Friday, December 26, 2008

Russia was in the Tajik media tendentious articles about xenophobia.

KommentariiSneslo kryshu12.12.2008Rossiyskie Nationalists guest cut off his head and set an ultimatum vlastyamPosolstvo Russia in Tajikistan on Wednesday, December 24, the Foreign Ministry sent a note of protest to the republic, Interfax reports. According to the embassy, some Tajik media slant the situation of xenophobia in Russia, publishing false information.
The statement said that a number of publications in articles dealing with labor migration, "allow me incorrect remarks addressed to the top management of Russia and its political course."
Embassy called attempts "to separate the crime of criminal elements in Russia against the citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan" part of the official rate of Russian authorities' deliberate deception of Tajik society. "
The sharp debate in the Tajik media flared after the killing of 20-year-old citizen of the Republic Salohiddin Azizova, which occurred on December 6 in Moscow. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan, in 2008 in Russia killed 80 Tajiks.

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