Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The newspaper The New York Times is going to sell assets.

   Guide newspaper The New York Times is considering selling assets edition. This was on Wednesday wrote The Financial Times.
In November 2008, dropped sharply newspaper advertising revenues. This is mainly occurred due to declining advertising entertainment, cars and real estate. It is projected that 2009 will be for The New York Times one of the toughest for its history. Recently, credit rating companies administering Times Company, which handles cases newspapers, was reduced to the level of experts "below investment".
Which assets may be sold to exit the situation is unknown. Potential buyers still are looking into the U.S..
Before it became aware of the upcoming sale of the assets of The New York Times, declared bankruptcy second-largest U.S. publishing house, Tribune. The company issued such newspapers as The Los Angeles Times and The Chicago Tribune, led to the bankruptcy of a major debt formed before the financial crisis.
As expected, in response to the crisis in the U.S. advertising expenditures in 2009 will decline by an average of 5.7 percent. That would put in a difficult position print the country.

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