Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In India, shot a well-known journalist.

In the north-eastern Indian state of Asama unknown shot the chief editor of local newspaper Aji Anil Majumdar (Anil Majumdar), transfer agency AFP.

The journalist was killed on the evening of March 24 near his home in the city of Guwahati (Guwahati), when returning home from work. The criminals shot him seven times in the chest.

Majumdar actively advocated for negotiations between the militants of separatist group United Liberation Front Asama "(United Liberation Front of Asom - ULFA) and the authorities.

ULFA in 1979, leads an armed struggle for secession from the oil-rich state of India. According to some reports, militants were linked to Pakistani secret services ISI.

In 1990, the Government of India has banned the group, formally recognizing its terrorist. Over the past 20 years of armed conflict, the victims were over 10 thousand people.

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