Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Saratov beaten journalist came to mind.

SyuzhetyPokushenie director of Saratov on the media "Vision" 24.03.2009Osnovnoy cause of the assassination was named occupation director zhurnalistaGeneralny Saratov media "Vision" Vadim Rogozhin, who in early March, was assassinated on Tuesday, March 31, came to mind, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the staff medaiholdinga.Po Doctors, Rogozhin is in a state of medium gravity. Previously, doctors assessed his condition as stable heavy. It is completely disconnected from the apparatus of artificial life support.
The journalist can already speak, but doctors still do not allow him to communicate with investigators and to testify. Vadim Rogozhin was unconscious almost a month.
The evening of March 5, at the journalist was attacked by unknown, which had caused him many blows to the head with a sharp object. This was the entrance of the house, where Rogozhin. The journalist was hospitalized, he underwent a complicated operation.
As the attack was a criminal case. Investigators concluded that the attackers' attempt on the life of a journalist. Presumably, the attempt was connected with his professional activities.

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