Friday, March 20, 2009

The journalists took refuge victims of a maniac Frittslya.

KommentariiObyknovennoe chudovische19.03.2009Vynesen sentence Austrian maniac Josef FrittslyuSyuzhetyManyak of Amshtettena19.03.2009Yozef Frittsl sentenced to life zaklyucheniyuAvstriyskim journalists managed to find the current place of residence of Elizabeth Frittsl - victims of their mother's father-maniac. According to one British television channel Sky News, the woman lives in a village in Upper Austria, where her every day trying to track down the photo.
Elizabeth Frittsl that 24 years spent in the cellar under the house of his family, was placed under enhanced protection immediately after his release from captivity. Last year, during gotorogo continued investigation in respect of his father, zapershego a girl under the ground, she never appeared in public and did not speak with reporters in the press does not appear any of her latest photos (only made in his youth, before the abduction).
Together with Elizabeth Frittsl protection authorities took custody of six of her children, whom she gave birth in the basement of his father-rapist. Reported that all of them changed their last name and was taken away from their native Amshtettena, located in Lower Austria.
In addition, the government asked the media not to look for victims of a maniac and do not disturb them: analyst believes that the publication of photographs Elizabeth and children can make it impossible for them to adapt to normal life.
Born Amshtettena Elizabeth Frittsl was locked in the cellar of his father Joseph Frittslem in 1984, when she was 18 years old. While in confinement, a woman gave birth to seven children of a maniac, one of whom died in infancy, are not receiving adequate medical care.
Three children Elizabeth - daughter Kerstin and sons Stefan and Felix - were living in the basement with her. At the time of liberation in April 2008 they were 19, 18 and 5 years respectively. Another three children - Lisa, Monika and Alexander - Frittsl away from the basement and brought up himself. They were at the time of the reunification of families was 16, 14 and 12 years respectively.
Sentence Frittslyu Joseph, who was found guilty on six counts, including slavery, rape and murder, was sentenced March 19, 2009. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to serve their sentence in prison for mentally ill offenders.

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