speech, Ahmadinejad congratulated all the followers of religions avraamicheskih separately highlighting Christians as well as in the UK. Iranian President lamented the fact that humankind has forgotten its prophets, and some heads of state moved away from God. " Therefore, he said, the world is undergoing difficult times.
As stated in the text of his speech, "if Jesus Christ lived on earth now, it certainly has risen against the aggression and sklochnosti expansionist powers", and "would be entered in the fight against tiranicheskoy policy of major political and economic systems, as done in the life ".
At the conclusion of the speech Ahmadinejad wished the "success" and said: "I pray that this new year was a year of happiness, prosperity, peace and brotherhood."
As the Agency France Presse, the British Foreign Ministry condemned the speech Ahmadinejad, and Israeli Ambassador in London, called it "a scandal and public disgrace." It is connected with the complex relationship between Iran and Britain, as well as the fact that the president of Iran is known as the enemy of the state of Israel, as the press secretary recalled that the British Foreign Ministry, during the stay in power Ahmadinejad has made anti-Semitic statements. "
The head of information service channel Channel 4 Dorothy Byrne (Dorothy Byrne), explaining the decision to invite Ahmadinejad is reported that "the views of Ahmadinejad, the leader of one of the most influential countries in the Middle East, carry great weight and influence."
Channel 4 more than 15 years of annual Christmas broadcasts alternative treatment (along with the traditional treatment of Queen, which show the rest of the channels). In his speech, narrator, who choose the representatives of TV, imitating the style of an official royal treatment, but it lasts three to five minutes.
In different years, Britons Happy Christmas Marj Simpson, Brigitte Bardot and Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen).

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Reporters Without Borders in 2008, counted 60 journalists killed.

KommentariiSamaya professiya16.12.2008V dangerous in the world in 2008 killed 95 zhurnalistovV 2008, the world's 60 journalists were killed, the report says the organization "Reporters without Borders." Meanwhile, in the past year, according to its figures, 87 journalists were killed.
The organization said that the reduction in the number of killed journalists - not a cause for optimism, because in many countries, the situation with freedom of the press has deteriorated over the year.
The most dangerous countries for media declared Iraq, where 15 journalists were killed, Pakistan (7) and the Philippines (6). According to the number of arrests of leading Africa. In addition, many journalists prevented the Iraqi authorities and China. Most of the 38 arrests in China, "Reporters Without Borders linked with the Olympics held in Beijing.
In addition, concern is the increasing censorship of the Internet, which followed the rapid advances in network journalism.
Meanwhile, earlier organization, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), issued a report stating that in 2008 killed 95 journalists. PEC takes into account all the victims of media staff, while Reporters Without Borders included in its report to only those who were killed because of their professional activities.

Vedomosti cited Obama politician year.

Policy 2008, "according to the newspaper" Vedomosti "was elected U.S. President Barack Obama. This conclusion journalists came to the publication of the fact that Obame has gained great support of Americans, becoming in relation to the old administration of a new generation.
However, Vedomosti noted that, despite expectations that Obama can not cope with the dire situation in the country. "It can not be ruled out that the results would be trivial. The extent of the expectations are such that they correspond almost unreal," - writes the newspaper.
"Biznesmenom year," according to Vedomosti became president of the group "Oneksim Mikhail Prokhorov, managed to approach the crisis with minimal financial losses. The publication notes vision Prokhorov, Vladimir Potanin sold a share in the company "KM Invest" and blocking stake in Norilsk Nickel "Rusalu.
"Professional year," Vedomosti cited Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, which is "not afraid to be a greedy, when his colleagues in the Cabinet competed in generosity." However, according to journalists, the next two years to Kudrin will bat because it falls most difficult job in a crisis.
President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev was "a mystery year." According to Vedomosti, the question "who is mister Medvedev" is still open. "The major test ahead: landing of the economy will be tough, rtov to be fed, rasplodilos very much, and money to plug all the holes are not enough," - states the newspaper.
Journalists publication also noted that, despite the expectations of many people, democracy, Medvedev has been very manageable, especially since the amendment of the constitution regarding the presidential term.
"For a year," the publication named the former juror at the trial for the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, Yevgeny Kolesova. Kolesov took the courage to object to Judge, declaring that the jury did not ask to make the process of closing. Thus the simple roofer from Moscow turned the course of the hearing, opened the imperfection of the entire judicial system.
The lawyer and the owner of the site "" Magomed Evloev, who died in late August, was named the "victim of the year." Vedomosti, questioned the official version of the investigation, which Evloev was killed accidentally shot. However, the publication says that he does has its purpose - the resignation of the president of Ingushetia Murat Zyazikova. But it happened only after the death of Evloeva, when the Kremlin became evident that the head of the republic, General FSB turned bad.

In the Ukrainian mass media does not find persuasive publications against NATO.

In the all-Ukrainian competition for the best material on NATO jury did not find convincing publications against joining an alliance, passes on Wednesday Agency UNIAN.Zamestitel Director of the NATO Foreign Ministers from Ukraine, Vadim Pristayko, a member of Jury found that "there were no compelling works, new arguments that would make a conclusion about the appropriateness of preserving vneblokovogo the status of Ukraine.
Meanwhile determine the winners among the authors of articles in favor of accession to NATO is still possible. First place was taken by the correspondent of Kiev magazine "Іменем law" Yuri Vertel, published series of articles "human factor" and "Stop, who is? Or why I am for entry into NATO." The winner received a prize of $ 5 thousand hryvnia.
3 thousand hryvnia for the second place won deputy chief editor of Lviv newspaper Visoky Castle "Askoldu Ereminu. Third place was taken by the pensioner, a veteran of World War II Vasily Shparik, published in Lviv newspaper Стрийські Visti. "As pointed out by jury chairman, chief editor of the UNIAN Aleksandr Kharchenko," journalists have proved that, in such complex issues as the prospects for accession to NATO You can find convincing arguments for even the harshest skeptics. " However, bright, with non-standard journalism "moves" publications did had little to the large and quite vysokooplachivaemogo press shop, "he lamented. Ukrainian competition for the best material on NATO was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the agency UNIAN and started on 4 October 2008. The competition was attended by more than 50 authors from all over Ukraine, as the most active participants were from Kiev and Lviv region.

The Chinese Government razblokirovalo site of The New York Times.

The Chinese authorities have unblocked the site on 22 December The New Tork Times. Access to resources for residents of mainland China has been blocked for three days without giving reasons. This writing is The New York Times.
On the day unlock resource with Chinese officials were unable to explain why access to the site was abandoned.
In mid-December, China has blocked access to the local version of the site and the BBC News website "Voices of America." Earlier, during the Olympic Games in Beijing, both of these resources have been released.
In addition to the western sites blocked in China and other resources, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, in particular, sites advocating independence for Taiwan.

Monday, December 29, 2008

British authorities have condemned Channel 4 for the treatment Ahmadinejad.

The UK government has exposed sharp criticism Cahnnel TV Channel 4, reshivshiysya to broadcast the Christmas-treatment of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Representatives of TV channels, in turn, does not believe that did not and are confident that they will only give the audience an opportunity to familiarize themselves with an alternative view of the world the device is reported at BBC News.
Channel 4 broadcast a Christmas alternative treatment for the past 15 years. The traditional annual address to the nation, which is broadcast by TV channels, read out the Queen Elizabeth II.
The choice of 16 on account of the author has caused discontent in the UK government, and some parliamentarians. Opponents of the decision Channel 4 explain its reaction to the fact that Ahmadinejad openly advocates the destruction of Israel, but also infringed the rights of homosexuals.
According to available information, the president of Iran will be dealt with on the world order, which, according to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have to change. Turning to the British, the Iranian leader will talk about the need to return to "human values" and to stop denying covenants God's prophets, including Ahmadinejad and mentioned Jesus Christ. Broadcast address of Iranian President will be in 22:15 Moscow time.

Medvedev gave interviews to the three federal TV channels.

The President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev gave an interview to the heads of information services of three federal channels - Kiryl Kleymenovu ( "Channel"), Dmitry Kiselevu (Russia) and Tatiana Mitkovoy (NTV), writes on Wednesday, the newspaper " Kommersant.
The work has become a new channel called "Year of the president of Russia, which will be aired the evening of December 24. Its first show channel "Russia" (20:00), followed by "First Channel" (21:15). In the NTV interview with the president will be distributed to the news release. The program was recorded on 23 December in the Kremlin, and its duration is approximately hour.
As the Press Secretary of President of Russia Natalia Timakova "Gazette", "in the transfer will be the outcome of the year, including the sound and theme of the financial crisis." In an interview with "Kommersant" Kiselyov told the interview Medvedev is unprecedented in its kind. "Such a meeting was not yet", - said Kiselev.
The authors of "The Results of the year, however, reported that the new program will be a not so much an interview as the transfer in some new format in the course of the president and his companion will be in addition to the actual talks, also watching scenes information.
Source Kommersant in the Kremlin said that while the success of the new program this way of communicating the president will be standing with the Russians. In addition, there is the possibility of a repetition of the Internet Conference, Dmitry Medvedev. The first such conference, let's current president, still in the position of prime minister, held in March 2007.

In Iran on suspicion of spying arrested journalists "the BBC."

Iranian secret service was accused of spying and arrested several British citizens who had worked in Iran, correspondents Broadcasting Corporation "BBC". It is reported the Iranian edition Press TV.
As a member of the Iranian parliamentary commission on foreign policy and security, Mohammed Karim Abedi, espionage network, whose members operate under the guise of well-known television journalists, was organized with the assistance of the British Embassy in Tehran. Parliamentarians said that planned to deploy active throughout the country, "journalists" were not able to cause significant harm to national security.
The first suspicions arose from the Iranian special services after they became aware that British nationals in processing documents in the hotel changed names. On the number of those arrested were reported. Comments representatives of the BBC and British authorities also had not yet been received.
Official Tehran believes that the recent activities of foreign intelligence on the Islamic Republic has intensified. In late November, the authorities have announced the elimination of the Israeli spy network intelligence, which collected information on Iran's nuclear program.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ahmadinejad congratulate Britons with Christmas.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will make a Christmas message to British viewers, the TV Channel 4, which will air in greeting the Iranian leader.
Channel 4 every year for 15 years broadcast alternative treatment to the nation. However, the Brits have traditionally congratulate Queen Elizabeth II.
In a communication channel on the site indicates that the choice fell on Ahmadinejad, as in 2009, relations between Iran and the West will become a major world order.
Director of Channel 4 news Dorothy Byrne noted that with the turning point in international relations, the channel will introduce the audience with an alternative viewpoint.
According to the Associated Press, Iran's president will focus on relations in modern society - Ahmadinejad would note that if Jesus were alive, he would have fought for change in world economic and political system.

Journalist Michael Beketova was discharged from intensive care.

SyuzhetyPokushenie to Glavred "Himkinskoy truth" 30.11.2008Za capture beat Beketov declared nagradaKommentariiBorets for himkinskuyu pravdu14.11.2008V Khimki beaten by the chief editor of a local opposition newspaper
Editor in Chief "Himkinskoy truth" Michael Beketov transferred from intensive care to a normal ward, Interfax reports on Thursday, December 25.
As the agency Evgenia Chirikova, the leader of a movement for the protection Himkinskogo Forest Ekooborona, Michael Beketov respond to a voice, but he could not speak. It is a long rehabilitation period. Now journalist required donated blood for the upcoming operations.
Michael Beketov was discovered on 13 November this year at his home in the Moscow Khimki with severe injuries in an unconscious state. Since craniocerebral injury and a closed fracture of the right tibia, he was taken to a local hospital and then transferred to a coma in a Moscow Institute Sklifosovskogo.
It was a complicated operation to remove skull fragments from brain tissue. Beketov amputated his right leg and three fingers on his hand. From coma journalist released on 27 November.
A criminal case on the assassination attempt on the life Glavred "Himkinskoy truth" is on the personal control of the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika.
November 28, a lawyer battered journalist Stalin Gurevich announced compensation of 500 rubles to anyone who can help find the perpetrators and sponsors of that crime.
It is believed colleagues Beketov, the attack was caused most likely that the journalist is actively opposed the construction of federal highway, which was to go through Himkinsky forest. In Khimki held numerous protests against the construction of roads.
It should be noted that on 22 December Himok Mayor Vladimir Strelchenko canceled their order of 2005 on the construction through the forest Himkinsky paid highway Moscow-St Petersburg ". Former deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol then explained the decision to cancel construction Strelchenko not enough, as is still in force available to the construction of the road, signed by the governor of Moscow region Boris Gromov.

Kommersant has planned a reduction of advertising revenues.

Publishing House "Kommersant budgeted decline in 2009, advertising revenue at 30 percent, writes the publication of the" newspaper "(GZT.RU) with reference to the statement made by the commercial director Paul Filenkova ID.
Filenko said that the drop in revenues at 30 per cent is the most pessimistic forecast. More realistic is to reduce earnings by only 20 per cent. He added that based on the bids of advertisers advertising revenues in 2009 may even grow at 10 percent.
Publications home Kommersant also had to reduce salaries. For this ID held downsizing, not reducing the wages of remaining workers.
According to the head Rospechati Michael Seslavinskogo, in 2009, can terminate the existence of 20 to 40 editions. This means that the advertising budget will be redistributed among the remaining major players.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Russia was in the Tajik media tendentious articles about xenophobia.

KommentariiSneslo kryshu12.12.2008Rossiyskie Nationalists guest cut off his head and set an ultimatum vlastyamPosolstvo Russia in Tajikistan on Wednesday, December 24, the Foreign Ministry sent a note of protest to the republic, Interfax reports. According to the embassy, some Tajik media slant the situation of xenophobia in Russia, publishing false information.
The statement said that a number of publications in articles dealing with labor migration, "allow me incorrect remarks addressed to the top management of Russia and its political course."
Embassy called attempts "to separate the crime of criminal elements in Russia against the citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan" part of the official rate of Russian authorities' deliberate deception of Tajik society. "
The sharp debate in the Tajik media flared after the killing of 20-year-old citizen of the Republic Salohiddin Azizova, which occurred on December 6 in Moscow. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan, in 2008 in Russia killed 80 Tajiks.

Police series proved popular interview with Medvedev.

Interview with Dmitry Medvedev in the framework of the Year with the president of Russia in the "First" and "Russia" watched by an average of 5.5 per cent lower than the Muscovites than shedshy at the same time on NTV police series "Capercaillie", writes in the Friday newspaper Kommersant, citing data on the media company TNS.
The program, in which the Russian president responded to questions from the "First, Russia and NTV, was shown at various times in all three channels, the sooner all - on NTV, the program" Today "at 19:00. At its end on television showed the two series "Gluhar, just as in the" First "and" Russia "was an interview with the president.
An analysis of TNS, "The outcome of the Year" at NTV saw 17.1 percent of Moscow teleauditorii share "of Russia", show a program at 20:00, was 15.9 percent, while the proportion of "First", the "Results" was published in 21 : 15 - 15.7 percent. TV "Capercaillie" while 21.3 percent of Muscovites watched.
As it turned out, the other matched to the "end of the year" series on the different channels were also popular programs. It recalls the publication, "A Conversation with Vladimir Putin, held on 4 December 2008, saw 41 percent of Moscow teleauditorii.

Seaside journalists complained of the OMON.

Primorskaya public organization of journalists East demanded from the leadership of the regional air traffic control to investigate the actions of riot policemen who got beat and detained reporters covering the protest motorists in Vladivostok.
The authors of note that journalists were not participants in the rally, but simply to carry out their work. According to the organization, almost all the journalists who were in the square was applied force, many were injured. After that they brought to the police station.
According to the Maritime media, from the actions of riot policemen suffered crews First Channel, Russia, NTV, TVC, a local TV channel PTR, Japan's NHK, as well as the photographer of local newspapers and informagentstv. Some of them during the dispersal of the rally was damaged equipment. It is reported by Interfax. "
As writes RIA Novosti, the Union of Journalists of Russia is planning to apply to the State Duma of the Russian Federation to complain to Vladivostok MTSA. This was announced by Chairman of the Union Vsevolod Bogdanov.
The unauthorized protest against the increase of duties on inomarki took place in Vladivostok on 20 and 21 December. In the dispersal of rallies by police officers has been delayed by more than 60 people.
According to the online newspaper "Daily News Vladivostok, to disperse protesters took part OMON officers, specially sent from Moscow. According to the publication Capital OMON probudet in the city have at least a week and see to it that the coastal motorists are no longer conducted unauthorized protests.

Belgian TV for the third time criticized for its lack of respect for Jews.

   Belgian Jewish organizations protested in connection with the jokes about the Holocaust, which were announced in the broadcast VRT television show Het Besluit. On this December 25, reports Associated Press.
21 December funster Philip Geubels, speaking at the Het Besluit, commented on the recent withdrawal from the ether VRT cooking programs about Hitler's favorite food. The transfer did not show because of the protest Jews. "What they will do if in Antwerp will be a major gas leak? Served on the city to court for provocation?" - Said Geubels. In Antwerp, there are large Jewish community.
Also Geubels noticed that the repetition of the Holocaust can not be, because over the last few years, Jews poumneli. "They are dispersed all over the world. Try to surround them now! Most of them are in America, so you can not send them by train to Germany" - explained the artist.
"What comic said, it is his job. But VRT decided to include it in the show. In this connection, you can ask a question: is the task of public service broadcasting", - said the leader of the Jewish group Joods Actueel Michael Freydlih. Freydlih said that it intends to respond to the actions of the television legal methods.
VRT has been criticized by Jews for the third time in the last two months. In addition to the program of Hitler's favorite food, television has used the image of the Fuhrer in tourism advertising programs about Berlin (on other data, it was the advertising of the same cooking show). In multiplikatsionnom video with Hitler vskinutoy hand was depicted as a striptizera. That advertisement has caused resentment not only of Jewish organizations, but the German Embassy in Belgium. The video was taken off the air.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

In Russia, a rural channel.

   In 2009, Russia will appear in the federal channel "Agro-TV, which will cover issues related to agriculture. This, according to RIA Novosti, December 25, said at a meeting of the Duma Committee for Agrarian Affairs, Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeev.
According to the minister, will soon be launched pilot projects in some parts of the canal and south of the Central Chernozem. "And next year, planning to arrive at a full-fledged single channel", - said Gordeyev.
"Agro-TV will broadcast transmission on the professional challenges of agriculture, as well as on the daily life of the village. With the help of the channel is planned to promote the life of the city and educate rural youth. Broadcast TV will be around the clock.
In March 2008, Alexei Gordeyev said that the round-the-clock TV channel for rural life appears on the whole territory of Russia in summer 2008. The first is the idea of establishing such a channel, made in February, then the future president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Zyuganov wants to hold an analogue of Putin's "straight line".

CPRF demands party leader Gennady Zyuganov opportunity to talk with telezritelyami live, as it did in early December, the leader of United Russia, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
According to Interfax, referring to the MP-communist Vadim Soloviev, earlier appealed to the VGTRK with a request to give an answer on what basis the leader of another party received a free broadcast on TV "Russia".
"The period allowed by law to give a response has expired. Therefore, we are beginning to prepare a letter to the head of VGTRK to provide the same broadcast Zyuganov," - said Solovyov.
TV "A conversation with Vladimir Putin" went on TV channel Russia "on 4 December. According to VTsIOM, followed by nearly two-thirds of Russians. "Direct Line" Putin lasted more than three hours. Prime had to answer 72 questions, most of which dealt with economic problems.

In Kiev opened a monument to Gongadze.

SyuzhetyDelo Gongadze15.03.2008Sud sentenced a journalist Georgy Gongadze killers of three to 13, 12 and 12 years' imprisonment svobody22 December in Kiev opened a monument to the opposition journalist Georgy Gongadze, assassinated in 2000, RIA Novosti. The monument is designed to honor the memory of Gongadze, and other journalists killed in connection with his professional activity.
The mother of the deceased, as the "LigaBiznesInform, opposed the installation of the monument. She said that first need to complete the investigation into the assassination.
In turn, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, as reported by his press office, contacted by law enforcement authorities to complete the investigation into the killings, as a result of another high-profile cases. "
The creator of "Ukrainian Truth" Georgy Gongadze disappeared in September 2000. Later, a hundred kilometers from Kiev found his decapitated body. In March of 2008 for the murder were convicted three former members of the MUP (in case they were both the perpetrators of crime).
Customers killings were never found. Shortly after the disappearance of Gongadze, former officer of Ukrainian special services Nikolay Melnichenko released recordings made in the office of then-President Leonid Kuchma. Presumably, these films prove involvement in the assassination of former president, now their authenticity is verified. Official development version of Kuchma's involvement in the crime has not received.

NTV halve the number of news releases in the city.

Television NTV soon reduce the number of news releases for St. Petersburg. Only two remain, and they will be broadcast at 18:30 and 22:40, said "Fontanka.Ru.
In an interview with correspondents edition changes commented director of St. Petersburg, NTV Ilia Tilkin. According to him, the reasons for reducing the number of news releases two: it is "economic issues and changing concepts. Tilkin said that the information service of NTV, which in his opinion, could compete with the Internet, no longer able to operate as before. "We will change the concept more in the direction of analysts infoteymenta and will work in prime-time" - added the representative of the television.
Director of St. Petersburg, NTV added that the TV had "significantly" reduce the number of employees. In doing so, the foundation was able to retain staff.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Russian journalists have selected the best athletes year.

Federation of Sports Journalists of Russia (FSZHR) identified ten of the best athletes the country on the basis of 2008. The absolute winner among athletes is not defined, but all journalists who participated in the survey, included in its list rekordsmenku peace in the Ski sixth Elena Isinbayeva, RIA Novosti.
In alphabetical order of a dozen of the best athletes in Russia FSZHR version is as follows: Andrei Arshavin (football), Anastasia Davydova / Anastasia Ermakova (synchronized swimming), Elena Dementieva (tennis), Larisa Ilchenko (swimming), Yelena Isinbayeva (athletics), Evgeniya Kanaeva (artistic gymnastics), Maxim Opalev (rowing a canoe), Buvaysar Sites (Wrestling), Andrey Silnov (athletics) and Maxim Chudov (biathlon).
Eight athletes (taking into account the duo Davydova / Ermakova), got in ten of the best athletes are Olympic champions Games in Beijing.
The best Russian team in 2008 recognized the Hockey team that wins the world championship in Canada, as the best coach - hockey team coach Vyacheslav Bykov.

Police denied reports of an attack on Vladimir Solovyov.

Representative GUVD refuted appeared in the media information that a TV political analyst Vladimir Solovyov and Nikolai Zlobin were oblity paint in the attack unknown, RIA Novosti.
According to the interlocutor Agency, on Tuesday, 16 December, the MIA "Airport" asked the driver of the car Mercedes, which brought to the TV station "Silver Rain", and said that Petrovsky-Razumovskoy alley unknown cast in the vehicle inflatable rubber ball with paint and fled.
No statements to the police from the Vladimir Soloviev that attacked him with the use of ink have been reported, said a representative GUVD.
Previously, it was reported that when leaving the radio station "Silver Rain" political scientist and TV poured paint unknown, which is before the requested autograph.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

In Britain there 3D-TV.

British television channel Sky News began broadcasting test programs for 3D-TV, reported The Daily Telegraph.

To see the spectators will be required to acquire 3D-prefix and special glasses. New technology has been demonstrated by the example of TV broadcasts regbiynyh matches.

For the three-dimensional image involves two cameras that simultaneously transmit the image and then using glasses produced "deep" image, creating the impression of three-dimensional object.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Moshennitsa sell advertising space The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Zhitelnitsu California Julia Sorokina (Julia Sorokin) was accused of issuing an employee of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, as well as the fraudulent sale of advertising space in those publications. This writes The North Country Gazette.
How to install a result, Sorokina bought several domain names containing publications and sent them an e-mail suggestions about advertising prospects, in particular, owners of resorts and real estate.
In the letters, it appeared as a staff member of the newspaper, using one of several names. When advertising does not appeared in the pages of publications, advertisers found that the phone Sorokinoy not working as a web site.
Several dozen such transactions from May 2007 to July 2008 had Sorokinoy almost 48 thousand dollars. Of these, 29 thousand dollars it received from 30 companies for advertising in The Wall Street Journal, and 18 and a half - from a dozen advertisers, The New York Times.
Sorokin was arrested on December 2. One of the charges she faces up to seven years in prison, on the other - to three.

The inauguration of Obama will show a children's channel.

American children's channel Nickelodeon plans first to cover the inauguration of new president of the United States, passes on Thursday agency Associated Press. Barack Obama will enter into Post 20 December 2009.
During the presidential campaign channel found that the child audience interested in politics no less an adult. In online voting at the "presidential elections" Nickelodeon was attended by 2.2 million young viewers. The winner was Obama - he received 51 percent of votes against the 49-ty per cent of John McCain. The gap between the candidates was smaller than in the actual voting, said agency.
As described on the channel, the entry Obama office will be covered during the commercial breaks and in between the usual reference to a prime-time. Audiences will offer historical background on how the inauguration took place earlier presidents, as well as interviews with young people, which makes about Obame and his speech. Samu it in a live broadcast would not, however, immediately after the conclusion of the ceremony, children will see excerpts from the message of the president.
In 2008, Nickelodeon has also covered the first election campaign. Reporters channel even went onto the Republican and Democratic parties. Unlike Democrats, Republicans journalists children's channel to the event is not allowed.

Spectators "2x2" after the battle kurantov hear a White dragonfly love. "

In the New Year night television" 2x2 "immediately after the battle kurantov show concert with the avant-garde composer Nicholas Voronova, proslavivshegosya in RuNet his song" White dragonfly love. " This RIA Novosti.
Especially for TV viewers Nikolay Voronov performed five songs from their debut album: "SMS with the word farewell," Barrikadnaya "," Rock 'n' roll Foreva "," Dancing "and, of course, the song" Dragonfly ", which is a talented musician wrote 10 years of age.
In addition, as part of the New Year concert will be a statement tamer cats Vladimir Krasnolozhkina. Previously, he worked in the theater cats Yuri Kuklacheva, but then former employer accused him of stealing secrets manageable. According to some media, while speaking in Russian glubinke Krasnolozhkin Kuklacheva in disguise and tried to pretend to be a famous clown.
Representatives of "2x2" allege that the New Year night on the channel can be seen, and other artists who never show the rest of the program.

Vladimir Soloviev poured paint after the broadcast.

At a leading political scientist Vladimir Soloviev and Nikolai Zlobin attacked by unknown after the broadcast of the "Nightingale trills at the radio station" Silver Rain ", transmits Interfax.
According to Soloviev, attackers poured paint Zlobin and the car itself lead. At the same time edition of the newspaper, referring to political Zlobin said that he and Solovieva poured paint young people, including one before the requested autograph.
Solovyov said that already contacted the police with the statement and looked forward to a prompt and impartial investigation into the incident. The leader noted that the incident may be corrupt officials and oligarchs.

China has blocked sites BBC and the Voice of America. "

In China again blocked a number of foreign Internet resources. Chinese Net users, according to BBC News, left the Chinese version of the resource, and can not open the site of the Voice of America "(" Voice of America ").
Both of these sites have been released in China during the Olympics in Beijing in August 2008. Local authorities were forced to take this step after numerous complaints from journalists who came to cover the Olympics and did not have the opportunity to work with a number of online resources.
Note that restricting access to sites with extra information to citizens is a long-standing practice in China. At various times in that country had been denied access to resources, to criticize Beijing's official actions. In relation to the Chinese bloggers are also very strict rules, and network writers risked sit in jail for criticizing the government or a reference to events such as the suppression of demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Advertising in the mother tongue was effectively foreign.

Consumers who know several languages, better respond to advertising in their native language. That conclusion came researchers from the Rotterdam School of Management (Rotterdam School of Management), conducting a series of experiments relating to the relationship between language advertising and emotions, said the magazine Campaign.
The study notes that worldwide an increasing number of advertising agencies using rollers and slogan in English. This allows the client to create the image of international companies as well as reduce the costs of advertising campaigns. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of such advertising is lower than a similar advertisement in the mother tongue for consumers.
According to the researchers, the reason for such a reaction to advertising in a foreign language that the words of the native language associated with consumers with some experience in the past.
The complete study of the Rotterdam School of Management will be published in the Journal of Consumer Research in April 2009. Called the article would Bilingualism and the Emotional Intensity of Advertising Language (Bilingualism and the brightness of emotional language advertising).

Died founder of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.

At the age of 83 years died largest Italian publisher Karachcholo Carlo (Carlo Caracciolo) - founder of the newspaper La Repubblica, reported ANSA.
Come from aristocratic families Karachcholo Carlo began her career in the publishing business in the early 1950's. In 1956, Karachcholo became co-owner group L'Espresso, issuing the same weekly, and by the end of 1950 brought its share to controlling interest
In 1976 he, along with the famous journalist Eugenio Skalfari (Eugenio Scalfari) founded the newspaper La Repubblica. In many ways, thanks to Karachollo La Repubblica after just a few years become one of the most influential newspapers of Italy.
Karachcholo until the last days of life continued to work in the publishing business. In 2007, it acquired 33 percent stake in the French newspaper Liberation.
Causes of death Karachcholo not specified, said only that he passed away on Dec. 15 in his mansion in Rome, surrounded by loved ones.

Greek students seized the radio station to broadcast its message.

SyuzhetyBesporyadki in Gretsii14.12.2008Demonstranty attacked a police station in AfinahGrecheskie students took awhile radio station ERA-Egeo on the island of Lesbos, said agency DPA. After that, they handed in a message broadcast radio stations, which encouraged more people to take part in acts of defiance police.
Meanwhile, clashes between Greek students and police in Athens, continued on Monday, reports Reuters. Police had to use tear gas against small groups of demonstrators, who cast their stones and Molotov cocktails.
Unrest in major Greek cities began on 6 December, after a clash with police was killed by 15-year-old boy. In addition, the reason for unrest as the political scandals, low wages, high levels of youth unemployment and recession in the Greek economy. On Thursday and Friday appointed rallies against the pension and education reform, tax increases and privatization.
Estimated that the riots had already caused damage to the economy of Greece in more than 200 million euros.

For the year the world has killed 95 journalists.

95 journalists in 32 countries around the world have been killed during the execution of their duties in 2008. This is stated in the annual report of the organization Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), based in Geneva.
In the past year, according to the organization, was established "antirekord" - then the death of 115 journalists.
As a positive trend analysts PEC noted a sharp decline in the number of dead in Iraq (15 to 50 in 2007), reflecting an improvement in the country. Also, fewer members of the press have been killed in Somalia (2 instead of on 8) and Sri Lanka (2 instead of 7). However, the increase in the number of journalists killed in Mexico, Pakistan, Georgia, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand and the Philippines.
Russia is among the ten countries most dangerous for the press. In her one year, four journalists were killed (in 2007 - one), most of the killings were related to events in the Caucasus. In Georgia, for the year, five journalists were killed - as noted in the record, this is due to the war in South Ossetia.
The report says that about three-quarters of the victims were killed in "hot spots". As a result, among the most dangerous countries for journalists are especially Mexico and Thailand, whose territory for the year was not armed conflict.
According to the organization, the vast majority of journalists killed because of their profession. PEC also noted that most murderers of the press go unpunished and investigations and proceedings against them are often delayed and are not impartial. The organization cited the example of the court for the murder of Anna Politkovskaya.

Monday, December 15, 2008

In Moscow, Russia's Academy opens the press.

   In 2009, in Moscow will be opened by the Academy of the Russian press reported on 15 December agency Interfax.
According to the Union of Journalists in Moscow of Paul Guseva, currently Union complete the registration of the academy. At the same time, is the development of curriculum. Classes with students is scheduled to begin in the autumn of 2009.
According to Gusev, Academy of the Russian press will not only teach young people the basics of the profession, but also skills development has been held for journalists.
Meanwhile, ITAR-TASS news agency reported on another project the Moscow Union of Journalists. It is the creation of a special labor exchange for media staff. The Exchange must earn in the capital in January 2009. Details of this facility is not yet known.

The court refused to consider a complaint against the closure ""

SyuzhetyProkuratura closes "" 07.11.2008Sayt became unavailable to users in Russia blast zoneNadzornaya Mosgorsuda bureau refused to consider a complaint of Representatives site "at the decision to close it, reported Interfax.
Counsel "" Musa Pliev agency reported that the court referred to the fact that the site owner Magomed Evloev died, and his counsel to represent the interests can not.
According to Plieva, this decision has been appealed to the Supreme Court of Russia. Then, the lawyers intend to file a complaint in Strasbourg.
Formerly Ingushetii Supreme Court overturned the decision Nazranovskogo District Court, which found extremist interview with opposition leader Musa Keligova published in the newspaper Vremya Novostei and reprinted ""
Advocates had hoped that the Supreme Court's decision of a reason for the decision to close the site, which in June 2008 ruled Kuntsevsky Court of Moscow. Later Kuntsevskogo Court affirmed the decision of the Moscow City Court and the registration of "" in Russian blast zone was canceled.
Magomed Evloev was killed 31 August, 2008 arrest at the airport "Magas". Officially, he resisted police officers. Meanwhile, the opposition believes that Evloev was killed intentionally with the knowledge of the republican authorities.

SPC will sell the format "Papin daughters" German television.

TV STS sell German television channel Das Vierte Dmitry Lesnevskogo right to adapt the series "Papin daughters," writes on Monday morning, the newspaper Kommersant.
As explained edition, the transaction is already at the final stage, it is expected that the transaction for the sale of a German channel will be completed this week. In the broadcast Das Vierte adapted series will be released in August 2009.
For information on the sale of rights to adapt the series has already confirmed the general director Vyacheslav Murug STS. But he did not name the amount of the transaction, noting only that it would be consistent with the price at which Russian companies redeem Western television rights to adapt overseas programs.
Experts note that this is the first case of selling the rights to adapt the series, filmed in the original Russian format of the so-called "sitkoma" (situational comedy). In the event that the adaptation of the series in Germany will be successful, it would be a "real breakthrough national production", said President of Amedia Alexander Akopov.
Showing "Papin daughters" began at the CCC in 2007; last year it was the fourth in the list of most rating television channel. Television channel Das Vierte was purchased Lesnevskim - one of the founders of REN-TV - in June 2008. According to Kommersant, the purchase cost the Russian businessman TV in about 20 million euros.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

French MPs have banned night ads to goskanalah.

Parliament's lower house of France (National Assembly) on Friday approved amendments to the legislation providing for a ban on advertising on public television from 20:00 to 6:00, transmits agency Reuters.
Under the bill, such restrictions will operate from 5 January 2009, and at the end of 2011, advertising on goskanalah will be abolished altogether.
As noted Le Figaro, the debate over the amendment lasted nearly ten hours. It is expected that the Senate (upper house) will consider the bill as early as January 2009.
The proposal to restrict advertising on public television come from the Government of France. The bill also proposes to make up for losses from the cancellation of advertising by increasing to 3 percent tax on advertising revenues of private television channels.
Against innovation strongly supported the French media, who fear that because of the loss of TV will be about 1.2 billion dollars. In February 2008, a 24-hour strike, the largest in the industry over the past 30 years.

New CEO newspaper Izvestia. "

   The new general director of OAO Revision newspaper Izvestia appointed former CEO of "SBCD Expo" Yuri Chechihin. This was announced on 12 December agency Interfax.
The term of the contract the previous director "Izvestia", Petra Godlevskogo expired on 10 September. As the radio station Echo Moskvy, now acting director edition performs Alla whopper. Chechihin enter into posts 11 January 2009.
Meanwhile, Interfax reported that a contract chief editor of Izvestia, Vladimir Mamontov, was recently extended for a year. Mamontov took his post since 2005 - since the controlling stake newspapers moved from the holding company Prof-Media by OAO Gazprom-Media. " Recall that in May 2008 a controlling stake in Izvestia, was transferred to Gazprom-Media "insurance company" Sogaz. "
Peter Godlevsky, according to the "", after the departure of Izvestia, he became Deputy Director General TV channel NTV. His dismissal from the publication, he commented saying: "The newspaper passed from hand to hand, the new shareholders elected a new board of directors, and he in turn will elect a new man for the post of director (as well as I at one time was succeeded by his predecessor) .

Friday, December 12, 2008

Named best television spot.

The best spots on television magazine Campaign found a video of British network Bakery Hovis. This writes Brand Republic. Roller ranked first in the ranking of the ten best promotional clips compiled by the publication.
In second place was advertising Nike "The Next Level", shot "eyes" football player club Arsenal. Earlier this advertisement came out on third place in the ranking of the best promotional videos posted on the Internet, as compiled by Campaign.
The third line in the ranking of the best TV advertising has taken to pulley automakers Golf "Enjoy the everyday".
Fourth on the list of Campaign took advertising child charity Barnardo "Break the cycle". The fifth - a video Toshiba, which used technology, familiar to viewers movie "The Matrix". The sixth line of the list took Corporation BBC for its "Olympic" in advertising.
Interconnects rating video company Drench, advertising Transport for London, calling for care, as well as movie producer confectionaries products The Natural Confectionery Company "Bring on the trumpets" and advertising Volksvagen with the Singing Dogs.

Greek journalists demanded to protect them from the rioters.

Greek journalists appealed to the authorities with a request to protect them from attacks during the riots that engulfed Greece in early December, RIA Novosti.
In a statement issued on 11 December, the association of journalists region Macedonia-Thrace, attacks on media representatives during riots regarded as an action directed against freedom of the press. Journalists, the statement stresses, not poddadutsya attempts at intimidation and would continue to cover events objectively.
The reason for treatment was a massacre in the newspaper "Macedonia" in Thessaloniki - the leading publication of Northern Greece. A group of young people, whose face masks were closed on Thursday evening, broke into the job in Thessaloniki, where new edition of "Macedonia" is hosted radio. They smashed the glass isportili equipment and office equipment, and destroyed documents.
C 6 December, when Greece started the anti-shares, overgrown in turmoil, journalists at the scene, has repeatedly been attacked by the demonstrators. Among the victims of the riots and two Russian TV - Russia and NTV, the crews are attacked in Athens.

Named worst television in 2008.

Worst television advertising campaign in 2008 Campaign magazine recognized Gillette campaign with three stars of world sport: tennis player Roger Federer, golfers Tiger Woods and football player Thierry Henry.
Because the magazine is published in Britain, he appreciates only the ads that show in the country. However, advertising Gillette involving sports stars and famous Russians, as it was broadcast on Russian television.
Campaign notes that the involvement of such stars as Woods, Federer and Henry could live in Gillette millions of pounds, but reklamschikam still not been able to make good advertising.
The other ad campaigns, which entered the top ten worst version Campaign, unknown to the Russians. In particular, the list of hit spots optic network Specsavers, food producers Country Life, a network of hotels Premier Inns and automotive Renault.
Roller Gillette involving Federer, Woods and Henry can be seen here.

Newsweek cut staff.

Company The Washington Post Co., Owns the American weekly Newsweek, is planning to decrease staff publication, reported AFP, referring to The Wall Street Journal.
Dismissals are expected in coming days. Number of seats downsizing is not yet known.
In addition, the company decided to change the format of the publication. The new version of the magazine will be thinner with a large number of photographs and analytical articles.
The owners of Newsweek also examines the possibility of reducing the circulation of printed publications from the current 2.6 million copies up to 500 thousand - 1 million.
Some newspapers and magazines in the U.S. due to financial difficulties arising from publications, are planning to focus on his presence on the Internet. In particular, it is going to do the other two most popular weekly publications - US News and World Report.

In the "straight line" with Vladimir Putin, followed by two-thirds of Russians.

On Thursday, 11 December, VTsIOM published the results of social poll, which for TV "conversation with Vladimir Putin," followed almost two-thirds of Russians.
  Recall, December 4, Prime held a "straight line" with the Russians, which lasted more than three hours. Putin answered over 70 questions, and the webcast, sponsored TV channel "Russia", which lasted over three hours. Most of Russians regard to economic problems.
According to VTsIOM, the majority of Russians (63 percent) followed the program. Of those, 30 percent saw some snippets of live, 17 per cent closely watched "straight line" from beginning to end, 16 percent have read about the program in the media.
Compared with the year 2007, the proportion of those who, to varying degrees expressed interest in the "straight line" with Putin, virtually unchanged (last year this number stood at 64 per cent of Russians). 36 percent did not follow the speech of Prime Minister (in 2007 - 35 per cent).
Among the issues that Russians would like to ask Vladimir Putin, the most common - to raise pensions and retiree benefits (7 percent). At 5 per cent of the respondents were asked to premiere on when the crisis, what specific measures taken to combat it, and raising wages, inequality in income. 4 percent would like to get answers from Putin about the problem of unemployment, cuts in enterprises.
39 percent of respondents said that they have no desire to ask Vladimir Putin to your question.
Russian VTsIOM poll held on 6-7 December this year. Polled 1600 people in 140 settlements of Russia.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Greek demonstrators smashed the camera of journalists channel "Russia".

Members riots in Greece damaged camera film crew "Russia", RIA Novosti.
According to the channel correspondent Vyacheslav Duhin, the incident occurred on the night of 9 to 10 December. He and his colleague Eugene Poloyko operator tried to agree on a shooting at the University of Athens.
The journalists themselves are not affected. They were able to negotiate with the attackers, that they take away the tape with footage material, but returned to reporters chamber.
Earlier it was reported that the same night Athenian youths attacked a correspondent for NTV Vadim Gluskera and operator Eugenia Kovalev. Hooligans stopped beating of journalists, when realized, that they were Russian, but still took away and destroyed the tape.
At the moment, unrest in Greece are continuing. Now clashes occurred near the walls of Greece's largest prison, located in the capital, tells AFP. Also, Greek students blocked the main roads in Athens. However, police said, compared with Monday and Tuesday, the streets of Athens became calmer.
Now about 10 universities and schools engaged protesters. Some groups of students designated to conduct large-scale demonstrations Friday.
Unrest in major Greek cities began on Saturday, Dec. 6, after police shot dead a 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropolusa. Testing found that the bullet hit the teenager in the rebound. Police officers have been indicted.

Latvian newspaper will go to the funeral presentation.

The largest Latvian newspaper on 11 December will go into mourning processing, said Internet site DELFI referring to the news agency LETA. At the front pages of publications are available in black crosses ramochkah.
Thus, publishers of newspapers protested against the planned VAT enhancing the Latvian government for printed products to 21 per cent. Raising taxes, warns Latvian Publishers Association press, put the newspaper on the brink of bankruptcy.

The reason for the resignation of the heads of Rossvyazkomnadzora called the scandal surrounding the "2x2".

The reason for personnel changes in the leadership Rossvyazkomnadzora could become a scandal around of "2x2". This edition writes Kommersant on Thursday, 11 December.
Recall, 3 December, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on reforming Rossvyazkomnadzora. According to the decree, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Communication has been transformed into Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. December 8, the order of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to head the new department was appointed Sergei Sitnikov.
Thus, Boris Boyarskov, head of agency oversight since 2004, lost his leadership post. The regulator in the Boyarskove reform several times and changed the name: Rosohrankultura, then Rossvyazohrankultura later Rossvyazkomnadzor.
As noted by Kommersant, for the time Boris Boyarsky in the oversight of the media in the Russian media, there have been several scandalous stories. The most vociferous reaction caused caused by the closure of "2x2", which is a part of media "Prof-Media," writes the publication.
Earlier this year Rossvyazohrankultura issued warnings for the channel showing a number of cartoons, among other things, "South Park" with the phrase "for promoting the cult of violence and cruelty." "2x2" is also accused of extremist activities, under threat was the renewal of broadcasting license. However, in October, the Federal Competition Commission on Broadcasting (CFC) in the Ministry of Russia issued a decision on the renewal of licenses "2x2" for five years.
As a result of the scandal surrounding the "2x2", as noted interlocutors publications, many media representatives may deem that Boyarskov was "unable to work out the oversight uniform standards for all market participants."
The head of Prof-Media Rafael Akopov at the request of Kommersant to comment on personnel changes in Rossvyazkomnadzore responded this way: "Boris Boyarskov in his post as governor greatly increased and has become a well-understood industry. Sergey Sitnikov they have different attitudes. Sitnikov - promediyny people knows well the work of journalists. It grew out of television. "

In Moscow, a conference of Internet media.

In Moscow on 9 December was the second professional conference of Russian Internet media, "i-Media 2008". Organizers were made by the Regional Public Center of Internet technologies (ROCIT) and the media "Mediasoyuz."
The main theme of the conference were niche Internet media. Also at the briefing discussed the role of Internet media in times of crisis and information wars.
In the scientific and practical program of the conference discussed three major topics: business direction, technology and programming, as well as content. In the sections and round tables, in particular, the modern technology of Internet media, the organization of the remote drafted medikonvergentsiya, how to preserve the Internet budgets in crisis, as well as design and usability. <P> The conference was held nine roundtables, Sections and master classes. It was attended by over fifty speakers. Total conference attended by about 500 participants.

Athens youths attacked journalists NTV.

   In Athens, about 50 drunken teenagers attacked a camera crew in Paris offices of Russian television channel NTV, reported on 10 December RIA Novosti.
On the night of December 10 youths tried to forcibly drag film crew members on the territory of the Polytechnic Institute. Under local law, the territory of the institution has no right to call the police, so journalists have teenagers resistance. As a result of mix-TV correspondent Vadim Glusker injured person, and the operator Eugenia Kovalev hit on the head.
Young journalists left alone as the only realized that they were Russians. The attackers returned the staff NTV deprivation chamber, previously located in destroying the tape with stories of street riots. In doing so, according to the agency, they shouted: "Russian - our friends and brothers forever."
Riots in Athens and other Greek cities began Dec. 6, after police attacked a patrol killed a teenager Athens (according to preliminary data, the bullet hit the boy rebound). Pogroms satisfied students and anarchists. They have been involved in clashes with police and set fire to buildings and cars. Greek opposition called on the Government to respond to disturbances retirement. The Prime Minister of Greece Costas Karamanlis, in turn, called the protesters "enemies of democracy."
So far, according to the Russian diplomatic mission in Athens, none of the citizens of Russia not affected by the riots.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The newspaper The New York Times is going to sell assets.

   Guide newspaper The New York Times is considering selling assets edition. This was on Wednesday wrote The Financial Times.
In November 2008, dropped sharply newspaper advertising revenues. This is mainly occurred due to declining advertising entertainment, cars and real estate. It is projected that 2009 will be for The New York Times one of the toughest for its history. Recently, credit rating companies administering Times Company, which handles cases newspapers, was reduced to the level of experts "below investment".
Which assets may be sold to exit the situation is unknown. Potential buyers still are looking into the U.S..
Before it became aware of the upcoming sale of the assets of The New York Times, declared bankruptcy second-largest U.S. publishing house, Tribune. The company issued such newspapers as The Los Angeles Times and The Chicago Tribune, led to the bankruptcy of a major debt formed before the financial crisis.
As expected, in response to the crisis in the U.S. advertising expenditures in 2009 will decline by an average of 5.7 percent. That would put in a difficult position print the country.

Google otsifruet millions of journal articles.

Google entered into an agreement with publishers on the digitization of journal archives and adding millions of journal articles in the service search books Book Search.
In the archives of Google, in particular, get article New York Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Ebony.
In addition, results for journal articles will stretch into the regular issuance of a search Google. The user also can restrict your search to strictly defined logs.
In September, Google Book Search has added a large number of newspapers that have emerged over the past 200 years. In November, in the archives search the entire magazine photos of Life.

"BBC" will resume broadcasting in Kyrgyzstan.

Director of the National teleradiokorporatsii Kyrgyzstan (NTRK) Melis Emshikanov said that the broadcasting of Russian and Kyrgyz services, "the BBC" will resume on Dec. 11 after transferring to the NTRK of "Bee -BBC "150 thousand dollars, reported Interfax.
He also said that the suspension of broadcasting of radio stations "BBC" and "Freedom" in the country was caused by financial and technical difficulties radio stations because nothing to do with politics.
"Once you have decided on the repayment of debt owed to natskorporatsiey, broadcast programs will resume", - said Emshikanov.
However, Kirghiz expert in the field of media, Alexander Kulinsky believes that the incident to service "BBC" is a pressure on freedom of speech in Kyrgyzstan, and financial difficulties can be resolved, without recourse to halt broadcasting.
Kyrgyz opposition parties issued a statement that the cessation of broadcasts of international radio stations is an extension of "massacre of independent media" in the country.
"Svoboda" no longer go on the air NTRK in early October 2008, and the "BBC" - from 1 December.

Putin appointed the head of the reconfigured Rossvyazkomnadzora.

The head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications appointed Sergei Sitnikov. In line with the signed 8 Dec., 2008, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
Sitnikov previously served as Deputy Head of the department.
Sergei Konstantinovich Sitnikov was born in 1963 in Kostroma. After graduating from Kostroma State Pedagogical Institute was the chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs Administration of Kostroma region. From 1998 held management positions in several television and in 2007 became deputy head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Law in mass communications, telecommunications and the protection of cultural heritage. In July 2008, Sitnikov appointed deputy head of Rossvyazkomnadzora.
Recall that a presidential decree of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on December 3, 2008 Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Communications (Rossvyazkomnadzor) transformed into the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications, which is administered by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

26 regional printing transferred to the Russian newspaper. "

26 largest regional government printers moved in trust JSC Information Publishing Concern 'Rossiyskaya Gazeta'," writes on Wednesday, the newspaper Kommersant ". <P> These enterprises are, by different estimates , From 30 to 60 per cent of the market newspaper press in the regions.
In Rospechati explained that in such a way trying to avoid non-use real estate printers.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tabloid The Mail On Sunday founded a music label.

   The British tabloid The Mail On Sunday established his own recording company, said NME.
The new label is called The Mail On Sunday Sounds. His head Peter Wright said that intends to search for talent. According to him, this policy is consistent with the position of the newspaper The Mail On Sunday, which typically is not the topic for material from other publications, and looking for their own.
The first composition published under the label The Mail On Sunday Sounds, the record became known Christmas songs Holy Night, by a church choir. The list was presented on 8 December in anticipation of the Christmas holidays.
The newspaper The Mail On Sunday has been the production of music CDs. In particular, she published album Prince "Planet Earth" and the disc group McFly's "Radio: Active". These disks were distributed as a free application to the newspaper.

The Americans refused to release the Iraqi photographer Reuters.

The U.S. military refused to obey the decision of the Central Criminal Court of Iraq and the release of the arrested photographer Ibrahim Jassim Mohammed, reports Reuters.
The representative of the American military administration said that there was evidence photographer who worked at the agency Reuters, were in the list of individuals who pose a threat to security and stability of the country. Interlocutor Agency said that the military is not obliged to provide the available intelligence information the Iraqi court.
Consideration of the release of the Prison Camp Cropper the arrested will be generally after 31 December 2008. As the court in case the photographer had already taken place, the representative of the U.S. Army, he would not need to re-pass through the judicial process.
Ibrahim Jassim Mohammed, was arrested during a joint operation of the armies of Iraq and the USA in September 2008 on the outskirts of Baghdad. He had been confiscated photographs and photo equipment. The Central Criminal Court of Iraq found no evidence against Mohammed and at a meeting on November 30 found innocent journalist, and then ordered his release.
Issued UN mandate the U.S. Army in Iraq allows U.S. troops to detain any suspicious citizen. Effects of the document will expire on 31 December 2008.

Serbian politician Tomislav Nikolic to sue the channel CNN.

The former leader of the Serbian Radical Party Tomislav Nikolic intends to file a lawsuit to television CNN, illustrated material on the search for Ratko Mladic to a photograph. The intention to appeal the court Nikolic said in an interview with Serbian news agency Press Online.
According to Nikolic, CNN specifically used the photo in the posting on the site of the channel heading the search for former Bosnian Serb army wanted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. For information leading to the capture of Mladic, recalled Nikolic, appointed a reward of 5 million euros. Following the publication of his photograph in the article on Mladic, considered a politician, his life might turn up the dangers of "head hunters", attracted a reward.
In an interview with Press Online Nikolic did not specify how much it intends to require TV with CNN. However, RIA Novosti, citing Serbian media reports that it can be 10 million euros. When and in what court Nikolic plans to send a petition, has not yet been clarified.

"The Simpsons" became the favorite writers Guild Award.

Multserial "The Simpsons" has become a favorite writers Guild Award for achievements in the field of broadcasting for 2009, reports Reuters. Serial Metta Groningen nominated to receive honors five times.
Four episode "Simpsons" individually compete for the award for best cartoon. According to the list of nominees, published on the site Guild, the episodes of "Apocalypse Cow", "The Debarted" and "E Pluribus Wiggum" of the 19 th season series, as well as "Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words" of the 20 th season series.
In addition, "The Simpsons" can get an award for best comedic TV, which earlier this series does not receives. Prizes for the best cartoon episodes of some series have been in previous years.
At the rank of the best comedy show on the version of the Guild writers claim to "30 Rock", "Entourage", "The Office" and "Weeds". Ceremony held on February 7, 2009: awarding will be held simultaneously in Los Angeles and New York.

Pulitzer Prize award online edition.

From the 2009 Pulitzer Prize will serve as journalists for material published in print media, both inside and outside publications on the Internet, reported AFP on 8 December, with reference to the statement by the Organizing Committee Prize.
In the declaration states that "the articles published online, may be put forward for competition prizes in any one of 14 nominations."
According to the Executive Secretary of premium Shiga Gisslera (Sig Gissler), the move is "a logical continuation of the historical mission of the prize." "Pulitzer Prize evolves - Gissler said. - For example, we added a picture in 1943, as well as scientific and popular journalism."
He also noted that the gradual materials from the Internet, to varying degrees, have come to the attention of the prize since 1999 - but were allowed materials published both on paper and online. Since 2006, a nomination for the prize were admitted material from sites of newspapers, which have not been published in their print versions. Nevertheless, the actual materials online editions so far allowed only in the categories "news" and "news photos"
Pulitzer Prize awarded in 1917 and is the most prestigious prize in professional journalism in the United States. The winners of the Prize for 2009 will be named in April.

Alexy II broadcast the funeral live show three channels.

Translyatsiyu funeral of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, three public television channels - "First", "Russia" and "News 24" - will show live with minor cuts. The moment the burial of Patriarch in Bogoyavlenskom (Elohovskom) Cathedral, wrote Wednesday in the newspaper Kommersant, viewers will see only a recording.
Soul Saturday Divine Liturgy, which led the Russian broadcast channels, started at 08:00 in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where Saturday evening coffin with the body Alexy II has been issued for the farewell. Liturgy is headed by mestoblyustitel Patriarchal throne Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad. At the conclusion of the liturgy will begin burial Alex Second, to be led by the Patriarch of Constantinople (Universal) Bartholomew.
After the burial coffin with the body Alexy II pronesut around the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, repeating the religious procession route. Then the funeral procession go to Bogoyavlenskii (Elohovsky) Cathedral. Burial patriarch is scheduled for 14:00. It is expected that broadcast the funeral arrangements will be finalized by the half hour before the burial.
15 th Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II died on the morning of December 5, at his residence in Peredelkino at the age of 79 years. From Saturday evening to Tuesday morning in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where he was parting with the patriarch, visited about 80 thousand people.

A bill to close the site for extremism withdrawn from the State Duma.

A bill aimed at combating extremism in the media, including Internet, withdrawn from the State Duma, wrote Tuesday in the newspaper Vedomosti. As told by representatives of the publication of the State Duma, the draft law was withdrawn at the request of the government.
The document was introduced by the State Duma deputies from United Russia in early December 2008. The sponsors offered a number of changes in the laws "On Countering Extremist Activity", "On the Media", as well as the Code of Administrative offenses.
In particular, they offered to put the law on extremist activity of a new article, prescribe responsibility for the dissemination of extremist material on the Internet. According to the article after the second appearance on the site of such material the court decides to terminate access to the site in the territory of Russia, and providers are required to take steps to freeze. The authors also suggested the media to publish in the Federal list of sites on the Internet, over which the court has decided to discontinue access.
It was this article, described the publication of one of the sponsors - the deputy Alexei Rozuvan, and has led to the withdrawal of a document from the State Duma. The proposed amendment, he said, requires additional coordination with the courts and agencies.
In 2008, deputies from United Russia has repeatedly spoken to the Bills, uzhestochayuschimi law on the media. However, their legislative initiatives were not supported by President Dmitry Medvedev, returning in June proposed by deputies from United Russia amendments to the law revision. A November 5, in a message to the Federal Assembly, calling staff state machinery to ensure media freedom. "Freedom of speech - said while Medvedev - provided technology innovations." It is necessary, he added, "as much as possible to expand the free space of the Internet."
