Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A bill to close the site for extremism withdrawn from the State Duma.

A bill aimed at combating extremism in the media, including Internet, withdrawn from the State Duma, wrote Tuesday in the newspaper Vedomosti. As told by representatives of the publication of the State Duma, the draft law was withdrawn at the request of the government.
The document was introduced by the State Duma deputies from United Russia in early December 2008. The sponsors offered a number of changes in the laws "On Countering Extremist Activity", "On the Media", as well as the Code of Administrative offenses.
In particular, they offered to put the law on extremist activity of a new article, prescribe responsibility for the dissemination of extremist material on the Internet. According to the article after the second appearance on the site of such material the court decides to terminate access to the site in the territory of Russia, and providers are required to take steps to freeze. The authors also suggested the media to publish in the Federal list of sites on the Internet, over which the court has decided to discontinue access.
It was this article, described the publication of one of the sponsors - the deputy Alexei Rozuvan, and has led to the withdrawal of a document from the State Duma. The proposed amendment, he said, requires additional coordination with the courts and agencies.
In 2008, deputies from United Russia has repeatedly spoken to the Bills, uzhestochayuschimi law on the media. However, their legislative initiatives were not supported by President Dmitry Medvedev, returning in June proposed by deputies from United Russia amendments to the law revision. A November 5, in a message to the Federal Assembly, calling staff state machinery to ensure media freedom. "Freedom of speech - said while Medvedev - provided technology innovations." It is necessary, he added, "as much as possible to expand the free space of the Internet."

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