Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Reporters Without Borders in 2008, counted 60 journalists killed.

KommentariiSamaya professiya16.12.2008V dangerous in the world in 2008 killed 95 zhurnalistovV 2008, the world's 60 journalists were killed, the report says the organization "Reporters without Borders." Meanwhile, in the past year, according to its figures, 87 journalists were killed.
The organization said that the reduction in the number of killed journalists - not a cause for optimism, because in many countries, the situation with freedom of the press has deteriorated over the year.
The most dangerous countries for media declared Iraq, where 15 journalists were killed, Pakistan (7) and the Philippines (6). According to the number of arrests of leading Africa. In addition, many journalists prevented the Iraqi authorities and China. Most of the 38 arrests in China, "Reporters Without Borders linked with the Olympics held in Beijing.
In addition, concern is the increasing censorship of the Internet, which followed the rapid advances in network journalism.
Meanwhile, earlier organization, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), issued a report stating that in 2008 killed 95 journalists. PEC takes into account all the victims of media staff, while Reporters Without Borders included in its report to only those who were killed because of their professional activities.

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