Friday, March 27, 2009

"We will sue" New newspaper "because of sal ammoniac.

Movement "Nashi" intends to sue the "Novaya Gazeta, published material about the possible complicity of the Commissioner's motion to" nashatyrnomu "attack on a candidate for mayor of Sochi, Boris Nemtsov. That was reported by Interfax on Friday, March 27.
In the agency received a statement of "our", which states that it is preparing a lawsuit to protect the honor and business reputation of the movement against "Novaya Gazeta". The reason for this was the publication in the publication of material which the author reported that the attack on the Nemtsova may be involved Commissioner motion Konstantin Markov.
In this article, "New" commented that the March 23, when Boris Nemtsov was directed at a press conference in Sochi, near the entrance to its headquarters there was some woman with a bouquet of roses. When a politician coming to the building, she called on a mobile phone. After that, because of the angle of the house shows two teenagers who doused Boris Nemtsov, and the head of his staff Ilya Yashin temnovatoy liquid with a smell of ammonia and fled. Woman with roses rushed to the street in the opposite direction, but sobkoru managed to catch up to its publication and find out that it was disguised in a young girl.
Later, the photos made a correspondent for publications, the leader of Ryazan natsbolov Sergei Ezhov identified in young people, like Commissioner movement "Nashi" Konstantin Markov.
According to Interfax, the activists claim that the material "Novaya Gazeta" is slander and harm the reputation of "our", and Konstantin Markov for over a year and a half is not a press secretary Ryazan Branch of motion and the motion was not aware of his activities in the present time.
Recall that the representatives of 25 March, 2009 motion filed in court a similar civil suit against Nemtsova that after the incident, publicly stated that the attack involved "our."
Election of Mayor of Sochi, where in addition to Nemtsova will attend another 22 candidates, will be held on April 26.

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