Wednesday, December 24, 2008

NTV halve the number of news releases in the city.

Television NTV soon reduce the number of news releases for St. Petersburg. Only two remain, and they will be broadcast at 18:30 and 22:40, said "Fontanka.Ru.
In an interview with correspondents edition changes commented director of St. Petersburg, NTV Ilia Tilkin. According to him, the reasons for reducing the number of news releases two: it is "economic issues and changing concepts. Tilkin said that the information service of NTV, which in his opinion, could compete with the Internet, no longer able to operate as before. "We will change the concept more in the direction of analysts infoteymenta and will work in prime-time" - added the representative of the television.
Director of St. Petersburg, NTV added that the TV had "significantly" reduce the number of employees. In doing so, the foundation was able to retain staff.

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