Monday, March 30, 2009

Alexander Lebedev would condemn Forbes.

Russian businessman Alexander Lebedev expressed his intention to sue the magazine for publication Forbes, which says that during the crisis, Lebedev has lost 2.5 billion dollars. According to the agency "Interfax", the businessman called the allegation "complete chushyu" and stated that "allegations" the media have caused damage to his reputation.
According to Lebedev, his lawyers are currently addressing the question of the courts of any State to be filed suit. It is possible that the businessman turn immediately to the three vessels: the Russian, British and American. The amount of the claim has not yet been determined, but Lebedev said that in the event of a victory is going to allocate compensation to charity.
Businessman said that after the publication of Forbes in Russia's newspapers have the assumption that Lebedev is involved in the election of the mayor of Sochi, only to offset a loss from the crisis. Lebedev added that the magazine Forbes, in his view, is part of the responsibility for the crisis. "It is too long belly lime bubble billionaire, who burst, hitting the finance and economy of many developed countries", - said biznesmen.Otmetim that in an interview with the magazine "Profil" in February 2009, Alexander Lebedev said that its losses from the crisis amounted to a billion dollarov.V December 2008 Lebedev, chairman of the board of directors has asked Forbes Steve Forbes to exclude him from the rank and millionaires are no longer included in such lists, because it causes him damage.

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