Thursday, December 11, 2008

The reason for the resignation of the heads of Rossvyazkomnadzora called the scandal surrounding the "2x2".

The reason for personnel changes in the leadership Rossvyazkomnadzora could become a scandal around of "2x2". This edition writes Kommersant on Thursday, 11 December.
Recall, 3 December, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on reforming Rossvyazkomnadzora. According to the decree, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Communication has been transformed into Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. December 8, the order of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to head the new department was appointed Sergei Sitnikov.
Thus, Boris Boyarskov, head of agency oversight since 2004, lost his leadership post. The regulator in the Boyarskove reform several times and changed the name: Rosohrankultura, then Rossvyazohrankultura later Rossvyazkomnadzor.
As noted by Kommersant, for the time Boris Boyarsky in the oversight of the media in the Russian media, there have been several scandalous stories. The most vociferous reaction caused caused by the closure of "2x2", which is a part of media "Prof-Media," writes the publication.
Earlier this year Rossvyazohrankultura issued warnings for the channel showing a number of cartoons, among other things, "South Park" with the phrase "for promoting the cult of violence and cruelty." "2x2" is also accused of extremist activities, under threat was the renewal of broadcasting license. However, in October, the Federal Competition Commission on Broadcasting (CFC) in the Ministry of Russia issued a decision on the renewal of licenses "2x2" for five years.
As a result of the scandal surrounding the "2x2", as noted interlocutors publications, many media representatives may deem that Boyarskov was "unable to work out the oversight uniform standards for all market participants."
The head of Prof-Media Rafael Akopov at the request of Kommersant to comment on personnel changes in Rossvyazkomnadzore responded this way: "Boris Boyarskov in his post as governor greatly increased and has become a well-understood industry. Sergey Sitnikov they have different attitudes. Sitnikov - promediyny people knows well the work of journalists. It grew out of television. "

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