Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Independent Media ceases magazine Best Life.

Publishing house Independent Media Sanoma Magazines Russia ceases to release the male version of the magazine Best Life, wrote on Tuesday the newspaper "Kommersant".

Margarita Tyrin Publisher magazine in an interview with "Kommersant" confirmed information about the closure, adding that this will be formally announced in the next few days. According Tyrin, a U.S. company Rodale Inc., Which owns the rights to Best Life, because of the crisis stopped the publication of the magazine around the world.

In Russia, the first issue of the magazine Best Life will go on sale in September 2008. Planned that the magazine is published ten times a year, circulation of 102 thousand copies.

Independent Media Sanoma Magazines - one of the largest publishing houses in Russia. Among the most well-known publications Independent Media - magazines Cosmopolitan, "Domestic Hearth", Harper's Bazaar, Men's Health, Esquire, National Geographic, as well as the newspaper Vedomosti and The Moscow Times.

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