Monday, March 30, 2009

The International Herald Tribune and The New York Times ran a single site.

News American newspaper The New York Times and its international version - The International Herald Tribune - turned into a single resource. As the editor of The International Herald Tribune Gottlib Martin in his address to the readers, newspapers have decided to join forces to create a "non-stop news resource, which is based on the site The New York Times.
Now readers of The New York Times, want to read the online version of the newspaper, go automatically to the new site with the title The International Herald Tribune. However, a single site visitors can edit the settings page and switch to the electronic version of the publication The New York Times. Gottlib stresses that the work of a site run by the three cities - New York, Paris and Hong Kong. Information appearing on the new site, going from 40 news bureaux, located in different cities around the world.
In addition, changes have also occurred in the printed version of The International Herald Tribune, reported AFP. Guide newspaper has decided to change the design of the first band, as well as amendments to the design of sections and headings weekly.
According to Gottliba, now the name of the newspaper recruited the other, more complex characters that are similar in their mind at the corporate font of The New York Times. With regard to the layout of headings, the headings and captions to photos in The International Herald highlighted in bold.
The International Herald Tribune was founded in Paris in 1887 as a European version of New York The New York Times. The main office of the publication is still in the capital of France. The newspaper is the most popular international weekly in English - it is printed in 33 branches and leaves more than 180 countries around the world.

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