Monday, December 29, 2008

British authorities have condemned Channel 4 for the treatment Ahmadinejad.

The UK government has exposed sharp criticism Cahnnel TV Channel 4, reshivshiysya to broadcast the Christmas-treatment of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Representatives of TV channels, in turn, does not believe that did not and are confident that they will only give the audience an opportunity to familiarize themselves with an alternative view of the world the device is reported at BBC News.
Channel 4 broadcast a Christmas alternative treatment for the past 15 years. The traditional annual address to the nation, which is broadcast by TV channels, read out the Queen Elizabeth II.
The choice of 16 on account of the author has caused discontent in the UK government, and some parliamentarians. Opponents of the decision Channel 4 explain its reaction to the fact that Ahmadinejad openly advocates the destruction of Israel, but also infringed the rights of homosexuals.
According to available information, the president of Iran will be dealt with on the world order, which, according to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have to change. Turning to the British, the Iranian leader will talk about the need to return to "human values" and to stop denying covenants God's prophets, including Ahmadinejad and mentioned Jesus Christ. Broadcast address of Iranian President will be in 22:15 Moscow time.

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