Sunday, March 22, 2009

ÐнÑиглобалиÑÑÑ forged number of German newspapers.

Germany антиглобалистÑ&lsqauo; of movement Attac manufactured and distributed about 150 thousand fake numbers popular newspaper Die Zeit, said TV channel ZDF.

At issue, dated May 1st, 2010, are news stories and materials that антиглобалистÑ&lsqauo; would in the near future to see on the pages of most German newspapers.

Among the titles are found, such as banks have moved into the state, the end of the Afghan campaign could be followed by the dissolution of NATO, "The wave of lawsuits against polluting industries."

Counterfeit numbers slightly thinner than usual, but the rest are made with impeccable quality. Along with the fake paper version of the Internet has an alternative site of, which looks exactly repeats ZEIT ONLINE.

In writing about 30 articles contained in the room, was attended not only by activists of Attac, and prominent journalists. Among them, Harald Schumann (Harald Schuhmann) of the "Tagesspiegel" and the journalist, "Financial Times Deutschland" Tsayze Lucas (Lucas Zeise).

It is reported that another 100 thousand false numbers will be on Monday, March 23, free application for publishing "Tageszeitung". Members of Attac note that the appearance of counterfeit Die Zeit is not just a demonstration event in the room are given a real alternative proposals to overcome the financial and economic crisis.

The action of anti-Attac is a repetition of similar actions carried out by non-governmental organization in the U.S. Yes Men, whose members distributed thousands of passers-fake numbers The New York Times. Among others in the room said that George Bush is accused of treason, and nationalized the oil giants ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco to establish a fund to fight global warming.

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