Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pretendentka to "a better job in the world," filed on journalists in court.

KommentariiSezonnaya rabota11.03.2009Vokrug Russian pretendentki to "a better job in the world," flamed skandalSyuzhetyKonkurs candidates for "a better job in the world" 10.03.2009Muzha Russian pretendentki for the vacancy island caretaker accused in circulating pornografiiRossiyskaya pretendentka caretaker job at Hamilton Island Julia Yalovitsyna lawsuits filed in the court of honor, dignity and business reputation against a number of regional media, reports RIA Novosti.
Yalovitsyna has a claim to the journalists, who claimed that that she allegedly worked as a model in pornostudii her husband Alexei. Previously the information now that Alexei Yalovitsyna accused of establishing a clandestine network of studios and distributing pornography. Now his case is dealt with in the world court Petrozavodsk.
"I've never shot in a film for adults. I never exposes her body for money. The information that I have been involved in the manufacture and distribution of pornography do not correspond to reality," - words Yalovitsynoy lead agency.
However, she acknowledged that she was receiving anonymous threats to publish her personal archives, which were seized by police during searches of her apartment in the case of her husband. "But I still think that I have the right to privacy and will defend this right," - said Yalovitsyna, noting that these images were intended only for personal use.
According to the post of caretaker pretendentki island, she intends to continue to fight for the job. Yalovitsyna stressed that the organizers supported its intent as well as in Australia there is the concept of "presumption of innocence."
As reported, Yalovitsyna acknowledged the persecution of her husband for creating pornostudy. However, she stressed that she was not one of pornomodeley, as stated on the website Vesti.Kareliya.Ru.
Julia Yalovitsyna is the only Russians, claiming a caretaker for the position of the Australian tropical islands Hamilton. In advertising the vacancy island caretaker work was "the best in the world." Warden will have to feed the turtles, to blog and to produce photographic and filming locations. The work is designed for six months and will take about six hours per month. Salary keeper - 150 thousand Australian dollars.
Employers have received almost 35 thousand resumes. Were then selected 50 candidates for whom you can vote on the site where the contest. Julia Yalovitsyna currently occupies second place. By the end of a vote the coming weeks.

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