Thursday, December 18, 2008

China has blocked sites BBC and the Voice of America. "

In China again blocked a number of foreign Internet resources. Chinese Net users, according to BBC News, left the Chinese version of the resource, and can not open the site of the Voice of America "(" Voice of America ").
Both of these sites have been released in China during the Olympics in Beijing in August 2008. Local authorities were forced to take this step after numerous complaints from journalists who came to cover the Olympics and did not have the opportunity to work with a number of online resources.
Note that restricting access to sites with extra information to citizens is a long-standing practice in China. At various times in that country had been denied access to resources, to criticize Beijing's official actions. In relation to the Chinese bloggers are also very strict rules, and network writers risked sit in jail for criticizing the government or a reference to events such as the suppression of demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

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