Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Media obliged to specify the owner when registering.
These adjustments are a working group to improve legislation on the media sent to the Office of the President and the Ministry. They should bring the media in accordance with the laws of copyright, personal data and countering extremism.
However, as the newspaper reported members of the Working Group Secretary of the Union of Journalists, Mikhail Fedotov, in most cases, the fog in this area does not scatter. " According to him, as the owner "will indicate any JSC. Nevertheless, as pointed out by Fedotov, "all the same we will be closer to the standards of transparency."
Currently, Article 10 of the Law "On mass media" requires registration with the state media, only information about the founders, and that, with respect to any other media, the claimant is the founder, owner, chief editor, publisher or distributor. In addition, you must provide details of the nature of recorded media, sources of funding and Editorial.
YouTube will share revenue with Disney.
Disney will be able to place next to your content ads, sharing revenue with YouTube. In addition, the channel ESPN will be a special video player that allows Disney to obtain detailed data on the viewer.
The agreement does not allow to publish the entire television and recording sports events. In addition, it does not apply to cartoons and movies of the company's Disney.
YouTube has a similar deal signed with the corporation CBS. In addition, in 2007 videohosting agreed to share revenue with the local American television, stories are posted on the portal.
Radiostation "Voice of Russia" launched a new Russian-language channel.
The new channel gives preference to developments in Russia, the CIS countries, and also tells about the life of the Russian diaspora abroad. Currently, the channel has started broadcasting on the Internet radio site. Also scheduled to broadcast on medium and short wave and FM-band in some countries.
The staff of the Russian service were members of the two editions of the Voice of Russia "-" Commonwealth "and" World Russian Service. "
Public radio station "Voice of Russia" was established in 1998, the All-Russia State Television and Radio Company (VGTRK). In November 2008, radio became the winner of "Award Runet" prize "Runet outside RU".
Detained in North Korea of American journalists will be judged.
Currently, according to KCNA, the investigation is continuing, and at the same time preparing materials for the process to have the charges are confirmed. The Agency explained that the fact of illegal entry into the territory of North Korea and suspicion of "hostile acts" as confirmed by evidence, and testimony from the detainees themselves.
Laura Lynn (Laura Ling) and Yna Lee (Euna Lee), journalists channel Current TV, were arrested during the shooting reporting on North Korean refugees in China. The exact place of detention is unknown, some media reported that the crew did not crossed the border and the incident occurred on the territory of China.
Experts note that in contrast to the almost impregnable border with South Korea, in the vicinity of the detention crew DPRK and China shared the shallow Tumen River border with a fairly narrow track, which crossed in many places is easy. As a journalist could unknowingly violate the border, and consciously try to remove the exclusive pictures on the territory of the DPRK.
According to official statements by the American administration, are all possible diplomatic efforts to release journalists. As the United States have no diplomatic with North Korea, a few days ago with the journalists for the first time since the arrest, met a representative of the Swedish Embassy. On the details of the meeting information is received.
Saratov beaten journalist came to mind.
The journalist can already speak, but doctors still do not allow him to communicate with investigators and to testify. Vadim Rogozhin was unconscious almost a month.
The evening of March 5, at the journalist was attacked by unknown, which had caused him many blows to the head with a sharp object. This was the entrance of the house, where Rogozhin. The journalist was hospitalized, he underwent a complicated operation.
As the attack was a criminal case. Investigators concluded that the attackers' attempt on the life of a journalist. Presumably, the attempt was connected with his professional activities.
TV Channels Sochi will not give to candidates for mayor to broadcast propaganda.
According to the publication, channels FTC, Hi-TV and TV-Sochi will not give to candidates for campaign broadcasts. Three TV - JSC "Concern Radio-Center, Inc. Astro TV" and "Leader of context" - announced a desire to give candidates broadcast on a fee basis. The document is available (in zip-arihva) vote on the site of Sochi.
Meanwhile, candidate for mayor of Sochi, Boris Nemtsov, the words which led the Independent newspaper, said that these three companies known Sochi. Perhaps, in his view, they have not yet begun to broadcast.
Nemtsov also said that he was denied of the seven minutes of airtime on local television. He said he was going to use this time to explain to voters the origin of 5 thousand dollars, translated at the expense of his election from abroad.
Election of mayor, the capital of the Olympics in 2014 appointed 26 April. During the post fight 16 people. Among them, other than Nemtsov, the candidate of United Russia, the acting Sochi Mayor Anatoly Pakhomov, businessman Alexander Lebedev, a former Russian presidential candidate Andrei Bogdanov, head of the Sochi Branch of the Communist Party Yuri Dzaganiya, the representative of the LDPR faction in the Krasnodar region Alexei Kolesnikov and ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The International Herald Tribune and The New York Times ran a single site.
Now readers of The New York Times, want to read the online version of the newspaper, go automatically to the new site with the title The International Herald Tribune. However, a single site visitors can edit the settings page and switch to the electronic version of the publication The New York Times. Gottlib stresses that the work of a site run by the three cities - New York, Paris and Hong Kong. Information appearing on the new site, going from 40 news bureaux, located in different cities around the world.
In addition, changes have also occurred in the printed version of The International Herald Tribune, reported AFP. Guide newspaper has decided to change the design of the first band, as well as amendments to the design of sections and headings weekly.
According to Gottliba, now the name of the newspaper recruited the other, more complex characters that are similar in their mind at the corporate font of The New York Times. With regard to the layout of headings, the headings and captions to photos in The International Herald highlighted in bold.
The International Herald Tribune was founded in Paris in 1887 as a European version of New York The New York Times. The main office of the publication is still in the capital of France. The newspaper is the most popular international weekly in English - it is printed in 33 branches and leaves more than 180 countries around the world.
Alexander Lebedev would condemn Forbes.
According to Lebedev, his lawyers are currently addressing the question of the courts of any State to be filed suit. It is possible that the businessman turn immediately to the three vessels: the Russian, British and American. The amount of the claim has not yet been determined, but Lebedev said that in the event of a victory is going to allocate compensation to charity.
Businessman said that after the publication of Forbes in Russia's newspapers have the assumption that Lebedev is involved in the election of the mayor of Sochi, only to offset a loss from the crisis. Lebedev added that the magazine Forbes, in his view, is part of the responsibility for the crisis. "It is too long belly lime bubble billionaire, who burst, hitting the finance and economy of many developed countries", - said biznesmen.Otmetim that in an interview with the magazine "Profil" in February 2009, Alexander Lebedev said that its losses from the crisis amounted to a billion dollarov.V December 2008 Lebedev, chairman of the board of directors has asked Forbes Steve Forbes to exclude him from the rank and millionaires are no longer included in such lists, because it causes him damage.
Ukrainian media have begun to struggle for the right to publish in Russian.
In the treatment UAIPP said publishers are concerned that attempts to impose on readers' consumption of information in specific languages.
According to the publishers, this is done against the will of the people to read in Russian.
In addition, the authors believe that the bill "contradicts the basic provisions of the rights, freedoms and regulate economic activity in Ukraine and in Europe."
Publishers have warned that the law on moving the media into the Ukrainian language in the country will lead to the dismissal of 20 thousand people and non-budgeted 250 million hryvnia.
 "The introduction of language standards in the press will lead to some shortages of Russian newspapers and magazines that would reorient readers to the Russian media, and this is especially dangerous on the eve of elections" - pripugnula authors of the controversial bill UAIPP.
Ukrainian publishers made the draft law "On State language and minority languages", registered in the Verkhovna Rada deputy of BYUT Yuri Gnatkevichem.
Under the provisions of this document, all Ukrainian media - and print and electronic - should move to use the state language.
For information Gnatkevicha to 90 percent of all newspapers in the country are published in Russian.
"We need to get respect for the native Ukrainian language and speak it. And an enormous educational role in this played by the media", - explained the author of the bill, explaining the need for its adoption.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
"Novaya Gazeta has accused the movement" Nashi "in an attempt to bribe.
According to the publication of the deputy director of "Novaya Gazeta" Valery Shiryaev, recently in the newspaper came a man, who introduced Dmitry Krestovsky. He suggested that the newspaper mentioned the deal and said that the contract articles were prepared to pay some disgraced oligarchs and party.
"This man made a shocking impression on us. It was a very strange mixture of self, and incompetence. I had thought at once him to send three letters, but it hurt, he was brazen," - told "Kommersant" Shiryaev. By assigning Krestovsky regular meeting, the journalists have reported about all the police.
When Krestovsky again came to the Editor to send an advance payment of 89 thousand rubles, he was arrested by police and released after questioning. It turned out that his real name - Dmitry Kopylov, and he, according to "Novaya Gazeta", a militant movement "Nashi".
Press Secretary of "our", in turn, stated that Kapylou was really active in the movement, but about a year ago he had ceased to appear among us. " However, according to Shiryaeva still March 26 in the office of the movement he confirmed that they are in Kapylou.
Remember, March 26 Movement "Our stated intention to sue the" New newspaper for publishing the material in which one of the commissioners, "our" suspected of involvement in the attack on Boris Nemtsov, which occurred on 23 March in Sochi.
CNN TV channel for the first time in history, fell to third place in ratings.
The final outcome of the March rating will be summarized on Friday evening, and, as the agency, it is unlikely that CNN (an average of 1.14 million viewers in prime time each day) will be able to circumvent the MSNBC (1,16 million). The first took Fox News with 2.73 million viewers.
CNN ratings for the year virtually unchanged, whereas the number of visitors from rivals Fox News and MSNBC grew by 30 and 24 percent respectively. The most popular prime-time channel CNN - talk show Larry King - is only the tenth in the list of the most ratings in the North American television. A month ago, shows King is the seventh row.
The first six places ranking transfer took Fox News, the most popular of which is a talk show, Bill O'Reilly "The O'Reilly Factor" with an average audience of 3.42 million viewers. The seventh place in March, is analytical MSNBC "Countdown with Keith Olbermann".
As the total number of unique viewers in the U.S. television CNN, as it were, took first place in the United States. Nevertheless, the overall audience is still inferior to CNN Fox News.
CNN was the first television in the United States, began around-the-clock news broadcasts. Television has become widely popular and has the lead after the television coverage of the Gulf War and the first American channels reported on the attacks of 11 September 2001 in New York.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Radio Voice of Russia "will broadcast in Ukrainian and Georgian.
According to the newspaper, from March 30, 2009 Public Broadcasting Company (WGD), "The Voice of Russia will expand its presence in Latin America, and will begin broadcast in Ukrainian and Georgian languages.
The Ukrainian government regulation of broadcasting does not have plans to WGD, if the broadcasting company will comply with the legislation of Ukraine. The statement was made by publication of a member of the National Council on Television and Radio Vladislav Lyasovsky. "We do not intend to apply any sanctions against it" - he explained.
The author of the material to note that changes in the broadcasting WGD in line with Moscow's foreign plants. Sources of publications have argued that in 2008 at a meeting of the Security Council of Russia, it was decided to intensify the efforts of Russia to form the information space in adjacent states.
With regard to the information of Russia in Latin America, remember that in March 2009 Russian-language TV channel "Inter Russia TV Channel", based in Panama City, began broadcasting around the clock on the region.
"We will sue" New newspaper "because of sal ammoniac.
In the agency received a statement of "our", which states that it is preparing a lawsuit to protect the honor and business reputation of the movement against "Novaya Gazeta". The reason for this was the publication in the publication of material which the author reported that the attack on the Nemtsova may be involved Commissioner motion Konstantin Markov.
In this article, "New" commented that the March 23, when Boris Nemtsov was directed at a press conference in Sochi, near the entrance to its headquarters there was some woman with a bouquet of roses. When a politician coming to the building, she called on a mobile phone. After that, because of the angle of the house shows two teenagers who doused Boris Nemtsov, and the head of his staff Ilya Yashin temnovatoy liquid with a smell of ammonia and fled. Woman with roses rushed to the street in the opposite direction, but sobkoru managed to catch up to its publication and find out that it was disguised in a young girl.
Later, the photos made a correspondent for publications, the leader of Ryazan natsbolov Sergei Ezhov identified in young people, like Commissioner movement "Nashi" Konstantin Markov.
According to Interfax, the activists claim that the material "Novaya Gazeta" is slander and harm the reputation of "our", and Konstantin Markov for over a year and a half is not a press secretary Ryazan Branch of motion and the motion was not aware of his activities in the present time.
Recall that the representatives of 25 March, 2009 motion filed in court a similar civil suit against Nemtsova that after the incident, publicly stated that the attack involved "our."
Election of Mayor of Sochi, where in addition to Nemtsova will attend another 22 candidates, will be held on April 26.
Russian parties will forgive the debts of the pre-broadcast.
According to the interlocutor of the publication of the CEC, the initiative belonged to United Russia, which inherited the debts of the Agrarian Party after the merger.
In turn, a source in Parliament said "Vedomosti" that the amendment prepares the administration on domestic policy president, who has already started to discuss this issue with the factions. According to him, the debt will be preceded by a complex legal procedure.
The publication said that by law, the parties involved in the campaign receive free airtime in the state media. However, if the party receives less than 3 percent of the votes, it is obliged to pay the media.
According to the CEC, which cause "Vedomosti," the 2007 "Apple" owes for political advertising is almost 170 million rubles, "Civilian Power" - 168.5 million rubles, the Agrarian Party - 161,3 million rubles, the Democratic Party - 161 million rubles, "the Union of Right Forces" - 159 million rubles.
As reported, the claims against the parties with the requirement to pay for political advertising has already filed a "TV-Center" and "Channel" and the "Russian Newspaper".
New York Times and Washington Post to reduce staff.
Company Times Co., Which owns the New York Times and Boston Globe, 6 percent intend to reduce the salaries of employees of those publications while increasing the duration of their leave to 10 days. Wages will fall at least until the end of 2009. In addition, the New York Times will be laid off 100 employees.
The newspaper Washington Post on Thursday also announced the new phase of optimizing costs. The publication once again intends to offer to resign on his own will, in exchange for the payment of compensation or the right to early retirement. The proposal applies to employees aged over 50 who worked in publishing for more than 5 years. Compensation will be offered to members of the news and editorial departments of printing and distribution. In 2008, a similar measure has allowed the Washington Post to reduce staff to 231 staff.
The newspaper Washington Post has completed the year 2008 with operating losses of 192.7 million dollars. A year earlier edition showed a profit of 66,4 million dollars. Losses media group Times Co. in 2008 amounted to 30,3 million dollars. 2007 Times Co. finished with a profit of 248.6 million dollars.
Loss of two of the most popular in the U.S. public and political newspapers linked to reduced revenue from advertising and the decline in retail sales. For similar problems, said AFP, in the past few months experienced virtually all American editions. Since early 2009, two major newspapers - Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Rocky Mountain News - announced the move to on-line version. Since March 27 stops to go in daily and the newspaper Christian Science Monitor, also decided to focus on developing a presence on the Internet.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune will combine its correspondent network.
The reason for this decision was a program to reduce costs, which is crisis management issues. Recall, in December 2008, the publishing house of Tribune, which owns both newspapers, announced its bankruptcy. Also noted that the Tribune was the second largest publishing house in the U.S., and the beginning of the procedures for bankruptcy has caused a great resonance.
The planned merger of the two networks have announced major correspondent Editors Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. They stressed that the reform will not affect the quality of coverage of world events. Reported that now the newspapers will be a joint international edition and it will be located in Los Angeles.
Currently, Chicago Tribune korpunkty there are in Beirut, Islamabad, London, Mexico City and Moscow, the Los Angeles Times - 15 korpunktov worldwide, including in Baghdad and Seoul. It is possible that the new international edition will serve the newspaper and other publishing houses Tribune, for example, The Baltimore Sun and Orlando Sentinel.
AFP pointed out that since the fall of 2008 because of the recession in the U.S. advertising market, owing to the financial crisis, most American newspapers have been forced to significantly reduce their costs, leading to massive layoffs of journalists in various publications.
TV channel "Vesti" will display lectures by world leaders from Ban Ki-moon.
The lecture, Ban Ki-moon will be broadcast at 17:00 Moscow time. It is anticipated that later in the programs will be attended by Heads of Government and public figures, who will visit Russia. Reported that the series of lectures would be called 'The Golden Collection "of international life', and be prepared with the active participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov.
Editor-in-chief of TV Irina Filina said that the lecture will focus on pressing international issues and expressed the hope that they will be of interest to viewers.
The cycle of lectures dedicated to the 65 th anniversary of the monthly journal Foreign Ministry of Russia, "International Events", highlights the issues of foreign policy.
Wiesenthal Center accused the newspaper of the American Anti-Semitism.
From the figure - known political cartoonist Pat Oliphant (Pat Oliphant), whose work is published in The New York Times and other leading newspapers. At caused resentment cartoon depicted marching headless man with a sword in his hand and dressed in military uniforms, which katit huge Star of David on a small female figure with the caption "Gaza." According to the Associated Press, Wiesenthal Center calls from editor to remove the cartoon from the site.
Leadership Center, based in Los Angeles and more than 400 thousand members in the U.S., argues that the figure Oliphant ochernyaet and demonize the Israeli state. "The image on this cartoon mimic poisonous anti-Semitic propaganda of Nazism, and the times of the Soviet Union - said the Center. - Such as this cartoon in the 1930's and raised the hatred in the hearts of millions of people and helped the Nazis uchinit genocide."
In the same vein, was made by the League Against Defamation (ADL), calling its objectives the fight against anti-Semitism and xenophobia. New York TV WCBS-TV, quoting the national ADL director Abraham Foksmana (Abraham Foxman), which is called the cartoon "abhorrent" and "anti-Semitic." "To compare Israel to protect its men, women and children from the bombs, with the Nazis - is a political crime is admissible boundary dispute. This is a fanatical intolerance," - said Foksman.
Pat Oliphant is considered one of the most popular cartoonists in the world, in 1967 he became the owner of the Pulitzer Prize. Since 1995, the artist's work sold for simultaneous publication in the various editions of the United States and foreign countries. Earlier Oliphant cartoons have caused dissatisfaction among the representatives of Asian and Arab diaspora dollars. Drawing on a theme dedicated to the Gaza operation "Cast lead, which Israel carried out from December to January in response to rocket attacks by Hamas militants.
Asked Deputy Prosecutor General's "Kommersant" to refute the article about the housing scandal.
Recall, in this article, issued on 25 March 2009, stated that the deputy prosecutor suspected of involvement in the machinations of the state apartment, which was allegedly illegally resold to private individuals. According to the newspaper, the investigation is trying to attract the Deputy General Prosecutor for criminal proceedings, but this supposedly does not allow the General Prosecutor's Office.
Gulyagin, commenting on this information, said that for such a crime is judged that a gang of fraudsters and their accomplices are trying to unravel the case, as well as to discredit the law enforcement and prosecutors.
Bishkek beat reporters "Moscow Komsomolets".
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan, shortly after the journalists - editor in chief Ulugbek Babakulov and correspondent Helen Ageyeva - left the building drafted, they are attacked by several people. They beat journalists robbed them cell phones and money - two hundred soms (about five dollars).
Ulugbek Babakulov who received closed craniocerebral trauma, to the hospital. Elena Ageyeva not received serious injuries, she did not need hospitalization.
In response to criminal proceedings were instituted under the heading "Robbery." In the police believe that attack is not related to professional activities of journalists.
Recall that in early March in Bishkek, was severely beaten by a journalist Reporter-Bishkek "Syrgak Abdyldaev. The attackers broke his arm and caused several dozen stab wounds. In critical condition, he was taken to hospital. As reported by "Fergana.Ru" after the victim came to, he said that the attack was a frightening event, addressed to journalists and supporters of the opposition.
Case of former Glavred Samara "Novaya Gazeta" returned to the Prosecutor's Office.
According to Kurt-Adzhieva initiative returned the case came from the prosecutor's office. Representatives of the Public Prosecutor's Office found errors in the indictment and appealed to the court. The journalist called it "feat Samara prosecutors.
Sergei Kurt-Adzhiev suggested that the case has not come back to court and will be closed. He was accused of using unlicensed software. In the 2007 edition of "Novaya Gazeta" was seized equipment, and publication ceased. In July 2008 the Court recognized Kurt-Adzhieva convicted and fined for 15 thousand rubles. The journalist claimed that he had licenses and documents, and promised to appeal the decision of the court.
The ex-governor of Illinois BlagojeviÄ worked radioveduschim.
"I just want to ask the right questions, good talk with my guests, as well as get the opportunity to talk with some radio listeners and express their views on issues of interest to all, - quoting Blagojević TV WLS-TV. - I look forward to two guests, one of them seems to be played by me on the stage. I look forward to meeting with this guy. "
As explained in the article Chicago Tribune, scandalous politician invited guests - actors, the musical "Rod Blagojevic - superstar." In February, a musical set in the Chicago improvised theater "second city" (The Second City), and from 26 March to 3 May, it will show viewers the Chicago Shakespeare Theater (Chicago Shakespeare Theater). In setting derided Adventures of corrupt former governor.
Progress in the show on Wednesday tracked in real time in one of the blogs on the newspaper Christian Science Monitor. Apparently, Blagojević successfully coped with the responsibilities of the lead and not lose the case pokritikovat new government, headed by Illinois Governor Petom Quinn: "Pat Quinn joined the corrupt bargain with lawmakers. They staged a fraudulent process of impeachment. I took the post of power, not giving to prove my innocence. "
At the end of 2008 against Blagojević have been accused of corruption: in particular, it is suspected of trying to sell the Senate seat from Illinois that freed after the election victory of President Barack Obama. The legislature of Illinois, without waiting for the court, in January announced Blagojević impeachment and moved it to the post. While awaiting the start of the process, the ex-governor did not "fall to the bottom" and all the forces of attracting public attention. Justice charges against him Blagojevic, categorically denies.
In the murder of an American teenager confessed radioveduschego.
Weber's body with multiple knife wounds were found in his New York apartment earlier this week. My legs were dead wrapped with tape, a characteristic wound on the hands of the police allowed to assume that radioveduschy trying to have a killer resistance.
Presumably, Weber met with the teenager at the site of ads Craigslist, then invited the boy to his intimate meetings. What forced the young man, agreed to a visit to the 47-year-old man to commit the brutal murder, did not specify.
In Latvia, because of the crisis affected the Russian-speaking radio.
According to the management of Latvian radio referred to the Ministry of Finance of the business plan that includes three option difficulties. Under the first scenario, public radio will continue to broadcast in their entirety. The second scenario provides for a radical reduction in the Latvian radio programs - 3 "Classic" and the Latvian Radio - 4 "Dome Square, where broadcasts will be saved only in Riga and Daugavpils. In the third, the most pessimistic scenario, it is proposed to leave just one state channel, which would reflect the interests of all groups. This significant funding will be spent on compensation for laid-off employees.
According to the director of the Dome area, "Ilona Madesovoy, however, the latter scenario is not real, but" there is to show how absurd the situation in which the radio set. " In her view, the likely options are only the first and second.
Because of the difficult economic situation in the Latvian public radio was on the brink of bankruptcy, his debts amounted to about two million dollars. In December 2008 the Government had approved the anti-crisis program, under which all government spending will be cut by 15 percent. In protest against these measures, the general director of Radio Latvia Aigars Semevitss resigned and was replaced by Dzintars Kolats.
Latvia suffered from the global financial crisis stronger than all other countries in the EU. In the fourth quarter of 2008 GDP fell by 10.5 per cent over the same period in 2007.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
In India, shot a well-known journalist.
The journalist was killed on the evening of March 24 near his home in the city of Guwahati (Guwahati), when returning home from work. The criminals shot him seven times in the chest.
Majumdar actively advocated for negotiations between the militants of separatist group United Liberation Front Asama "(United Liberation Front of Asom - ULFA) and the authorities.
ULFA in 1979, leads an armed struggle for secession from the oil-rich state of India. According to some reports, militants were linked to Pakistani secret services ISI.
In 1990, the Government of India has banned the group, formally recognizing its terrorist. Over the past 20 years of armed conflict, the victims were over 10 thousand people.
Mirax Group and "Nezavisimaya gazeta" abandoned Claims.
On 20 March, the Chairman of the Board of Directors Sergey Polonsky and chief editor Konstantin Remchukov discussed at the meeting raised the claim and found complete mutual understanding. " Following discussions it was decided to withdraw the lawsuit filed by corporations with the Court of Arbitration.
In addition, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta said the willingness to publish an interview or an article by Sergei Polonsky, which is" full stop "to the question raised in the article claims caused by Andrey Konkin" Mirages of Mirax Group ".
This article was published in February 2009. It states, inter alia, that if the corporation fails to agree on debt restructuring, it will have to begin bankruptcy proceedings, and victims of this situation are the people pay for apartments in residential complexes, construction of which Mirax Group has planned for the next gody.Mirax Group required to refute those reports, and filed a lawsuit to the Arbitration Court of Moscow. Subsequently, the radio "Echo Moskvy" Sergei Polonsky, accused Remchukova in custom publishing materials that led to the claim of protecting the dignity of "the Independent newspaper."
In Kyrgyzstan, the Russian-language newspaper has suspended production after the threats.
Chief editor of the weekly Bermet Bukasheva told the agency that the decision to suspend the edition was made after the recent attack on journalist Reporter-Bishkek "Syrgaka Abdyldaeva. According to the editor in chief, after an incident with Abdyldaeva to the editor of "People" called the unknown, and some expressed wishes. " What threats were addressed to Editorial threat Bukasheva not specified.
Remember, the attack on journalist Syrgaka Abdyldaeva occurred March 3, 2009 near the building of the newspaper "Reporter Bishkek. Abdyldaeva caused about 30 stab wounds and two broken hands. Currently, the journalist in hospital, the crime is not solved.
Bermet Bukasheva said that her disappointment is how society reacted to the attack on Syrgaka Abdyldaeva. "We have a moral decay, there is disappointment in the opposition in power in the society," - she explained. According to editor-in-chief, directing the publication had not yet decided whether it would be the newspaper of the past 10 years again available, or will be sold to another owner.
"Fergana.Ru" notes that the weekly "Faces" often publish material that contained criticism of the Kyrgyz authorities, so the newspaper has a reputation as an independent publication.
The attack on the head of the Saratov media considered the attempt.
At the head of media attacked the evening of March 5, when he returned from work. Two unknown attacked him a few blows to the head. He was hospitalized in serious condition. The hospital Rogozhina was a complicated operation. According to reports, he still has not come in themselves.
According to the basic version of the investigation, attempted Rogozhina been linked to his journalistic activities.
TV Channel "Russia" withdrew the lawsuit to Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.
"After analyzing the results of its work at its new location, we came to the conclusion that the creative activities of Mrs. Zavorotnyuk this as entirely consistent with the interests of channel 'Russia', and therefore, extinguishes all of our claim to leadership," - said in a press release, which lead agency. This position is in the message the agency is not explained.
Claim to Zavorotnyuk in Moscow Simonovsky Court TV filed in November 2008. It stated that under the treaty which was concluded with the actress on June 16, Zavorotnyuk has pledged not to participate as the main lead or soveduschego "in the projects of third parties." It also, as said the agency does not have the right, without prior coordination with television interviews and to participate in the transfer.
August 29, the actress sent a letter to the television for the termination of the contract unilaterally. The channel requested the court impose a fine actress to 417 thousand rubles, and recover from a penalty in the amount of 16.68 million rubles for breach of contract. In December Simonovsky court rejected the claim, then "Russia has filed a second lawsuit.
Former Governor of Illinois will radioveduschim.
  Accused of corrupt ex-governor of the U.S. state of Illinois, Rod Blagojevic, will lead the Chicago radio station WLS. On this March 24, reports Associated Press.
Blagojević program will go in the morning on Wednesdays. The former governor will tell different stories, to talk with invited guests in the studio audience and receive calls. On the subject of transfers has not yet been reported. Meanwhile, in February in an interview with WLS Blagojević announced desire to reveal the direction of Illinois. He accused politicians of adultery and alcoholism.
In January, when Blagojevic had not been dismissed by the Governor, WLS offered to him in the event of dismissal to start his own show on weekends. Then Blagojevic has refused to accept the offer.
At the end of 2008 Blagojević was accused of trying to sell seats in the U.S. Senate, released after the transition Barack Obama for president. Also suspected of extortion of bribes from businessmen. Governor was arrested and later released on bail. In late January 2009, Illinois lawmakers have announced Blagojević impeachment and forbade him to continue to hold any public office in the state. Sam Blagojević denies all charges.
In early March Blagojević announced its intention to October 2009 to write and publish a book about the "dark side of politics."
Union of Journalists is investigating the attacks on the media.
  Journalists Union of Russia and the Duma Committee on Information Policy announced the creation of a "Bureau of investigative journalism", which will be investigating the attacks on media workers. On this March 24, RIA Novosti reported.
According to Deputy Chairman of Committee on Information Policy, Boris Reznik, the bureau has already begun to work. Reznik said that over the past 10 years in Russia were killed by 257 journalists. Disclosed at this time about 10 percent of murders. According to deputies, the State Bureau of investigative journalism "would like detectives (including former law enforcement officers) and people who will ensure their physical protection.
Boris Reznik, and the head of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vsevolod Bogdanov announced the creation of a Bureau of Investigation, after taking part in the meeting of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs at the Saratov region. At the meeting discussed the attack on the Saratov journalist Vadim Rogozhina. Head of media "Vision" Rogozhina beat in the porch of his home March 5. He was repeatedly hit on the head, he was hospitalized in serious condition and has not yet come into consciousness.
According to the investigation, the criminals are not going to beat and kill a journalist. Investigators believe that the reason for the attack could not only work Rogozhina as a journalist, but also the conflicts related to economic activity "sight."
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
NTV journalist injured in the riots in northern Israel.
According to the journalist, crew channel covering the event, fell under the hail of stones and bottles, which local residents have met demonstrators. Because of the tear gas that make it difficult to review, the journalist was unable to dodge from one of the stones. Hospitalization Ivlieva that stone cut the skin on your head, do not need.
According to AFP, the activists marched right of the Jewish organizations in the predominantly Arab-populated town of Umm el-Fahm was authorized by the court, though before its organizers repeatedly denied. The authors demonstrate Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gvir said that the march was a "test of Israeli democracy," because freedom of movement guaranteed by the constitution. Demonstrators gathered in the city carrying national flags of Israel.
Arrived on the scene about 2500 police officers, police helicopters circled the air, the venue of the march on duty ambulances.
However, representatives of leftist and Arab nationalist organization claimed that the march is provocative, and promised to prevent it. In their view, this is a racist action, and Jewish nationalists seek to expel Arabs from Israel. The crowd, which had a large number of children and adolescents, blocked the entrance to the city, the police officers guarding the demonstration of stones and bottles flew. In response, security forces fired tear gas, sound grenades and water cannons. According to preliminary data, slightly wounding three policemen,
The march, which were protected by a cordon of police on the outskirts of Umm al-Fahm, was completed approximately one hour after it began. It clarifies the AFP, in Israel, about 20 percent of the population is Arab. It is the descendants of those who remained on their land after the creation in 1948, the Jewish state and not left in the Arab-Israeli wars.
North Korea suspected of spying two American journalists.
Laura Lynn (Laura Ling) and Yna Lee (Euna Lee), journalists channel Current TV, were arrested on March 17. Presumably, the next day they brought in Pyongyang. Investigators are questioning, as well as notebooks and watch videos of reporters in search of evidence that they spied for the North Korean military enterprises, said unnamed representative of the Republic of Korea intelligence.
U.S. State Department confirmed that two journalists of this country are held in the DPRK. However, between Pyongyang and Washington has no diplomatic relations, and the U.S. asked Seoul collect information about where there may be detained.
Reported that the officers shot the media reportage on North Korean refugees in China. If they are found guilty of espionage, they face at least five years in prison. If amerikanok accused in military espionage, as well as illegal border crossing, they may be put at 20 years or more.
Relations between North Korea and the U.S. have recently deteriorated after the States and the Republic of Korea held joint military exercises. In addition, the U.S. suspected that the DPRK's launch of the telecommunications satellite is a cover to test a ballistic missile.
The lawsuit dismissed journalists' First Channel "to the court.
Dismissal Ptashkina and Mirzoyeva interested in the Russian media on 18 March, when journalists barricaded themselves in one of the offices in the telecentre "Ostankino" and declared an indefinite hunger strike. Former Correspondent "First Channel" have argued that their rights have been violated: they fired without payment of compensation to put, and Mirzoyeva not pay the unused vacation. Journalists threatened self-immolation and required to restore them to the posts, and then dismiss, this time - in accordance with law.
Interviewed the director of Television Technology Center, Mikhail Shubin, Mirzoev Ptashkin and left the room.
Guide "First Channel" refuted statements journalists that the separation had been violated their rights. March 19, citing sources in the administration of TV reported that Ptashkin and Mirzoev vneshtatnikami were so right to kompesatsii did not have. Moreover, Mirzoev, as argued by the same source, compensation for unused leave received.
Support Ptashkin and Mirzoyeva had Vice President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Russia Oleg Babich. He said that the Federation intends to file a complaint on behalf of correspondents in the General Prosecutor's Office dismissed.
The publishers have asked Google to get rid of mediaparazitov.
Publishers are also not happy that links to paid content is displayed below free. Because of the low areas in the search results they will lose revenue from advertising and fee-view articles.
In January, one of the top managers of The New York Times demonstrated the "incorrectness" in the extradition case of the Gaza Strip. After entering the query "Gaza" in Google, instead of fresh articles from authoritative media have links to the old notes BBC News, Wikipedia, and even anti-Semitic video on YouTube. Recent reports The New York Times proved to be much lower.
In the advisory board of publishers with Google, whose members are asked to change the issuance of the search engine, includes representatives from BusinessWeek, ESPN, Hearst, Meredith, The New York Times, Time Inc. and The Wall Street Journal.
Regular meeting of Council held on 30 April. It was expected that its representatives from Google will respond to the claims of publishers.
The name of American comedian to be the best name for a new module of the ISS.
The name "Kolbert" substantially ahead of all four variants of the names proposed by NASA. When it became known that users will be able to suggest options for the name of the compartment, Kolbert, in its author's transfer of The Colbert Report on Comedy Central channel called the audience to vote for him.
As a result, the name of Colbert endorsed at NASA 230,539 people, about 40 thousand votes more than the number who voted for the most popular of the proposed Space Agency variants - Serenity. In total, the survey was attended by about 1,2 million people.
Nevertheless, representatives of NASA said that the organization reserves the final decision, but promised to "seriously reflect" all options, directed a large number of votes in the poll. Name of the module will be announced in April, but on the ISS can be delivered in 2010.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Malaysia banned the two opposition newspapers.
According to the People's Justice Party (PKR), whose body is printed "Suara Keadilan", in a letter about the suspension of the Government newspaper, the reasons for the discontinuation of the publication is not identified. "We fear that this is just the beginning of the freedom of the press in the country," - said a member of PKR, adding that the party would continue to print "Suara Keadilan", despite the ban.
Secretary Panmalaziyskoy Islamic party (PAS), which belongs to "Harakah", stated the intention to parties to file a court appeal against the decision of the Government. "This violation of freedom of the press ... and yet another sign of a new wave of repression, which begins with the coming to power Najib Razak," - said the representative of PAS.
Najib Razak (Najib Razak) is currently the leader of the ruling party - United Malaysian National Organization (UMNO). He is expected to succeed Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) to exit after the UMNO, which begins March 24.
In the next few weeks in Malaysia as elections officials.
In the parliamentary elections in March 2008, the ruling coalition of the country for the first time since 1969, has been unable to dial the usual two-thirds of the seats in Parliament. In June the same year the People's Justice Party leader Anwar Ibrahim was accused of homosexuality is prohibited in Malaysia. In response, Anwar Ibrahim accused the government of Malaysia in fabricating the case against him to prevent the opposition come to power.
TV channel "Vesti" issue a new transfer of science and cinema.
The head of the scientific direction "West" named Evelina Zakamskaya. According to her, all of science will now be "interrelated single creative concept." New half-program "Vesti. Science will provide a digest of the program Rostehnologii", "Cosmos" and "Pulse," which has come to feed. However, refined Zakamskaya, it will consist of original stories and interviews.
Also reported on the preparations for the launch of the film industry. " According to the creators, it will go on Thursdays, and inform viewers about the film, which can be seen in cinemas in the coming weekend. It is anticipated that the transfer would be "detailed and entertaining review of new hire: snippets from movies, interviews with directors, actors and producers."
British mediakorporatsiya dismiss a thousand employees.
According to the manual DMGT, now the corporation is facing serious financial difficulties. It was expected that in the first half of 2009, revenues will drop significantly. That is why the company is not obliged to dismiss 500 people, as planned in November 2008, and twice as much.
Massive reductions affect employees of regional offices DMGT - of Northcliffe Media. According to mediakorporatsii, some of the employees already laid off. Northcliffe Media Publishing organization prints 113 newspapers total circulation of 4.1 million copies a week. Publications DMGT regional units are distributed in the central counties of Great Britain and in the south of England.
Note that due to the economic crisis, many publications are forced to either significantly reduce staff or suspend production. In addition, many newspaper owners who do not cope with the consequences of the crisis, closed or exhibited for sale. Recall that in January 2009, a Russian businessman Alexander Lebedev has bought a controlling stake owned by The Daily Mail and General Trust London Evening Standard newspaper for one million pounds sterling (more than a half million euros).
Saudi klerikaly required to remove women from the TV screen.
"No Saudi women should not appear on TV, no matter what occasion. No picture women should not appear in Saudi newspapers and magazines," - says the newly appointed Minister addressed a letter. The message also demanded to ban the broadcast of music and music programs.
Particular resentment aroused from supporters of traditional Islam reforms undertaken the leadership of the former Ministry. Then the women were not only allowed to work on the television journalists and appear on the screen and open people, but also to interview men. The authors of the letter stated that the new leadership should halt this practice, which, from their point of view, contrary to the basics of Islam.
The publication notes that, despite the increasing pressure on the ministry, such treatment is unlikely to lead to a tightening of its policy. Appointment February 14, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia's new Minister of Information and Culture, accompanied by the removal from office the most notorious conservatives and supporters of fundamentalism.
The official religion is Islam in the kingdom, but as the Criminal Code apply Sharia law. The country legalized discrimination based on sex, women are prohibited from participating in elections, and even drive a car. This prohibition applies not only to local women, but also in the country for foreign women.
ABC Radio announcer found dead.
Police found the body of 50-year-old journalist on 22 March. Presumably, he died of his wounds in the neck. According to ABC News sources in the police, the house of Weber was robbed.
Suspects from the police yet, the arrests also were not conducted. Vice-president of ABC Radio, Steve Jones (Steve Jones) said that the station intends to cooperate with the police in investigating the case. He also stressed that Weber has been the victim of murder.
During his career, George Weber has worked with radio station WABC (New York), KTLK and KMPC (Los Angeles), KGO (San Francisco) KOA (Denver). The last time Weber went on the air March 15.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
ÐнÑиглобалиÑÑÑ forged number of German newspapers.
At issue, dated May 1st, 2010, are news stories and materials that антиглобалиÑÑ‚Ñ&lsqauo; would in the near future to see on the pages of most German newspapers.
Among the titles are found, such as banks have moved into the state, the end of the Afghan campaign could be followed by the dissolution of NATO, "The wave of lawsuits against polluting industries."
Counterfeit numbers slightly thinner than usual, but the rest are made with impeccable quality. Along with the fake paper version of the Internet has an alternative site of die-zeit.net, which looks exactly repeats ZEIT ONLINE.
In writing about 30 articles contained in the room, was attended not only by activists of Attac, and prominent journalists. Among them, Harald Schumann (Harald Schuhmann) of the "Tagesspiegel" and the journalist, "Financial Times Deutschland" Tsayze Lucas (Lucas Zeise).
It is reported that another 100 thousand false numbers will be on Monday, March 23, free application for publishing "Tageszeitung". Members of Attac note that the appearance of counterfeit Die Zeit is not just a demonstration event in the room are given a real alternative proposals to overcome the financial and economic crisis.
The action of anti-Attac is a repetition of similar actions carried out by non-governmental organization in the U.S. Yes Men, whose members distributed thousands of passers-fake numbers The New York Times. Among others in the room said that George Bush is accused of treason, and nationalized the oil giants ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco to establish a fund to fight global warming.
Barack Obama has ignored Washington journalists.
It is noted that over the last decade, Obama was the first president who did not come to the Gridiron Club. His predecessors have hurried to appear at the club immediately after the election.
Vice President Joe Biden told members that Obama is busy and getting ready for Easter. Meanwhile, Republican Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger hinted members that Obama has not come, because they do not want to.
Security prevented the Russian journalists to listen Lavrov at a forum in Brussels.
Security prevented the journalists to go to the hall, despite having accreditation. The reasons for refusal have not been explained, reports RIA Novosti. According to the agency, the organizers of the forum did not act or expression of journalists, nor the intervention of the Russian embassy diplomats.
Brussels forum organized by the Marshall Fund. Among the conference participants - heads of states, EU officials, parliamentarians, senators, academics, and influential media commentators.
This year's forum was attended by over 200 people, including European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana and the head of the World Bank Robert Tsellik. Agency Interfax reported that Lavrov, speaking at a forum for the first time.
The main themes of the conference were the global financial crisis, climate change, energy security and civil liberties.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
He died the chief editor of "Sport-Express".
According to the agency REGNUM, which refers to the deceased loved ones, death occurred as a result of a brain haemorrhage.
Vladimir Kuch permanent headed "Sport Express" newspaper from its inception in 1991, when a group of journalists "Soviet sport" decided to create a new newspaper.
"Sport Express" is the most popular in Russia edition of the sport.
In Turkey, a Armenian Radio.
Previously also reported that in the coming year in Turkey will start to broadcast the programs of Armenian television.
Armenia calls for recognition of Turkish genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. The government of Turkey denies the genocide.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Michael Jackson обиделÑÑ to compare with the Irish fighters.
Pop singer обиделÑÑ on top of The Now Show, who discussed on the air, the return of the phenomenon of the 1980's they seemed worse prospect: Michael Jackson or the IRA (the radical group the Irish Republican Army).
Jackson's representatives said he was very upset over "cold-blooded killers." Manual AEG Live will review the complaint and may require a formal apology from the show. The publication notes that the speech caused a major complaint, and by the conventional slushateley.Organizatsii who call themselves successors to the IRA, in the March 2009 attack on a British military base, as well as the murder of a policeman.
Michael Jackson announced the decision to return to the world scene in March. His first appearance after a long hiatus due to take place in July.
The journalists took refuge victims of a maniac Frittslya.
Elizabeth Frittsl that 24 years spent in the cellar under the house of his family, was placed under enhanced protection immediately after his release from captivity. Last year, during gotorogo continued investigation in respect of his father, zapershego a girl under the ground, she never appeared in public and did not speak with reporters in the press does not appear any of her latest photos (only made in his youth, before the abduction).
Together with Elizabeth Frittsl protection authorities took custody of six of her children, whom she gave birth in the basement of his father-rapist. Reported that all of them changed their last name and was taken away from their native Amshtettena, located in Lower Austria.
In addition, the government asked the media not to look for victims of a maniac and do not disturb them: analyst believes that the publication of photographs Elizabeth and children can make it impossible for them to adapt to normal life.
Born Amshtettena Elizabeth Frittsl was locked in the cellar of his father Joseph Frittslem in 1984, when she was 18 years old. While in confinement, a woman gave birth to seven children of a maniac, one of whom died in infancy, are not receiving adequate medical care.
Three children Elizabeth - daughter Kerstin and sons Stefan and Felix - were living in the basement with her. At the time of liberation in April 2008 they were 19, 18 and 5 years respectively. Another three children - Lisa, Monika and Alexander - Frittsl away from the basement and brought up himself. They were at the time of the reunification of families was 16, 14 and 12 years respectively.
Sentence Frittslyu Joseph, who was found guilty on six counts, including slavery, rape and murder, was sentenced March 19, 2009. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to serve their sentence in prison for mentally ill offenders.
In Russia sharply Press.
  In January-February 2009 the retail price of publications in Russia grew by an average of 17-20 per cent. On this March 20, writes the newspaper Kommersant, citing information on the Guild of Periodical Press Publishers.
Vice-president of the Guild of Basil Gatov in an interview with a correspondent for the publication said that in previous years, retail price of newspapers and magazines grew at a rate of 10 percent per year. Incidentally, it is estimated surveyed Kommersant experts in Moscow and the rise in prices for the first two months of 2009 amounted to 10-15 per cent. Basically, the value of periodicals has increased at the expense of the regions. For example, in Omsk and Murmansk, according to Kommersant, some publications went up by 50-60 per cent.
Experts argue that the sharp rise in the cost of newspapers and magazines in early 2009 due to a simultaneous rise in prices of the publishers and distributors. Distributors, according to Kommersant, raised the prices due to come into force in January, changes in tax legislation. Costs are growing publishers in connection with the devaluation of the ruble: Many Russian media are printed abroad. In addition, because of the financial crisis of declining advertising revenues of publishers.
Kommersant has learned that the sales volumes of periodicals because of the price increase has not yet been reduced. However, analysts believe that rising prices had prevented an increase in sales of certain titles.
The federal channels have refused to display a tough public service ads.
Previously, it was reported that videos were prepared by the Russian agency "Naturally." Some clips from this series it has already received awards at the festival Meribel Ad Festival. Jury material seemed not too severe.
In traffic police also believe that advertising should be shown as it would be effective. According to police, the practice of advertising available rigid in Western countries. Now videos are already turning on regional TV channels.
Clips of "naturally" in a realistic form shows what can happen with a driver and his passenger, if he fails to comply with the rules of the road.
Gosteleradiofond put their archives on the Internet.
In the future, the Internet, according to Deputy Director Gosteleradiofonda Varlamov Chogovadze will be available editions Transmission "Good night, kids", "In the world of animals," "Travel Club", "Blue light" and others. "For us, this project is important, above all, to promote our archive," - said Chogovadze.
According to the Kommersant, develop projects and manage the portal will be the company Uravo. According to its Director, Andrew Hakobian, service will be free. The user will need to simply register and download from the site of a program for viewing video. Project should pay for the expense of advertising.
In the first phase Uravo master plans to attract a sponsor, who will be granted exclusive rights to advertising. Believes Andrei Akopian, the site will attract a young audience that is interested in history, and people older than 35 years, whose program of the storage Gosteleradiofonda trigger nostalgia.
The Public Prosecutor's Office identified the basic version of the assassination of journalist in Saratov.
The representative of the Public Prosecutor's Office said that in addition to the main addresses and other versions, including the relationship of the attack on a journalist with the economic activity of organizations, which he headed. In this regard, some documents were seized and several pieces of media equipment.
However, management believes that the Saratov Branch of the Union of Journalists, the investigation has hampered the work of media, since the removal of office equipment has paralyzed the work of enterprises, in particular, its accounting. Employees feel that the actions of prosecutors - is "an attempt to take control of business enterprises, which have repeatedly reported on corruption in law enforcement agencies.
At the same time, the Prosecutor's Office stated that it did not receive treatment from the media "Vision" for the return of seized property. Seizure of documents and office equipment is, according to prosecutors, with the necessary investigations related to the economic activities of organizations.
As previously reported, the attackers attacked Vadim Rogozhina near the entrance of his house. The journalist had received at least ten blows to the head with a hard object. After several operations Rogozhin is in a coma, his condition as critical. The next day there were reports that the identikit is one of the attackers. Media "Vision" has appointed award of 1 million rubles for information that may assist in tracing the offenders.
The Financial Times has launched a search engine for business news.
Authors Newssift position as a resource guide on the basis of knowledge of the business. Search engine distributes news organizations, topics, location and people. Typing the appropriate columns are filled with interesting related theme keywords. This helps to clarify the request.
The mechanism of clustering of search results provided the company Endeca, has developed engines for such corporations and organizations such as Boeing, the U.S. Census Bureau, Ford, IBM and Toshiba.
Newssift allows you to save queries that in the future to come back to him and look at the updated extradition. This registration site is not required.
There are currently over the search engine undergoing beta is 25.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"New Izvestia" abandoned its own network of correspondents.
According to him, the newspaper is almost entirely abandoned its own network of correspondents, transferring former sobkorov in fees. "Our employees understand us. In general, they do not receive a salary, but write no less than written before, just get royalties," - said Yakov.
In addition, the editors were forced to merge three departments into one. Interns department policy, it was suggested to move to fees. Total staff of the "New Izvestia", according to editor in chief, declined by 18 percent. "A few people seemed to leave us until April," - added Jacob.
According to him, the newspaper is a loss, as investors who have been publishing credits, denied the "New Izvestiya" at the maintenance level of funding. Therefore, in order to avoid closure, the newspaper had to reduce its volume and circulation, as well as to suspend the withdrawal of a number of journals included in the publication.
It was also a reduction in salary. "Most of the leadership, starting with the chief editor and all of my deputies. The last thing we have reduced the salaries those journalists, who it was the lowest," - said Yakov.
On average, he said, wages had been reduced by about 30 per cent.
Yushchenko suspended from the leadership of television and radio.
The document stipulates that the leadership of the National Television Company of Ukraine (NTKU) and the National Radio Company of Ukraine (NRKU) is appointed and dismissed from the post of the Verkhovna Rada, on the proposal of not less than one third of people's deputies.
Previously, leaders of two of these organizations to appoint and dismiss the president by the Verkhovna Rada.
In addition, the charters of these organizations are now approved by the Government of Ukraine.
The amended Act also prescribed that the legal status NTKU and NRKU can be changed only by the status of "public television and radio."
Previously, the status of public boards and NKTU NRKU defined the charters of these organizations.
For changes to the law voted by more than 300 members, which makes it possible to overcome presidential veto if it is imposed.
The oldest American Dictionary "legalized" same-sex marriage.
The compilers of the dictionary stated that their goal was to reflect the changes arising in the tongue and give users the most complete modern interpretation of the word, the more so that the addition "is neither new nor unusual." According to the publisher, Merriam-Webster is the last of the large dictionaries, which prevents that marriage can be same. This indicates that the word art was changed back in 2003. At the same time, the authoritative American The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, introduced a similar amendment in 2000.
Noteworthy that while in the Merriam-Webster dictionary article, "husband" and "wife" have remained unchanged - they are still embodied persons, respectively, male and female. As explained Fox News, recently an article on marriage has added assumption that he would be "lengthy Union partners of one sex and a world-renowned The Oxford English Dictionary.
In recent years, activists in the American gay movement held in many states of the Union campaign against the legalization of same-sex marriage. The most widely known has become a multi-year resistance to the supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage in California, where more than 18 thousand gay couples had formally register their relationship. However, in a referendum in November 2008, most residents agreed that the marriage - an alliance of men and women, followed by same-sex marriage in the state have been banned.
Discussion of whether the word "marriage" and "marriage" means a union of persons of one sex, is continuing in various professional, social and political communities across the country. At the moment, in most states, legislators have expressed a preference for the traditional interpretation of the word "marriage" as a union between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage officially recognized only in two states: Connecticut and Massachusetts.
The first edition of Noah Webster's Dictionary (Noah Webster), containing about five thousand words of American variant of English, appeared in 1806. According to the author, the dictionary should reflect the real question the new nation, so it includes the words that were not included in any of his modern British dictionaries. In 1828 came the famous two-Webster dictionary edition, which contained more than 70 thousand entries.
Singapore court fined Deputy Glavred The Wall Street Journal.
The court acknowledged that in New York, Melanie Kirkpatrick himself accepted for publication in The Wall Street Journal Asia article, which unduly defame the judiciary in Singapore. These three papers published in June and July 2008. They questioned the independence of the courts of Singapore's Prime Minister and the ruling party.
In autumn 2008, for the same three articles had been fined for 25 thousand Singapore dollars (16.4 thousand U.S. dollars), the publishing company Dow Jones, which involved the issuance of The Wall Street Journal Asia.
Chinese journalists were removed from the work of false news.
Tsichzhi engaged in fabricating news. He worked as a freelance journalist in the newspaper West China City Daily, published in Sichuan province, and highlighted the participation of Chinese ships in operations against Somali pirates in Aden zalive.Tun Tsichzhi said that receive messages from friends who have served in the army, and was based on notes that reported by other media. For example, he reported that an Indian submarine had the Chinese ships, and after an hour against submarine had to return to port.
Posts Tsichzhi were published in the local press on 18-19 January, and February 3, they reprinted the other Chinese publications.
Ukrainian media obliged to respect the native language.
The new rules affect all print and electronic media, with both public and private. Do not jump into the Ukrainian language will allow only those publications that go to national minorities.
According to Gnatkevicha, 90 percent of the mass media in Ukraine are published in Russian. "We must compel the Ukrainians to respect the native language and speak it. And an enormous educational role in this played by the media" - he said.
In turn, the head of the National Union of Journalists, Igor Lubchenko, which brings the words "Kommersant", opposed the initiative BYuT MPs. He stressed that the State would cost to support the Ukrainian language, rather than force people to read it.
According to the publication, zakonproekt "On the state language and the languages of national minorities" to regulate not only the media. Thus, the army will be obliged to apply disciplinary measures against officers who at the time of ignoring the national language.
Dismissed the journalists' First Channel 'not involved in the state.
"The fact is that Elkhan Mirzoev, and Oleg Ptashkin - both vneshtatniki. While on the compensation it may come only if people are laid off to reduce the state" - said an anonymous person "New news". According to him, made with Mirzoev TV Fixed-term employment contract, at the end of which he gave a full account. From Ptashkinym signed a labor agreement. In doing so, three days before his discharge, he was informed about this and received compensation for unused leave.
March 18, it became known that two of the dismissed employee "First Channel" barricaded in one of the classrooms in the telecentre "Ostankino" and declared an indefinite hunger strike. According to them, guide channel has violated their rights, was dismissed without payment of compensation and does not put paid Mirzoyeva unused vacation. Ptashkin Mirzoev and demanded to restore their positions, and then to dismiss in accordance with law. Otherwise, they threatened to make self-immolation.
According to the interlocutor of "New news", reporters agreed to leave the room TV after talks with the director of Television Technology Center, Mikhail Shubin. "Of course, no gasoline or kerosene from our former employees was not with them" - said the representative of the anonymous publication of "First Channel".
Day March 18, representatives of the "Defense", "Labor Russia", "Left Front", as well as a group natsbolov arranged in a television Ostankino picket in support of Elkhan Mirzoyev and Oleg Ptashkina. But after a few minutes after the start of the action the activists were dispersed by police.
On the border with China, North Korea detained an American journalist.
The journalist named Min (Ming) was captured on Tuesday on a riverbank Yalutszyan, which forms the border of North Korea and China. Source newspapers in the South Korean diplomatic circles said that the location of the journalist and the circumstances of her arrest were not established.
According to unconfirmed information, the U.S. government entered into negotiations with the DPRK on the release of the journalist.
Meanwhile, agency reports Reuters referring to South Korean television on the two detained soldiers DPRK journalist. According to this version, the two women worked in the American news agency, based in California. Journalist had been detained North Korean border guards on the territory of China after refused to obey the demand to stop shooting.
Relations between the U.S. and North Korea have worsened because of the ongoing North Korean testing of ballistic missile modifications Taepodong-2. March 12, the official Pyongyang announced its intention in early April to launch its first telecommunications satellite, but in Washington believe that it is military in nature.
March 17, U.S. State Department reported that the DPRK not to receive humanitarian aid from the United States.
On NTV shooting stopped reporting on the status of guest workers.
The report by the example of the Tajik working on behalf of Said explains how difficult life is guest in times of crisis. According to the hero's story, the representatives of law enforcement agencies enjoy disempowered situation of migrants from the CIS countries and forced them to work for free. In the story says that Saeed has worked on the construction of MOE, where the contractor acted "Spetsstroy", which is housed in the Ministry of Defense. According to workers, they do not pay the money since the summer of 2008, and at the end of winter, and has not been with them, decided to suspend construction.
The reporter claims that the officers detained MBF many builders, as well as the contractor had not issued them with papers to work, and forcibly send them home, putting a stamp in their passports prohibiting entry to Russia for five years. According Loshak, the plot provides a few facts of this treatment of foreign workers.
The journalist said that the shooting had taken up the subject of guest workers, as well as recently in the media started a campaign against migrant workers from CIS countries, and he wanted to look into this topic.
Loshak is not the first time to face difficulties in showing their stories on television. So last summer, with the Moscow NTV ether was withdrawn by its story about the abuses in the resettlement of residential houses in the center of Moscow.
A copy of a report on the guest can be found in the resource Openspace.
Reperu Kanye West was accused of assaulting a journalist.
Musicians will be judged under assault, theft and vandalism. " In the event that his guilt is proven, West faces up to two and a half years in prison.
Remember, September 11, West was arrested for the attack on him at the airport podkaraulivavshego photographer. The musician and his bodyguard smashed paparazzi camera. The stage and film operator site TMZ.com and overlaid it on the Internet. He also attacked the guard West.
Slavu West has had his debut album "The College Dropout" ( "leaver College, 2004). Since then, the musician has been awarded several prizes Grammy Award and MTV. In November 2007, in West's mother died, the loss of which he hardly experienced.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Laid off correspondents "First Channel" supported natsboly.
The organizers said, "Freedom", which consider it necessary to express solidarity telekorrespondentam which, they claimed, had been dismissed illegally. "In our time, many may find themselves in this situation", - explained natsbol Vitaly Konstantinov.
According to Liberty, picket prostoyali a telecentre seven minutes, after which they dispersed by police officers. According to press secretary "Left Front" Anastasia Udaltsova, no one was detained.
Earlier on Wednesday, March 18, reported that Elkhan Mirzoev and Oleg Ptashkin dismissed with the "First Channel", barricaded in one of the classrooms in the "Ostankino" and declared a hunger strike to protest against violations of their rights upon separation. Later there were evidence that the protesters forcibly removed from the premises and where it led. The fate of Mirzoyeva Ptashkina and is not yet known.
"Lenta.ru" throughout the day, tried several times to contact the "first channel", but there are responsible, that the people authorized to comment, currently can not give them.
It managed to tell the "Freedom" Mirzoev, his colleague had not paid upon separation or severance pay or compensation for unused leave. Moreover, the journalist claims that, although he announced the dismissal on March 2, according to records in the employment record, he was dismissed for another 30 January.
According to a statement Mirzoyeva and Ptashkina published on the website "left front", they worked on the "First Channel" in the studio of special projects. Journalists claim to be victims of fraud by the management of JSC "First Channel" and "The Green Studio", which laid-off employees called the "pocket, a family organization."
VGTRK will be promoting the Year of Youth.
What will remind viewers of the youth, it is not yet clear. According to Mutko, "VGTRK been instructed and care to the creation of such television programs as soon as possible.
VGTRK owned TV channel Russia "," Culture, "" Vesti "," Sports "," Children "and" RTR-Planeta ".
According to the Minister of Sports, site of the Year of Youth in Russia enjoys "adequate attendance. This implies Mutko 265 in the category of "News and Media" in versions of the portal Liveinternet. Site of the Year of Youth daily visits of about 3 thousand people.
Decree on the conduct of the 2009 Year of Youth signed by the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev in autumn 2008. According to the text of the decree, the objectives of the Year of Youth is "to develop creative, scientific and professional potential of young people, their active involvement in socio-economic transformation in the country, fostering a sense of patriotism and civic responsibility among young people."
TV channel NTV has become a leader in reducing the volume of advertising.
In general, almost all federal TV channels reduced advertising, as measured in its minutes. Thus, the "first" decline of 4.4 per cent, "Russia" - 17,8 percent, while the "TV Center" - 26 per cent. The exceptions were the CCC TV and TV-3 - on the volume of advertising increased by 1.1 and 58.4 percent respectively.
STS and TV-3 have become leaders and to absolute figures. During January-February at the CCC twist on the average of 5.5 minutes, thousands of advertising, and TV-3 - 5,89 thousand. The last thing the audience saw the advertisement of TNT - thousands of 3,13 minutes.
It should be noted that TV advertising does not sell in minutes, and at special points ranking GRP, reflecting the number of posmotrevshih movie. That is why a large amount of advertising does not mean growth in revenues.
Previously, it was reported that the largest advertisers, spending on television declined, but not by reducing the activity and due to discounts, which they managed to get on TV in a crisis. In doing so, gradually decreases and the number of advertisers on TV: Many of the companies could no longer afford expensive advertising campaigns.
Dismissed employees "First Channel" barricaded in Ostankino.
It is noted that the protesters threatened to pour himself with gasoline and make self-immolation, if they try to use force.
According to the radio correspondents who worked in the studio of special projects, were dismissed on 2 March. Mirzoev and Ptashkin argue that leadership "First Channel" violated their rights because if they do not dismiss the required compensation has been paid.
Now correspondents need to restore them to positions and then to dismiss in accordance with law. Reported that they sent a complaint to the President of the Russian Federation, the Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as the State Duma and the Public Chamber.
According to the latest figures released by "Gazetoy.Ru" Mirzoyeva Ptashkina and all, was forced to leave the room in which they lived. One correspondent reported by telephone that they were "somewhat to the lead."
Dmitry Medvedev razed to the popularity of Eddie Murphy.
Movie Eddie Murphy "Trip to America" expressed a preference for 13.9 percent of TV viewers in Moscow, while the president answers to the questions on the crisis, the problems of education and combating corruption are interested in 13.8 per cent of the audience.
According to the national performance indicators "Sunday 'Time' with the President of March 15, collected 16.4 percent of TV viewers, overtaking travel to America, whose share of the audience made up 12.8 percent.
The largest percentage of the audience during the broadcast of 'Sunday' Time 'has gathered channel NTV - and in Moscow and the regions he expressed a preference for about 17 percent of TV viewers.
However, a previous interview with Medvedev, published in the February 15 broadcast on the channel "Russia", aroused great interest - it looked 17,4 per cent of the capital's visitors. However, it is evident given way to the popularity of the picture "Pirates of the Caribbean. The Curse of 'Black Pearl'," broadcast "first channel" and collected 21.4 percent of viewers. According to the national indicators, the two broadcasts had been proportionate to the popularity - Medvedev interviewed expressed a preference for 22.4 percent of TV viewers, the film pro-Jack Sparrow - 22,5 percent.
The decision on the monthly television interviews on topical issues was taken by the President in February 2009. In doing so, Medvedev intends to appear in the political programs on different channels.
The Court made the site of The Guardian to remove the scandalous documents on bank Barclays.
Law firm Freshfields, which represents the interests of Barclays, insisted that they find themselves at the disposal of The Guardian documents are the property of the bank, and came to the journalists from the man who captured the trading illegally, in violation of nondisclosure agreements.
By not updated because the case took place late at night: the judge called the lawyer, The Guardian, and the conflict was discussed on the phone. Half an hour later, half the third night, the decision was taken, and the newspaper was required to remove the documents.
According to journalists, The Guardian, to come to them Securities Barclays pointed out, as a subsidiary of the bank, responsible for operations in the stock markets, had tried through the chain оффшоров razmestit16 billion dollars in U.S. debt. Under this scheme, Barclays was able to save on taxes is "hundreds of millions of pounds," argues The Guardian.
The documents were made available to journalists by a former employee of the bank. Representatives of The Guardian noted that filed the appeal the court's decision.