Friday, March 20, 2009

The federal channels have refused to display a tough public service ads.

VideoZhestkie road dvizheniya19.12.2008Sotsialnye videos of "naturally" won the Meribel Ad FestivalFederalnye television refused to broadcast videos PSAs, produced by the Department of Road Safety Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Union of the film industry. This writes the newspaper "Time of news". Material rollers channels seemed too cruel.
Previously, it was reported that videos were prepared by the Russian agency "Naturally." Some clips from this series it has already received awards at the festival Meribel Ad Festival. Jury material seemed not too severe.
In traffic police also believe that advertising should be shown as it would be effective. According to police, the practice of advertising available rigid in Western countries. Now videos are already turning on regional TV channels.
Clips of "naturally" in a realistic form shows what can happen with a driver and his passenger, if he fails to comply with the rules of the road.

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