Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Advertising in the mother tongue was effectively foreign.

Consumers who know several languages, better respond to advertising in their native language. That conclusion came researchers from the Rotterdam School of Management (Rotterdam School of Management), conducting a series of experiments relating to the relationship between language advertising and emotions, said the magazine Campaign.
The study notes that worldwide an increasing number of advertising agencies using rollers and slogan in English. This allows the client to create the image of international companies as well as reduce the costs of advertising campaigns. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of such advertising is lower than a similar advertisement in the mother tongue for consumers.
According to the researchers, the reason for such a reaction to advertising in a foreign language that the words of the native language associated with consumers with some experience in the past.
The complete study of the Rotterdam School of Management will be published in the Journal of Consumer Research in April 2009. Called the article would Bilingualism and the Emotional Intensity of Advertising Language (Bilingualism and the brightness of emotional language advertising).

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