Tuesday, December 16, 2008

For the year the world has killed 95 journalists.

95 journalists in 32 countries around the world have been killed during the execution of their duties in 2008. This is stated in the annual report of the organization Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), based in Geneva.
In the past year, according to the organization, was established "antirekord" - then the death of 115 journalists.
As a positive trend analysts PEC noted a sharp decline in the number of dead in Iraq (15 to 50 in 2007), reflecting an improvement in the country. Also, fewer members of the press have been killed in Somalia (2 instead of on 8) and Sri Lanka (2 instead of 7). However, the increase in the number of journalists killed in Mexico, Pakistan, Georgia, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand and the Philippines.
Russia is among the ten countries most dangerous for the press. In her one year, four journalists were killed (in 2007 - one), most of the killings were related to events in the Caucasus. In Georgia, for the year, five journalists were killed - as noted in the record, this is due to the war in South Ossetia.
The report says that about three-quarters of the victims were killed in "hot spots". As a result, among the most dangerous countries for journalists are especially Mexico and Thailand, whose territory for the year was not armed conflict.
According to the organization, the vast majority of journalists killed because of their profession. PEC also noted that most murderers of the press go unpunished and investigations and proceedings against them are often delayed and are not impartial. The organization cited the example of the court for the murder of Anna Politkovskaya.

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