Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Azerbaijani journalist sentenced for beating maids.

Journalist Azerbaijani opposition newspaper "Yeni Musavat" Mahal Ismailoglu 1 July was sentenced Baku Absheron district court to two years suspended, said
Ismailoglu was found guilty of intentionally causing harm his neighbor's maid on the testimony, an officer of the Azerbaijani police Wahid Imanov. Nasiba Sahirova stated that in June 2008, journalist assaulted and beat her. The prosecution requested Ismailoglu sentenced to three and a half years of probation.
It clarifies the issue, the Ismailoglu called the criminal case registered: in the opinion of the journalist, the prosecution has to do with his professional activities, in particular, with the publication of "Yeni Musavat" article under the heading "Wipe the tears" 7 June 2008, which mentioned that a neighbor on cottage makes garbage into the street. A journalist contends that the housekeepers did a neighbor comments on the matter, but not insulted her and did not beat.
Before Mahal Ismailoglu moved to the opposition "Yeni Musavat", he headed the "Respublika", the founder of which, according to agency "Interfax", was manager of President of Azerbaijan.

Mr. Parker would become the modern Saltykov-Shchedrin "on NTV.

TV channel NTV is preparing a new program, which would lead a well-known blogger and journalist Maxim Kononenko (Mr. Parker). As explained in an interview with the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets deputy director of the channel, Alexander Nechaev, the operating name of the program - collection of ridiculous. "
According Nechaeva, the new project Kononenko must be brought to the role of "modern Saltykov-Shchedrin: he will talk about" everyday, but equally egregious nonsense. " As an example zamgendirektora NTV cited a recent case, when the Kirov for the arrival of Dmitry Medvedev paved crossing.
Alexander Nechaev did not specify when the program with Maxim Kononenko will be aired NTV. However, June 30, himself a journalist wrote in his mikrobloge on upcoming promotional filming a new program on NTV, which premiered on 1 August. Recall that from 2005 to 2008 Kononenko was soveduschim program "Real Politics" at the same channel.
Nechayev also told in an interview that the July 6 premiere will be held on the NTV program "Middle class" dedicated "to all that relates to personal and family budget." As stated in a press release NTV received in ", the program will go from Monday to Friday at 11 am. According Nechaeva, spectators will be the program office workers who watch TV in the background, as well as those working at home or sitting with their children.

Glavred Rostov newspaper accused of insulting Jazid.

   In the Rostov region chief editor of "Priazovske edge" was accused of inciting religious hatred. On this June 30, reportedly at the UPC RF.
The case against the chief editor of Basil Kuchkova sent to the Kirov District Court in Rostov-on-Don. He is charged with violating Article 282 of the Criminal Code ( "Incitement to hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity").
According to investigation, Kuchko wrote and posted in the "Priazovske edge" art "of his strange, a stranger among his, which declares Incompetent adherents religion. Law enforcement agencies have found that the article contains offensive characteristics of Hasidism. According to experts, the material inciting hatred towards Chassids, as well as to Jews and Jews. The newspaper has a circulation of 2.4 distributed thousands of copies.
According to the Jewish Agency's news paper "in his strange, a stranger among his" was published on 22 May 2008. Kuchko in February 2009 stated that he does not agree with the opinion of experts who found the illegal material. Editor-in-chief called the actions of law enforcement agencies attempt to "stifle constitutionally guaranteed freedom to express their views."
Hasidism - emerged in the XVIII century, the religious-mystical trend in Judaism. Jazid believe in miracles, and the just-read tsadikov, which the adherents of Hasidism are in constant contact with God.

Investigating the murder of Paul Klebnikov stopped.

SyuzhetyDelo Paul Hlebnikova17.12.2007Sud demanded from the Prosecutor General to find the defendant
   Russian law enforcement authorities stopped the investigation into the assassination of the chief editor of the Russian version of the journal The Forbes, U.S. citizen Paul Klebnikov. On this June 30, said Reuters.
As it became known agency, the Russian investigators have American relatives of the journalist a letter to lawyers, which stated that the investigation was halted May 28, 2009. The reasons for this decision is not called. Reuters correspondents tried to get the comments of Russian investigators and prosecutors about the statement, but were refused.
Unnamed source in Russia's law enforcement agencies told reporters that the investigation has already been renewed due to new evidence, but lawyers Klebnikov family said that did not receive notice.
According to Reuters, the investigation of the murder of Klebnikov will be discussed at a meeting of U.S. President Barack Obama, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, to be held in Moscow in early July.
Paul Khlebnikov was killed in Moscow in 2004. In 2005, charges of murder were Chechens file Sadretdinovu, Kazbek Dukuzovu and Muse Vahaevu. Customer investigation found the former vice prime minister of the unrecognized Ichkeria Hozh-Ahmed Nuhaeva, which Khlebnikov wrote a book entitled "Conversation with a Barbarian." His law enforcement authorities to detain failed. According to some reports, Nuha was assassinated in 2004, six months before the death of Klebnikov. Sadretdinova, Dukuzova and Vahaeva Moscow City Court in 2006 acquitted. General Prosecutor's Office and the Klebnikov family appealed the decision. Soon the Supreme Court overturned the acquittal.
In 2007, the court returned the case of the murder of Klebnikov in the General Prosecutor's Office. The court instructed the prosecutor to find Kazbek Dukuzova that after the abolition of acquittal has been subscribed to house arrest but escaped. Another defendant, file Sadretdinov, is currently in prison: he was sentenced to nine years for another crime.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Novosibirsk photographer otsudil the French publisher of 200 thousand rubles.

Photos from Novosibirsk Eugene Ivanov otsudil the French publisher, and the private collector of contemporary art by Pierre-Christian Brooches 200 thousand rubles. That was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the protection of copyrights, Siberian media center Alexei Krestyanova.
Ivanov argues that Brooches used one of his photographs without permission, thus violating the copyright. The photo, which shows a ship, floating on the Ob River, appeared in the catalog by the publisher Brooches for a traveling exhibition "The future depends on you." New Rules ". The exhibition was held in August 2008.
Shortly thereafter, a member of the Union of Photographers of Russia Ivanov, has thrown into action against the Arbitration Court of Novosibirsk region, but in March 2009 statement by the photographer, it was rejected. Ivanov, however, decided to make the confession by the publisher of copyright infringement and appealed to the Arbitration Court of Appeal of Tomsk, which is 30 June and ruled in favor of residents of Novosibirsk.
Brooches himself said in an interview with RIA Novosti, Ivanov came to the photo in the catalog by accident. According to the publisher, pictures, among them photo Novosibirsk artist, he brought the editor. Brooches itself for some reason did not establish who has authored a photo. Also French collector said that he himself is often faced with similar situations - using many of its publishing house without permission. "If I had all of these cases went to court, I would have to just deal with it", - quotes agency cast.
With regard to Ivanov, it was not so long ago he appeared in court as a defendant. During the election of the president of Russia in March 2008, the photographer, who worked at a polling station in Novosibirsk, was detained by police: law enforcement officials told Ivanov that he had no right to withdraw the members vote.
The District Court found Ivanova guilty of violating Part 1 Article 19.3 of the RF Administrative Code (disobedience to legal order or request of the police forces), and appointed him to a fine of 700 rubles. The photographer has filed an appeal, but it was rejected.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Gaddafi has won a lawsuit against the Moroccan newspaper.

Casablanca court ordered the payment of a fine of 270 thousand euro in three editions to suit the Moroccan leader of the Libyan Revolution Muammar Gaddafi, reports Sapa.
Earlier Gaddafi sued the dailies "Al Jarida Al Aoula", "Al Ahdat Al Maghribia" and "Al Massae", stating that the newspaper in articles defame him. In doing so, the head of Libya demanded fine journalists at eight million euros.
As explained agency Reuters, in the articles criticized the political views of al-Qadhafi, as set out in its Green Paper, as well as details of his son's arrest in Switzerland in July 2008 on charges of domestic battery.
Meanwhile, Director of "Al Jarida Al Aoula" Ali Anuzla already stated his intention to appeal, and promised to continue to publish articles critical of Qaddafi regime. According to him, the verdict was a political trial.
Once a verdict is the National Union of Moroccan journalists held a protest outside the walls of the court of Casablanca.

At the Confederations Cup was killed journalist.

German sports journalist Wolfgang Jost, got in a car accident after the Confederations Cup match Spain - United States, died of his injuries. The accident occurred the evening of 24 June and the morning of June 29, Yost died. The journalist was going to write a report on the match between national teams of Spain and the United States, reports AFP.
Yost, who worked in the German news SID, was riding along with his three colleagues. Not far from the city Vinburg vehicle lost control and overturned. Serious injury was another journalist and two others escaped injury. Who was behind the wheel of the machine, did not specify.
The morning of June 29, FIFA president Blatter Zepp, opening a briefing on the outcome of Confederations Cup, has expressed condolences to the family of Jost. Participants in the briefing, paid tribute to the journalist a minute of silence.

Died beaten by the chief editor of the newspaper Rostov.

In Rostov-on-Don died the chief editor of local newspaper "Corruption and crime" Vyacheslav Yaroshenko, ready in April 2009. As reported by Radio Liberty, died at the hospital, which was taken because of impaired condition.
Specified that Yaroshenko lay in the hospital a month after the attack, including a few days was in a coma. Then the journalist was discharged, but soon he started feeling ill again.
As previously reported, the unknown attacked Glavred on the night of April 30 near the entrance of his house. As a result of beatings he had received a serious brain injury.
Colleagues Yaroshenko believe that the attack was retaliation for his publication. At the same time, according to "Radio Freedom", law enforcement agencies refuse to investigate what happened, claiming that a journalist was injured in an accident.
It is noted that two years earlier been attacked by another employee of "corruption and crime" - editor-in-chief Sergey Sleptsov. People attacked him and did not find.

On the Azerbaijani journalists brought a case of extortion.

In Azerbaijan, a criminal case against several journalists, who are accused of extortion. About IA Trend.
Earlier, a complaint to law enforcement agencies contacted the owners of the cafe Guba district (the north). According to them, the journalists demanded of each entrepreneur in a thousand mantas (more than 1.2 thousand dollars) by threatening otherwise to publish compromising his information in the press.
It was found that the extortion involved the editor in chief of the newspaper "Yeni Azerbaijan Dunyasy" Shahlar Veliev and chief editor of "Guneshli Azerbaijan" and "Ganun and gercheklik" Eldar Askerov. Both were summoned to testify, and, reportedly, already have pleaded guilty. Were they arrested, the agency did not specify.
The newspapers "Yeni Azerbaijan Dunyasy and Ganun and gercheklik included the Azerbaijani Press Council to the list of" media-racketeer "(an updated version of the list of recently published APA). The list was reportedly caught the media "irresponsible related to the principle of privacy, injurious to the honor and dignity of people."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Q Magazine has published a recent intravital images of Jackson.

KommentariiSmert korolya26.06.2009V Los Angeles has died, Michael DzheksonFotogalereiRemember the time26.06.2009Zhizn Michael Jackson to cover fresh fotografiyahNa number of British music magazine Q has got one of the most recent lifetime of photos of Michael Jackson, who died in Los Angeles on June 25. According to Sky News, Book edition decided to put a portrait of a star on the front pages of even three months ago. Issue of July numbers Q with Jackson on the cover was to anticipate the return of "King of pop" on stage.
The picture smiling 50-year-old singer captured in the large sun glasses. According to the author photo, John Wright (John Wright), to make the photo, he was allocated just 90 seconds. Meanwhile, the photographer pointed out that even in such a short time that he spent close to Jackson, he was fascinated by courtesy and complaisance singer.
"I phoned and was told that Michael Jackson arrived in London, and I should make a picture. You know, he looked like and look like Michael Jackson, just as expected: wavy hair, coat, sunglasses. It shows that in front of the camera, it feels very free, "- told Wright.
According to the chief editor of Q Paul Rees (Paul Rees), work on a number had been completed even two weeks ago, before the July release was sent to press. "When the first reports of the death of Jackson, was already in circulation marketing. We have not had any opportunity to make a number of changes" - said Rice. Thus, the fact that Q was released in July, two days after after the death of Jackson, is a coincidence.
Recall that in mid-July, Jackson was scheduled at the start of a series of concerts at the London O2 Arena. The first of 50 shows was held on 13 July. Tickets for these performances have been bought fans creative artist in a matter of hours.
Michael Jackson has died at the age of 50 years in the medical center at the University of California. Cause and circumstances of the death of the singer will be installed in the next few weeks. An autopsy the body of pop stars, produced on 26 June, found that death from natural causes. No signs of violent death, doctors have not found. A few hours ago, Jackson's body from the morgue took relatives.

The Party of Regions has accused Tymoshenko of fascism.

The Party of Regions of Ukraine in its official statement, accused Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in fascist discourse. That is a regional word Tymoshenko acknowledged that "the real Ukrainians" should not watch TV "Internet", co-owner who, according to the prime minister, is a businessman Dmitry Firtash.
"This statement by the head of the government - this is abuse of human rights is a mockery of the millions of Ukrainian citizens, who by birth are also other nationalities, but they all love their country - Ukraine, and all going for it" - rebelled "regional."
According to them, it is unclear what criteria do Tymoshenko intends to assess the "present" or "unreal" Ukrainians citizens.
"The world community, human rights organizations have to beat the alarm. Ukraine headed by people who profess fascist ideology - that means all of us can wait for a tragic perspective," - declares OL.
The Party of Regions "deeply shocked by such statements by Yulia Tymoshenko, and encourages her to wake her malice and hatred to everything and everyone who does not belong to an unhealthy domestic political ambitions of the person."
Emotional Comments regional observations led to the Prime Minister made in the Lviv air television. Tymoshenko hit with criticism for the "Inter", hinting that it was in his air of "do not always observe the rules of morality and Christianity, Ukrainian, gosudarstvennicheskaya position."
Timoshenko and Firtash considered a long-standing opponents. The main differences affect their gas, where the prime minister for several months is sustained attack on the company RosUkrEnergo, sovlateltsem which is a businessman.

Two major publishing associations have joined together for survival.

The world's two largest non-governmental organizations, which combine periodic publications - World Association of Newspapers (WAN) and the International Association of Publishing and Media Technology (IFRA) - announced a merger. From 1 July 2009 officially begins the World Association of Newspapers and the news media (World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, WAN-IFRA).
This was reported at IFRA, which is part of a new joint Internet portal WAN-IFRA.
After the merger of the organization will have in their ranks more than three thousand companies from 120 countries. WAN-IFRA Association will represent the interests of 18 thousand publications and about 15 thousand web sites.
Proponents of the hope that it will increase the efficiency of developing new business models of the functioning of the press in a reduction in print runs of traditional media because of the development of electronic technologies. Affecting the world financial and economic crisis also pushed the two organizations to merge.
President of the Association will Geyvin O'Reilly (Gavin O'Reilly), Director General of the Irish group Independent News and Media, who previously headed the WAN.
WAN was founded in 1948 to protect and promote the ideas of freedom of the press, as well as to promote economic independence of the press. Focus more on the problems related to the development of advanced technologies IFRA was founded in 1961. One of the main objectives of establishing IFRA was advancing technology of color printing. In the future, IFRA switched on promoting digital technology and new ways of interaction between publishers and readers.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Russian radio broadcasts devoted to Michael Jackson.

KommentariiSmert korolya26.06.2009V Los Angeles has died, Michael DzheksonRyad Russian radio stations will be during the June 26 put on the air hits the American pop singer Michael Jackson, who died June 25 in Los Angeles, reports RIA Novosti .
In particular, the "Radio 7" has a song from the repertoire of Jackson at the end of each hour, a leading regularly reminds details biography and career of the artist. 20:00 in the evening will be two special program dedicated to the memory of the musician. As part of its famous people and callers on the air the students will talk about the music of Michael Jackson.
Radio station "Hit FM", DFM and Radio Monte Carlo "and" Lighthouse "also expanded their playlists compositions Jackson, as well as news of his death.
On Friday in Moscow, near the U.S. embassy there were bouquets of flowers. Fans of the musician in front of a fence decorated with photos and posters of Jackson, soft toys and ribbons. At an improvised wall of memory were also lit candles.
Fans of the musician gave to the idol around the world. Crowds of people gathered around medtsentra at the University of California at Los Angeles, where the singer died at his first house in the town of Gary, Indiana, as well as Times Square in New York. People listen to Jackson's music, sing their song and dance by copying its trade movement.
Michael Jackson had died by day 25 June in Los Angeles on the 51-year life of cardiac arrest. On Friday there will be a body opening, which will be released after the official cause of death of the musician.

Khodorkovsky gave an online interview at his birthday.

SyuzhetyVtoroe the case of Khodorkovsky and Lebedeva01.06.2009Mosgorsud dismissed all complaints against lawyers of Khodorkovsky and LebedevaV his 46 th birthday of the former head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, gave an interview to the Internet edition of "Ð"азета.Ru" . This publication businessman set out his views on the charges in the multibillion theft.
In the introductory statement of the interview, Khodorkovsky lawyers noted that his presence in public places - the necessary additional guarantee of its security. "
Khodorkovsky and former head of Menatep "Platon Lebedev are accused of stealing crude oil and shares from subsidiaries Yukos in an amount of almost 900 billion rubles. Businesspeople are not guilty. Khodorkovsky in an interview again stresses that all his actions to manage the company, including those relating to the optimization of taxation, were in the existing legislation at that time.
The trial of Khodorkovsky and Lebedev began March 3, 2009 Hamovnicheskom court in Moscow. Entrepreneurs are in detention since 2003. In 2005, he was sentenced in the first case: they were sentenced to eight years in prison for financial fraud.
During his imprisonment Khodorkovsky several times published papers on current political topics. The last publication of this kind was the article "Russia-trial" on the reform of justice, which appeared in the June 15 edition of Kommersant-Vlast. "
In addition, recent Khodorkovsky has given interviews to various publications, which expounded his point of view. The most notable of these publications have become the writer Boris Akunin interview for the Russian version of Esquire magazine in October 2008 and the publication of the interview "the speaker in March 2009.

Russian Sosmopolitan and Men's Health will be sold in the PDF.

   Russian versions Sosmopolitan and Men's Health in the near future will be sold in electronic form via the Internet. On this June 26, writes the newspaper Vedomosti, citing the statement of the Vice-President of the Russian representation of company Zinio Ruslana Hromina.
Zinio Company specializes in distributing PDF-versions of glossy magazines on the internet. Zinio sells around the world of electronic versions of a total of 2.5 thousand magazines. In 2008, the Company's revenues amounted to more than 18 million dollars.
Vedomosti writes that Sosmopolitan and Men's Health will be the first Russian-language journals, which will be distributed by Zinio. Then, according to the newspaper, the company will begin to distribute other journals publishing house Independent Media Sanoma Magazines (IMSM) and Gameland. The agreement with Zinio IMSM has already signed a contract with Gameland prepared.
However, information on the site The Ebook, the first Russian-language edition Zinio released in spring 2009. This magazine Fashion Collection, which publishes the Major Media. Offer to subscribe to the electronic version can be viewed on the site log.
According to Vedomosti, online journals are 25 percent cheaper than their print versions. Zinio receives 10 to 50 percent of the cost of sales numbers.

Hugo Chavez accused the media of over-attention to the death of Jackson.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in his TV program "Hello President" June 26, criticized the Western media, and in particular television channel CNN, for excessive, from his point of view, attention to the death Michael Jackson. Reported Venezuelan newspaper El Universal.
Perturbation Chávez raised the fact that the channel CNN has devoted more attention to Jackson's death, rather than the political crisis in Honduras. Hugo Chavez said that while the President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya and his team risk their lives, CNN "stuck" in one story, telling about the awards and accomplishments of Jackson.
Nonetheless, Chavez wanted Jackson "rest in peace," then called on Venezuelans to fight against "the values of capitalism."
Michael Jackson has died in Los Angeles on June 25. The official cause of death has not yet been named, but the lawyer artist told reporters that Jackson abused hard drugs.
According to the Associated Press, in many major cities of Jackson fans gather to mourn together. Thus, at Times Square in New York, where the large screen TV news, gathered a crowd of residents of the city, many of whom were dancing to the music of Michael Jackson by copying its trade movement.

Poland has accused Russian television in the falsification of history.

Poland has accused Russia of falsifying history. A formal letter of protest was sent to the Polish Embassy in Moscow in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The reason was the one of the scenes of the "News Week" on "Russia", said Kommersant.

According to the Polish part, the story of Elijah Kanavin "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: declassified materials shown on 21 June (the eve of anniversary of the German attack on the USSR), exposes Poland indirectly responsible for the start of the Second World War.

Perturbation of Polish diplomats in particular, led to the assertion that in 1939 just before the outbreak of war the Poles, confident in the support of Germany, "all trying to outsmart, Japan offered to open a second front against the Soviets. Germany and Poland - with the West, Japan - from the east" .

An official letter from the Embassy of Poland in the Moscow story Kanavin called "brilliant attempt of falsification of history", noting that "the surface and lies, of course, does not have a positive impact on improving relations between our countries."

In addition to the Russian Foreign Ministry a copy of the letter was sent to the holding VGTRK, which includes channel "Russia". In VGTRK will not comment on the situation, noting that the official response is not yet ready. For their part, representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed surprise by the Polish side.

"The views expressed in the television, should not become the subject of formal organizations. To which, we propose to come back? We have freedom of speech" - brings "Kommersant", the words of Russian diplomats. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation believe that Poland has a policy of double standards. "If we always pay attention to the fact that the states of the history of Russia and the USSR to the public channels of Poland would be a very different conversation," - stressed in the FCO.

Recall that in April 2009 on the site of the Ministry of Defense has been posted article on fiction and falsifications in the assessment of the role of the Soviet Union the previous day and the beginning of the Second World War military history of the Institute of Defense Sergei Kovalev, the author who claimed that the Second World has started because of the the refusal of Poland to meet the "very moderate" claims in Germany. Once off the press "noise Defense article was removed from the site, noting that the publication of a discussion and should not be construed as an official point of view, the Russian military.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Vladimir Putin has awarded "Murzilki" a diploma.

Editors of Child Magazine "Murzilki" was awarded a diploma of the Government of Russia, informs RIA Novosti.
The publication pointed to the 85 th anniversary of the "great contribution to the upbringing and education of the younger generation." The corresponding order signed by the heads of cabinet, Vladimir Putin.
Journal Murzilki published 16 May 1924 and is designed for an audience of children under 12 years of age. RIA Novosti noted that the issue is not interrupted at any time in its 85-year history. In different years in the magazine worked Agnija Barteau, Boris Zahoder and Samuel Marshak. Currently, the journal publishes works of contemporary children's writers.

Guide BBC reported on the cost.

Corporation BBC has published information on the cost of some top managers of the company, made by the employer. Data provided under the Freedom of Information Act, adopted in 2000.
38-page report said spending on all 11 heads of companies over the past five years, until the cost of parking and telephone calls. Since September, all revenues and expenditures of 100 managers will be reporting companies every quarter. Disclose the budgets of the company's employees are obliged by the fact that it receives public funding.
BBC Director General Mark Thompson said that the company has the right to control the costs the company. However, he opposed the declaration of income and expenditure of journalists, believing that they would prefer transparency work in another place.
Do not be reflected in the records and confidential data that might be useful to competitors.

Supreme Court overturned the verdict in the case of Politkovskaya.

SyuzhetyUbiystvo Anna Politkovskoy27.05.2009Delo transferred to the Supreme sudKommentariiNe nikogo19.02.2009Prisyazhnye remaining defendants were acquitted of the murder of PolitkovskoyOpravdatelny the sentence for the murder of a journalist "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The sentence was appealed against the prosecutor's office, which insisted on its abolition, and the direction of affairs in the new review, reported RIA Novosti.
In February 2009, a jury found innocent brothers Jabrayil Makhmudov and Ibrahim, as well as former Operupolnomochennyj UBOPa Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Sergey Hadzhikurbanova. In the opinion of the board, the investigation has not compiled sufficient evidence of the involvement of the defendants to the crime.
Procuracy motivated its demand to abolish the penalty occurred during the process flawed. Earlier, the head of the UPC Alexander Bastrykin said that the process had been lost by the prosecution because of the inability to work in the trial by jury.
Reasons for the decision of the Supreme Court to abolish the sentence is not yet known.
Acquittal on grounds the jury's verdict was approved February 20, the Moscow District Military Court. The defendants were released from the courtroom. However Hadzhikurbanov was re-arrested on 4 April: he is accused of extortion of money from Dmitry Pavlyuchenkova, who was the principal witness in the case of Politkovskaya.
Politkovskaya was murdered in Moscow in October 2006. Brothers Makhmudov accused of having helped his brother Rustam Mahmudov in the preparation of the assassination, but Hadzhikurbanova - in the surveillance of journalists.
Executors of the crime investigation finds Mahmudova Rustam, who is internationally wanted in connection with his Separated. The Employer and the reasons for the killing were not identified.
Attorney Murad Musayev representing Jabrayil Mahmudova, said after the abolition of acquittal, which intends to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. In his opinion, a military panel of the Supreme Court issued a decision to abolish without sufficient reason to.

Italian goskanal accused of silence scandal surrounding Berlusconi.

KommentariiVechnaya molodost20.06.2009Biznesmena suspected that he was corrupt Silvio Berlusconi's Women
   The head of Italian state broadcaster RAI Corporation criticized the news editor of the main channel for corporations silence of sexual scandal, which became the hero of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. On this June 25, writes newspaper The Times.
Chapter Broadcasting Corporation Paolo Garimberti in an interview with the editor of a news channel TG1 Augusto Minzolini expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that in news releases has so far not reported the charges against Berlusconi, who nominated the former model, Patricia D'Addario. Recall D'Addario June 17, reported to the prosecutor's office, that business partners 72-year-old prime minister to pay 1000 euros to be entertained Berlusconi at his residence.
Minzolini in response to claims Garimberti said that the accusations against Berlusconi, "full of allusions, and justice has not yet been proven. According to Minzolini, in connection with the TG1 has decided to take a "reasonable position", not covering the scandal.
Meanwhile, The Times notes that Minzolini previously worked in the magazine "Panorama", which is owned by Berlusconi. The publication adds that the three largest commercial channel, Italy, owned by Berlusconi, to refrain from reporting a sexual scandal, or just referred to it very little.
Meanwhile CNN reports that Berlusconi, June 25, again denied allegations made by Patricia D'Addario. Premier announced that he had "never paid for her and never knew how to have fun, if missed the joy of conquest." Earlier, Berlusconi has called the word D'Addario "dirty lie."
History D'Addario - not the first scandal, in which Berlusconi has been involved in recent months. In May, the premier was charged in connection with an underage model Noemi Leticia, as well as the use of the Italian Air Force planes to transport guests to the villa. In June, Prime through the courts has made the ban on the publication of paparazzi photographs, which were showing his naked guests. When this information appeared in the press, the wife Veronica Lario Berlusconi announced its intention to file for divorce.
According to CNN, despite recent developments, the Prime Minister's rating remains high: it supports more than 60 percent of Italians.

Divisions Russian Armed Forces obzavedutsya own media and television.

Large motorized tank brigade and the armed forces of Russia will soon obzavedutsya own publications, the "Russian Newspaper", with reference to the State Secretary, Ministry of Defense Nikolai Pankova.

Some publications will be organized on the basis of the existing division of newspapers. In the army they left about a dozen, and almost all of them need serious re-engineering. But will also be established and the new newspaper.

With offices all districts and fleets will also be a staff of TV and radio. Finally, all military units in the future will be deployed, as Pankov, "Internet sites".

In parallel with the organization of new editions of the military Department of Defense of Russia intends to reduce the number of officers in the military and the media, instead of them there to recruit civilian journalists, informs "the Russian newspaper".

According to one reported in the district and the naval newspaper "military" will remain only as Chief Editor, on the other, even the editor-in-chief will have to go to the citizen.

In the main paper of the Ministry of Defense of the "Red Star" of the 72 officers only 18 remain. Among them, Chief Editor, Deputy Editor, Secretary and editors of the leading departments.

Decreases post-Planck-war journalists "Red Star": they can dosluzhitsya only to a senior lieutenant or captain. The only polkovnichya post - Editor in Chief.

As the "Russian Newspaper", it is not clear what will happen with the special department of the Moscow Military University, who is preparing a military journalist. According to some reports, will offer its graduates to work in military publications civilian journalists.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mikhail Leontiev run social and political weekly.

TV presenter Mikhail Leontiev will launch a new socio-political glossy magazine, however, the Internet portal "Elephant."
The presentation is scheduled for publication in July 2009. Weekly Issue ", however, will begin in September. According Leontieva, the audience a new project should be people that can be "meaningful dialogue" - these, says a journalist in the country of 100 - 150 thousand people.
According Leontieva, there is the audience, which "reduces the demand for the gloss, the luxury, for Fun," and increased "demand for the senses."
The team's new edition will be journalists working for magazines Leontieva headed "profile" and "FAS" and in "Today" and "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". Fund a new magazine will be individuals whose names Leontyev not disclosed.
According to the source of "Elephant", the budget for the new edition will be from 10 to 20 million dollars. Leontyev did not comment on these details, but noted that the potential readers of the magazine's new enough to return on the project.

"Channel One has received the right to broadcast to the Ukraine.

National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting company registered with limited liability" The Russian TV (ORT) as a subject of information activities, the "Ukrainian Truth".
Thus "first channel. The global network" was granted the right to broadcast its programs in Ukraine.
For this decision voted in six of the eight members of the National Council. One opposed, one was not present at the meeting due to illness.
Voted against Vitali Shevchenko said after the vote that does not support the policy of registration of foreign channels as subjects of information, and advocates for their licensing as teleradioorganizatsy in Ukraine.
The Russian JSC "First Channel. World Network" May 28, filed documents in Natssovet Broadcasting of Ukraine for the purpose of registration as the subject of information activities.
The issue of registering several times postponed due to controversy in the Ukrainian legislation, and members of Natssoveta said that they wanted to make sure that their decision would be consistent with the laws of the country for one hundred percent.
It says "Ukrainian Pravda, LLC ORT Ukraine will present the" First Channel "and related niche channels" Digital telesemeystva "(" Dom Kino "," Music First, "" Time: the distant and near, "" TeleNyanya " "Telekafe).
Earlier, Ukrainian authorities have demanded that the Russian TV channels wishing to broadcast in this country, to bring its broadcasting network in accordance with local laws.

The site of the Information Agency "Dagestan" attacked by hackers, the Mojahedin.

Site of the regional information agency "Dagestan" attacked by hackers, the Mojahedin, Interfax reports.
The morning of 24 June on the main page of the site has the appeal of members of illegal armed formations to the staff of law enforcement bodies of Dagestan. Power structures of the Republic asked to stop work and join the fight for an independent Islamic state.
According to the Gazety.Ru 'appeal was signed by "combat team mujahedin" 13 "Obedinennogo Vilayat" KBK "(Kabarda, Balkaria and Karachi). At the moment the work site is temporarily suspended.
June 20, RIA home page has already been hacked by unknown hackers. Then, along with treatment to the residents of Dagestan on the site was posted a statement "amir Jamaat Gimrinskogo" Ibrahim Gadzhidadaeva who has assumed responsibility for the assassination of Minister of Internal Affairs of Dagestan Adilgereya Magomedtagirova. Work Portal was stopped for 3 days, until June 23.
The investigation of the first burglary is the FSB of Russia.

Arrested journalists Ahmadinejad opponent.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya to re Ahmadinedzhada23.06.2009Odin losers of presidential candidates abandoned pretenziyKommentariiTegeran in ogne23.06.2009Vlasti Iranian opposition driven into a corner
   Iran arrested 25 staff members newspapers Kalameh Sabz, owned lost the election on 12 June Presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi. On this June 24, AFP said, citing one of the editors of the publication.
Open Musawi, shortly before the election, the newspaper Kalameh Sabz was closed by the authorities shortly after the country began protests of the opposition who are unhappy re Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to a new presidential term.
June 22, according to the source of AFP, were arrested without a warrant, many members of the publication. Among the 25 detainees have 5-6 administrative staff. Others arrested were journalists. According to the source, June 23 at the free release of five female detainees. 20 people remain in prison.
Iranian opposition does not agree with the official results of presidential elections. According to the opposition, the elections are not won by Ahmadinejad, but Moussaoui. Supporters Moussaoui is accused of violations of power and manipulation. After the outbreak of protests authorities agreed to re-vote in some areas, but the recount did not change the initial findings.
Officially, the unrest in Iran killed 17 people, according to unofficial - 150. June 24, one lost the election of candidates, Mohsen Rezai, has announced that renounces its claims to the results of the vote. According to Rezai, a settlement to the country's precarious situation, it is important elections.
As the number of detainees during the disturbances people have already got more than one journalist. Were subjected to arrests including the correspondents of foreign publications - such as The Washington Times and Newsweek. The authorities have banned foreign journalists to cover the unauthorized protests and increased pressure on local media.

The Parliament of Kazakhstan has strengthened control over the Internet.

Kazakhstan Parliament finally passed a law equates the Internet edition of the media, said "KazTAG. Majilis (lower chamber) agreed with the amendments proposed by the Senate (upper house). The bill has passed the necessary coordination and now aims to be signed by the president.
The new rules tighten the requirements for all Internet resources (including information portals, forums and blogs.) They would extend criminal and administrative law governing the activities of traditional media.
In addition, the bill provides for judicial proceedings against the foreign media (including online publications), which is in Kazakhstan. The Court in this case, as noted, will be held "in the location of the applicant and without the participation of the defendant."
Against the bill were Internet users and human rights organizations. In their view, the new rules can be a powerful tool of censorship, which would allow authorities to block unwanted Internet resources.
Earlier in the bill, according to the agency, was also a rule that gives the right of the prosecutor's office to suspend production media to a court decision (if the prosecutor's office decides that the contents of this publication does not comply with the legislation). However, this still was removed from the bill.

Alexander Rodnyansky CTC Media will leave for their own projects.

Media STS Media president Alexander Rodnyansky decided to leave his post and concentrate on working on his own projects. This "Interfax" the representative of one of the major media companies.
Press Service of the CCC refused to give any comments on the president to leave the company, and contact with the Rodnyansky Interfax failed. Meanwhile, the source of the agency argues that the top manager will leave the holding in the near future.
At the same time, the newspaper "Vedomosti" was able to learn that Rodnyansky terminated the contract with STS Media more on Monday, 22 June. "It was my co-decision with the shareholders", - quotes the edition of top-manager. About what, exactly, Rodnyansky will be after the departure of STS Media, so far unknown.
Alexander Rodnyansky joined CTC Media in 2002. Then he was appointed head of Channel CCC, and in 2004 became CEO of the holding. About a year ago, at the end of June 2008, as director of CTC Media has replaced its former head of NTV-Plus and one of the founders of the group "Renaissance Capital" Anton Kudryashov. Leaving the post director, Rodnyansky joined the Board of Directors of the CCC. Change management holding company attributed the change facing the company objectives.
Rodnyansky, who works in film and television since the late 1980's, sprodyusiroval such films as "1000 and one enamored recipe cooks" (1996), "East - West" (1999), "Driver for Vera" (2004 ), "9 rota" (2005) and "Inhabited Island" (2008).

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

David Bekhem won a court in a British tabloid.

London court ordered the British tabloid The Daily Star to pay compensation to the national team of England football player and "Milan" David Bekhemu for libel. In April this year an article appeared in the newspaper, which stated that Bekhem flirt with Hungarian model Marianne Fogarashi and invited her to a private party, reports Sky News.
April 23, held in Budapest friendly match between Milan and the team all star tournament in Hungary. The newspaper The Daily Star wrote that after the game Bekhem met with Fogarashi and between having close relationships. According to the tabloid, later model footballer sent SMS-message with an invitation to a private party.
Bekhem filed in The Daily Star in court, which ordered the newspaper to pay compensation to an athlete (the amount not specified), and apologize to the player. Counsel Bekhema Dzherrard Tirrell said that the information published in the tabloid, it discredits player.
Sam half England team during the trial was not present.

Shares Reuters owner may withdraw from the London Stock Exchange.

The company Thomson Reuters, controlled news agency Reuters, has decided to withdraw their shares from tendering the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and the exchange Nasdaq. That was reported by BBC News. Canada-British media group filed a request to its shareholders. Its shares will remain with the exchanges in New York and Toronto.
This step is done to simplify the structure of the company. In addition, a role played by the fact that the shareholders of the UK owned by only 5 percent of shares of Thomson Reuters. The company is also considering the option of redemption of their shares, if the British shareholders are all the same refuse. BBC News points out that Thomson Reuters has been underestimated in London, which affects the price of its shares on other sites.
Reuters has been established in the 1851 British Paul Julius Reuter. In April 2008, Reuters merged with the Canadian Thomson International. Since then, shares have been posted immediately on the four exchanges.
The voting shareholders of the delisting on the LSE and Nasdaq is scheduled for 7 August 2009.

Bolivians illustrated story about upavshem Airbus staff of "Lost."

Private Bolivian television PAT illustrated story about a plane in the Atlantic upavshem Air France staff from TV "Lost" (Lost), announced June 22, Agence France-Presse.
As a news channel showed two shots, which are presented as the announcer photographs taken by one of the unfortunate passengers of flight. The photos allegedly kept in the memory card, digital camera and the deceased passengers were restored after the device is remove from the water.
In one photograph shows passengers in oxygen masks, but behind the scenes - fall off the tail of the aircraft and a fragment of the sky, in the second photo shows how one of the passengers because of the pressure drop as a result of depressurization tip out of the salon.
The head of news service Channel Eddie Franco apologized in connection with the lining occurred. According to Franco, this photo is actually found on the Internet, rather than one passenger made the flight, as told on the radio Leading.
Recall accident Airbus A330-200 occurred on the night of 1 June. The airliner flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, crashed over the Atlantic Ocean in 1100 kilometers from the coast of Brazil. As a result of the crash killed 228 people. Black boxes from falling aircraft has not yet been found.

Monday, June 22, 2009

In Greece, the crisis has closed "free press".

The owner of a Greek newspaper Elefteros Tipos "(Free Press) has decided to close the publication. This was reported on the website of the newspaper on Monday, 22 June.
The reason for closing Elefteros Tipos ", the Sunday applications, as well as a business radio station" City 99,5 "shareholders called a crisis in print industry of Greece and the desire to get out of the main owners MediaBusiness. The newspaper owned by the former head of the Organizing Committee Olympic Games 2004 in Athens, Janne Angelopulu-Daskalaki and her husband Theodoros.
Reported that the last three years of management out of the efforts to save the publication, but to no avail. The report also indicates that all the publisher's commitment to the employees will be performed. When a newspaper is no longer to go, did not specify.
According to RIA Novosti Elefteros Tipos, founded in 1983, is one of the most influential daily newspapers in Greece. According to the agency, in the first quarter of 2009, daily newspaper circulation of 30 thousand copies, while Sunday circulation reached 80 thousand.

He was the "New Petersburg" was acquitted of extremism.

St. Petersburg court acquitted one of the authors and founders of the newspaper "Novy Peterburg" Nicholas Andrushchenko of appeals for extremist activity, inciting national or religious hatred, and libel against government officials. Reported "Lenizdat.Ru" with reference to the decision of Dzerzhinsky Court.
Andrushchenko lived for the most part, the charges could not find his actions constitute an offense. However, it was found guilty of writing a publication containing calls for incitement of social hatred towards law enforcement and public insult to a gosvlasti.
For inciting social discord Andrushchenko was sentenced to one year suspended imprisonment. However, in connection with the lapse of time it immediately freed from punishment. For public insult prosecutors Petersburg journalist nominated a fine of 20 thousand rubles.
The criminal case against Andrushchenko was initiated in autumn 2007. He was charged with obstruction of justice and slander. At the same time Rosohrankultura rendered "New Petersburg" two warnings on the inadmissibility of extremist activity in connection with the issue than the newspaper had been suspended.
The attention of officials caught two articles: "Why did we go to the march of dissent" Nicholas Andrushchenko and "Here's a real candidate" Constantine Chernyaeva, which saw Rosohrankultura extremist appeals. Later the St. Petersburg City Court refused to meet Rosohrankulture action on the closure of newspapers, after which the newspaper was suspended.

In Iran, a journalist detained by Newsweek.

KommentariiSituatsiya close to revolyutsionnoy16.06.2009Vlasti Iran agreed to review the outcomes against vyborovSyuzhetyOppozitsiya re Ahmadinedzhada21.06.2009V Tehran burned mechetReporter magazine Newsweek, which has Canadian citizenship, was detained on Sunday by Iranian authorities, reported Agence France-Presse with reference to the wording of the statement.
As colleagues Maziyara Bahari (Maziar Bahari), he lived in Iran the past ten years, has successfully collaborated with the Iranian authorities, but his stories always "honesty and balance." Revision Newsweek "strongly deplored" the detention of journalists and called on Iranian authorities to immediately release him. "Capture of innocent journalists is a violation of press freedom in Iran" - the statement stresses.
Meanwhile, agency Associated Press reports that the total from 14 June in Iran were arrested at least 23 local journalists and bloggers. The organization Reporters Without Borders has published their names and demanded that the international community to stop ignoring the situation in Iran.
Remember, earlier on Sunday, the Iranian authorities demanded that the BBC correspondent, John Lyne (John Leyne) left the country within 24 hours. The decision was taken due to the fact that a journalist was allegedly supported the rioters. It is believed the Iranian Foreign Ministry, the public broadcasting company of Great Britain and the United States had two objectives - "blow the ethnic conflict and contribute to the collapse of Iran."
As reported by BBC News, in the past one and a half weeks in Iran, appeared to receive a signal interruption BBC Persian. To cope with these difficulties, the British Broadcasting Corporation has increased over the region the number of satellites that broadcast programs in Farsi.
Unrest in Iran began after the announcement of the results of presidential elections held on 12 June 2009. According to official figures, won by incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but supporters of his main rival Mir-Hossein Mousavi stated that the falsification of the voting results. In connection with the unrest the country's authorities have banned foreign journalists to cover campaigns are not authorized by the Iranian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and increased pressure on local media.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Reporters BBC expelled from Iran.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya to re Ahmadinedzhada21.06.2009V riots in Tehran were killed 19 demonstrantovKommentariiSituatsiya close to revolyutsionnoy16.06.2009Vlasti Iran agreed to review the outcome of vyborovVlasti Iran demanded that the BBC correspondent, John Lyne (John Leyne) to leave the country within 24 hours. That was reported by AFP, referring to the local agency Fars. He was accused of supporting the rioters. BBC has confirmed this information, however, reported that the office of Television in Tehran remains open.
As stated by Foreign Minister Hassan Gasgavi (Hassan Ghasghavi), foreign media such as Voice of America and BBC, are public, and thus become the tools of diplomacy in their own countries. "These services have two goals - to create and fuel ethnic tensions and facilitate the disintegration of Iran," - he added.
Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary David Milibend Iran has rejected accusations that foreign states provoked riots in Iran. According to him, an attempt to Chapter Manouchehr Mottaki, Iranian Foreign Ministry to make the vnutriiransky dispute over election results in the confrontation with Iran and other nations, particularly with Britain, there is no reason to.
Mottaki said earlier that Britain was preparing a conspiracy against Iran for two years. According to him, before the elections in the country came to the set of "elements associated with the British intelligence."
In Iran, during the last week, continuing unrest in which thousands of citizens. The protesters believe that the results of presidential elections in the country were rigged. According to official figures, the victory won on the basis of the vote the incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ahead of its main competitor world-Hossein Mousavi.

The rebels broke into the site of Dagestan news.

Site of the Republican news RIA RIA Dagestan Dagestan came under hacker attacks, said on Sunday morning the radio station Ekho Moskvy. "
Broken web site, put the crackers on the video gimrinskogo Jamaat leader Ibrahim Gadzhidadaeva, in which he takes responsibility for the assassination of Minister of Internal Affairs of Dagestan Adilgereya Magomedtagirova.
Once the hacking site has been disabled. To date, the implications of hacker attacks persists, the site has not resumed work.
Statement Gadzhidadaeva of involvement in the murder of heads of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan appeared on Islamist web sites have on 9 June, said the radio station.
Remember, the head of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan, was killed June 5, at the exit from the banquet hall "Marrakesh", which was celebrating the wedding of his daughter's subordinate. The bullet hit the Minister in the heart, he died on the operating table and was buried the same day in his native village.

Creator pornozhurnala Hustler got to the hospital.

The creator and chief editor of the American pornographic magazine Hustler, Larry Flint was hospitalized on Saturday in one of the hospitals of Los Angeles. This became known online publication
On the causes of hospitalization, the famous showman, as well as on the state of his health is not reported. We know only that the hospital he was taken on your own car. Recall, 66-year-old Flint in 1978, chained to a wheelchair, which was a consequence of the assassination attempt on him.
Larry Flint is the owner of Larry Flynt Publications, which publishes Hustler magazine and some others, as well as shooting pornofilmov. Larry Flint owned casinos in California, and several nightclubs. Condition Hustler publisher is valued at 400 million dollars.
Life of Flint is the basis for paintings Milos Forman The People v. Larry Flint ". In addition, it is known that the run for governor of California and in 2008 withdrew pornofilm involving actresses, like Sarah Peylin.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blavatnik declined to rescue the sports channel Setanta.

The company Access Industries Leonard Blavatnik refused to buy 51 percent stake in the Irish sports channel Setanta, reports The Wall Street Journal. Earlier Blavatnik offered to buy a controlling stake in television for 20 million pounds sterling.
Communication Access Industries was followed, after the English soccer Premier League (AFPL) severed the contract with Setanta. Previously, the TV has acquired the right to show football matches AFPL in the season 2009-2010, but was unable to recruit a sufficient number of subscribers and has been threatened with bankruptcy. June 19, Setanta was AFPL transfer 10 million pounds from 30, the contract with the Premier League.
Previously, Setanta was unable to pay the Scottish Premier League 3 million pounds to show its games.
TV channel Setanta is not free. In addition to football, the channel broadcasts cricket competitions, golf and rugby. He has 1.2 million subscribers, but only 60 per cent of the amount that is required. Each year, Setanta loses about 100 million pounds. Total debt of publication estimates at 500 million pounds.
Access Industries is already owned by British company, Top Up TV, which offers pay television services, including broadcast programming channel Setanta Sports.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Guardian has announced a competition for the compromising of members of Parliament.

KommentariiNepredvidennye rashody21.05.2009Britanskie legislators excellent save from nalogoplatelschikovBritanskaya newspaper The Guardian called on its readers to find the best possible shameful waste by the members of parliament for the state account. For this edition has launched a website search engine for 92 to thousands of pages of reports on the costs of parliamentarians.
Score from The Guardian to have a 700 thousand of documents on the costs of members of Parliament. Of the 91,996 published web pages remains unknown more than 23 thousand. They read the newspaper and invited readers.
The contest will run until June 21, it can participate only British. The winner of the contest, as the most shameful waste of parliamentary documents, received the prize - house for ducks. A similar house on the public money has become, according to the documents, Tory Sir Peter Viggers (Peter Viggers).
In the brief instructions stated that first of all need to examine the requests for payment for food, as well as requests to meet which was denied. In addition, under suspicion are repeated requests for an amount less than 250 pounds. They do not want to pay the check.
For the first time, attention to data on expenditures were brought newspaper The Daily Telegraph, which had managed to buy from an unknown official terabytes of parliamentary expenditure reports for the past five years. Information was offered to newspapers The Sun and The Times, but they refused to deal. Regular publication of excerpts of the documents allowed The Daily Telegraph greatly increase its circulation.

Russian TV channels to pay for music.

Russian Authors' Society (RAO) has made from pay channels songwriter, writes the newspaper "Vedomosti" on Friday, June 19. A total of 2008 channels RAO pay about 617 million rubles.
RAO director Igor Bazilevsky told the publication that the company has signed agreements on copyright payments to VGTRK and holding "ProfMedia (channels MTV, TV3 and" 2x2 ").
Earlier VGTRK RAO paid half of the contributions due for the year 2007 140 million rubles (gosholding referred to the loss of income). In November 2008, the society filed for VGTRK in court, demanding repayment of debt, and even enlisted the support of Sergei Naryshkin, who then headed the presidential administration. In December 2008 the parties signed the settlement agreement and, more recently, as reported in "Vedomosti", agreed on the payment for 2009.
Agreed, the author's use of music for 2008 VGTRK will cost approximately 100 million rubles, and for 2009 - a little less. Vedomosti noted that initially RAO expected to amount to four times larger. The press service VGTRK publication explained that in the air gosholdinga significantly increased the number of information transmission, with no music, which also affected the decrease in payments.
RW agreed to reduce the amount of payments and the copyright for "ProfMedia, although in early 2009 as required by its channel of more than 20 million rubles for 2008. Final payments Igor Bazilevsky did not call. Source Vedomosti, close to "ProfMedia, argues that it is a fixed amount that is less than one percent of the revenue channels.
According to Bazilevskaya have not yet resolved the question of copyright payments only to the channel DTV (included in the SPC Media).
After 1 January 2008, which entered into force on the fourth part of the Civil Code, which regulates relations in the sphere of intellectual property, RAO gosakkreditatsiyu received for the collection of fees in favor of the authors.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lieutenant Georgian army has asked for political asylum in Russia.

Georgian soldier Aliq Bzhaniya on June 18, said in a live radio station "Echo of Moscow", which asked the Russian authorities for political asylum.
According to the Georgian army lieutenant, he served in the frontier troops and in May 2009, fled Abkhazia, which appealed to the Russian border with a request for asylum. Bzhaniya explained that the Russian officers brought him to the car from Abkhazia in Moscow. According to Lieutenant General in Moscow allowed him to stay at home with a friend, but was advised not to leave the apartment.
On that broadcast radio will be an interview with "Glukhova vice versa," said Day on June 18, the chief editor of Echo of Moscow "Alexei Venediktov. Then Venediktov told us that the editors went with a man who called the officer of the Georgian army and announced the intention to ask for political asylum in Russia.
Alexei Venediktov not rule out that the history of Georgian defector could be a provocation.
In early 2009, a Russian soldier Alexander Glukhov autocratically left part of the military in South Ossetia and asked for political asylum in Georgia. The authorities granted him refugee status, while in Russia to Glukhova brought the case of desertion.

Major series of scientific journals completely abandoned the paper versions.

American Chemical Society (American Chemical Society - ACS) has decided to refuse the issuance of paper versions of their journals. A new policy announced ACS portal Nature News, the journalists who read the letter from the internal correspondence of society.
The reason for the transition to full network was constantly falling number of subscribers ordered printed version of the magazine. Accordingly, the issue of "normal" magazines become less and less worth the money.
Rejection of paper versions will be gradual. Since July 2009 all the ACS journals will come in the form of dvuhstarnichnyh booklets, which will be collected by a short version of the article. In the same condition will be issued only to the main journal Society Journal of the American Chemical Society, and two magazines, which publishes reviews - Accounts of Chemical Research and Chemical Reviews. All subscribers will be sent to the recommendation to move to a subscription, which includes only the online versions of journals. Since 2010, all the ACS journals will be available only online.
According to most experts interviewed by journalists Nature News, ACS initiative is an absolutely legitimate and inevitable. " Vylozhennaya online information much more accessible than the information contained on the pages of paper logs. Online versions of journals provide much more extensive search capabilities than traditional magazines (eg, search for keywords in a few years). In addition, to produce weblogs much cheaper than paper, but on the cost of printing directly affected the cost of subscriptions.

Georgian officer asks for political asylum for "Ehe Moscow."

Continuing: Lieutenant Georgian army has asked for political asylum in Russia
Editor-in-chief of Radio Echo of Moscow "Alexei Venediktov said on air that the station called the man, who presented the Georgian army officer and told of the intention to ask for political asylum in Russia.
According to Venediktova, call a man repeatedly verified that the calls to the "Echo Moskvy". Glavred "Echo of Moscow said that the wording is the name of the officer crossed the border, but did not disclose it. It was expected that on 18 June at 16:05 in "Conversation" will broadcast an interview with this man. The site radios are the questions of listeners.
Alexei Venediktov caller named "Glukhova vice versa" and explained that he was a junior officer. He did not rule out that the history, see the radio man might be a provocation.
Recall that at the beginning of 2009, Junior Sergeant Alexander Glukhov Russian army fled from the military in South Ossetia, and came to Georgia, which has asked for political asylum. In Russia, it had instituted a case of desertion, as in Georgia, according to some sources, granted refugee status.
After the war in South Ossetia in August 2008, Georgia broke off diplomatic relations with Russia in response to Moscow's recognition of independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Embassies were closed and consular functions are carried out missions in the Swiss embassy in Tbilisi and Moscow.

British Library launched an online archive of newspapers XIX century.

British Library, the largest national library of the United Kingdom, on the web archive of the London and provincial British newspapers from 1800 to 1900 years. Digitized nearly two million pages, with their contents - from political commentary to the advertisements and obituary.
Access to the archive be paid: for example, 6 pounds 99 pence for 24 hours, you can download the 100 articles. A weekly "ticket" is 9 pounds 99 pence and allows viewing of 200 articles. However, some material on the most important and hotly debated in the press of XIX century themes left open to the public: it is featured on the events of the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, sepoy rebellion, abolitionism, and chartism uaytchepelskih murders - crimes of Jack Potroshitelya. Free material made of two massive illustrated newspapers: The Graphic and the Penny Illustrated Paper.
Archive, with its full-text search, includes 49 newspapers.

The Americans called the Internet the most truthful source of information.

Living in the USA network called the most credible and reliable sources of information, according to a report of Zogby International. According to the poll, most Americans use the Internet as the only news media. This web edition of overtaking on the popularity of television, radio and newspapers combined.
In the Zogby International poll was attended by over three thousand people. It was found that 56 percent of American adults prefer to learn about current events through the Internet, if they will need to choose only one source. Television, radio and newspapers, together scored only 41 percent of all respondents.
About 38 percent of Americans believe that the Internet is published in more reliable information than other sources. Television trusted only 17 percent of those surveyed. Third place is taken by newspapers (16 per cent of the vote), but on the last line turned the radio (13 per cent of the vote).
In doing so, 49 percent of respondents believe the national newspaper websites important news resources, and 43 percent of Americans say the same about the sites of national TV channels.
Note that the popular social network Facebook and Twitter mikroblogi residents of the United States is not regarded as major news sources. The first resource is trusted only 10 percent of respondents, while the second - only 4 per cent.
Only one person in two believes that newspapers are the main source of information in 2014. In doing so, 82 percent of Americans believe that it is the internet will become the leader among all other media in five years. As the popularity of television believe only 13 percent of those surveyed.
Added that in recent times, many U.S. companies abandon paper-based versions of newspapers, preferring to publish online versions of publications on the Internet. This is due to the fall of revenues from sales of advertising, which is a consequence of the financial crisis.
According to VTsIOM poll, which was held in late 2006, only 13 percent of Russians consider the Internet as a source of information. This 86 per cent of respondents trust television, while 31 per cent - the central newspapers.

Russian press predrekli five years of recession.

The Russian market of print media up to 2013 will go through five years of recession, writes the newspaper "Vedomosti" on Thursday, June 18, with reference to the study of "World entertainment and media, conducted by consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
According to the report American companies (at PwC paper has not yet been published), in 2008 the income of Russian journals accounted for 1.65 billion U.S. dollars. Predicted that in 2009 they earned 18 per cent less - 1.35 billion dollars, and in 2013 - at 11.5 per cent less, ie 1.46 billion dollars.
With regard to newspapers, then in 2008, according to PwC, the market amounted to 565 million dollars. It was expected that in 2009 revenues of newspapers shrink by 18 per cent - up to 466 million dollars, and in 2013 - at 11.3 percent, ie to 501 million dollars. Vedomosti noted that analysts have used the company's weighted average rate of the Central Bank of Russia for 2008 - 24,85 rubles.
Participants in the Russian media, the publication of the respondents felt that the forecast is too pessimistic and expressed general doubts about the "reliability" of such long-term prognosis.
Meanwhile, in early January 2009 the fall of the advertising market, the main source of income of print media, it was very important. Analytical Center "Video International" then announced that in January 2008, advertising pages, placed in magazines and newspapers, was 43 percent higher.

Company RBC lost direct control over the channel RBC-TV.

Company RBC lost direct control over the channel RBC-TV and news agencies RBC. This writes the newspaper "Vedomosti".
According to the share of "RBC Information Systems", the RBC-TV has declined from 100 to 0 per cent, "RBC and RBC Holding" - from 100 to 20 per cent.
In RBC assure that the assets remain in the group, but were handed over to the Russian "daughter" of RBC, which reveal the name of the holding is not wanted. Representatives of the company stated that this is the first step aimed at bringing the structure of RBC in line with the requirements of lenders. In doing so, the creditors said the company "Vedomosti" that initiated the transfer of assets was the management of RBC. The publication notes that the assets of RBC should be secured by the company restructured debt.
By April RBC debt was 220 million dollars. In early June, the holding was not able to repay the loan notes of more than 40 million dollars. Approved RBC debt restructuring scheme involves the payment of 25 per cent of the debt until 2012, while the remaining 75 per cent - up to 2014.
Holding RBC is in financial difficulty has been the fall of 2008 - a period of growing economic crisis in Russia. In October, it was reported that the search has begun holding a strategic investor, to support growth in the company. In mid-February it became known that the creditor banks go to court to recover debts from RBC.

Oliver Kahn will be reality shows.

The famous German football goalkeeper Oliver Kahn from Thursday, June 18, will become the leading reality shows in one of the Chinese TV channels. This writes the Chinese newspaper China Daily. The theme of the show will be the selection of the best young goalkeeper in China. The winner will receive the right training at the German Football Academy.
40-year-old Kahn, three times the best goalkeeper of the world, will work with a group of young goalkeeper at the age of 17 to 24 years, including two girls. The Show will consist of ten episodes. How Can get to work on Chinese TV, not reported.
According to Kana, the main principle on which he will select the best in the new reality show, participants will be able "to keep the strike after the lesions.
Currently, China's soccer team is on the 98 th spot in the FIFA ranking, below the prefabricated Cape Verde and Iceland. In 2002, the Chinese played in the World Championships, but did not pass the group stage. In the qualifying tournament FM-2010 China's national team played poorly and lost the chance to participate in the world championship in South Africa.

Shut down the magazine "Russian Life".

KommentariiSluhi smerti29.05.2009Do closure of the magazine "Russian Life" is two nomeraZhurnal "Russian Life" has ceased to exist. About this portal OpenSpace in an interview with the Chief Editor Dmitry Olshansky. According to him, the main reason for the closure of the magazine were financial difficulties.
Olshansky said that despite the more or less-established marketing edition, "Russian Life" remained on the market of periodicals unnoticed, because no part of a major publishing house, do not represent the well-known brand and did not belong to a "formatted" popular media.
Meanwhile, Glavred magazine said that it was ready to resume publication. "We are open to any opportunity to continue the magazine in any form by any structure, which it could be interesting", - quotes the portal Olshanski.
In an interview with OpenSpace journalist said that opening the "Russian Life" two years ago, he did not expect a serious commercial success of the magazine. According to Olshansky, the main difficulty associated with the issuance of this publication in Russia was that it was originally bound for the commercial failure, as the financial success of the country "could be solely and exclusively, any stuff."
Rumors that the "Russian Life" may be closed, appeared in RuNet in late May. Soon, this information confirmed - it turned out that the wording is preparing to release the last two numbers of the edition. Number of June 3, 2009 became the 55 th on the account and went under the symbolic title of "Death."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ukraine had deferred the registration of "First Channel" for an indefinite period.

The National Broadcasting Council of Ukraine postponed for an indefinite period of registration of "First Channel. The global network", RIA Novosti reported with reference to the statement by deputy head Andrey Miroshnichenko Natssoveta.
According to him, the decision on the "First" and was not accepted due to the fact that Natssovetu not enough for some of the documents.
Miroshnichenko, announced that the registration of the Russian TV channel will be considered after all the members Natssoveta satisfied all the necessary documents. There is, he does not say.
However, Miroshnichenko said that the registration of "First Channel" hinder some controversy in the Ukrainian legislation. According to him, the television channel, subject to the requirement Natssoveta, registered economic subkt that gave him the right to operate in Ukraine.
In doing so, said Miroshnichenko, registering them as a subject of information, we are actually making them in the register of television. "
However, one of the laws, working in TV and Ukraine can not be founded by foreigners, so make a "first" in the roster seem impossible.
At the same time, the registry is not only television and radio, and others information, so perhaps you can.
"We must be 100 percent sure that we act within the law", - has summed up Miroshnichenko.
In late May, the "First Channel" passed in Natssovet registration documents subject of information activities. At the same time, the television director, "First Channel. World Network Nikolai Dubova said that during the consultations and negotiations with Natssovetom produced a set of measures that would lift all restrictions on the broadcast channel in Ukraine.
Earlier, Ukrainian authorities have demanded that the Russian TV channels wishing to broadcast in this country, to bring its broadcasting network in accordance with local laws.

Business FM radio station to buy a metallurgist Vladimir Lisin.

The owner of Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine, and one of the richest people of Russia Vladimir Lisin agreed to acquire the holding company United Media, which owns the radio station Business FM and portal BFM.Ru. This writes the newspaper Kommersant, citing anonymous sources at. The deal, according to the publication, will be 23.5 million dollars. The main owner of media "is a businessman Arkady Gaidamak.
It should be noted that the owners "of the media has already tried to sell the asset at the market, but were unable to do so. In particular, the negotiations for the acquisition of the holding company had "Kommersant," but it is not arranged for the structure of the transaction.
In April 2009, it was reported that Gaidamak intend to June 2009 to sell 10 per cent "of media's top managers of the company for one dollar. The transaction was to increase the motivation of employees.
"Arkady Gaidamak" invested in "United Media" approximately 30 million dollars. In 2008, the market value of the company to assess its leadership in the 80-100 million dollars. However, during the crisis, which, inter alia, led to a reduction in revenue from advertising, the value "of the media" have dropped dramatically.
Vladimir Lisin already has several mediaaktivov. For example, he owns a newspaper newspaper, several radio stations in the regions, primarily in the Lipetsk region. Not yet known whether Lisin to combine its assets with United Media. "
Arkady Gaidamak created "United Media in 2007 on the basis of the newspaper Moscow News, which was closed in the year 2007. In addition to Business FM and BFM.Ru, this company has a weekly newspaper Business & FM and Radio 98 hits. Revenues for the company in 2008 amounted to 340 million rubles, and net loss - 29.6 million rubles.

Peylin forgave Lettermanu joking about the pregnancy.

The Governor of Alaska Sarah Peylin accepted apologies David Lettermana TV, transmits Associated Press. The politician expressed hope that the apology Lettermana, roughly joked about her daughter, will help change public attitudes to joke about the sexual exploitation of minors.
June 9 broadcast of his "Night Show" Letterman commented on unflattering Peylin, style, which he likened to the style of "whores, Hostess," and jokingly said that the daughter of the governor during the baseball game had become pregnant from one of the team "Yankees." Joke about a daughter Peylin sparked outrage in the United States, where it was found that at the New York Game "Yankees" to which Letterman said, the Alaska governor was accompanied by her youngest daughter - a minor Willow.
Senior "Night Show" admitted that he was referring to another daughter Peylin - Bristol, which had already turned 18 years old, and the pregnancy that much has been said during the election campaign of 2008. The responsibility for the misunderstanding caused Letterman entirely assumed.

In Georgia, the opposition resumed broadcasting channels.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya seeks resignation Saakashvili16.06.2009Pravitelstvo and Parliament resumed work as usual rezhimeKommentariiKak stood, and Georgia went stoyat10.06.2009V third month Maidan Georgian opposition TV channel "Maestro" and "Kavkasia" ceased Broadcast on 15 June in protest against police violence against journalists, once again went on the air, the website "News-Georgia".
TV Guide had been angry that the police detained one of the journalists "Maestro." Reported that he was beaten, and smashed two cameras.
Meanwhile, the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs on 16 June formally apologized to the journalists, victims of police action. In addition, on behalf of the country's leadership has apologized Parliament Speaker David Bakradze. According to him, "Yesterday, during the events at the police department had recorded the facts that prevent the execution of professional responsibilities to several journalists. This is outrageous and unacceptable."
Bakradze also said that the journalists returned to the camera and footage material. According to the "Georgia Online", Ministry of Internal Affairs also conducted an internal investigation and has announced strict reprimand two officers. Total penalties suffered nine policemen.
Reported that the TV channels to resume broadcasting, and asked the opposition leaders, and representatives of the country's leadership. According to the Director of Television "Maestro" Mamuka Glonti, TV channels will be broadcast again, but if in the future from the actions of the police "will suffer at least one journalist," he would do everything to ensure that the Georgian media have declared a strike, while the head of Ministry of Internal Affairs Vano Merabishvili files to resign.
Meanwhile, Interfax reports, one of the leaders of the opposition Eka Beselia stated that an apology is not enough and demanded the Ministry of Internal Affairs to institute criminal proceedings against Merabishvili.
"Maestro" and "Kavkasia are cable TV channels that broadcast mostly in Tbilisi.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Convicted American journalist confessed to crimes against the DPRK.

KommentariiVrazhdebnye deystviya08.06.2009Amerikanskie journalist PhenyanaOsuzhdennye become instruments of policy in North Korea admitted to American journalists for crimes against the state. That was reported by Associated Press, referring to the Central News Agency DPRK.
According to the agency, journalist Laura Ling and Yong Lee pleaded guilty to illegally crossing the border and run smear campaign against the country. According to the North Korean side, the journalist crossed the border "to prepare a series of videos for the DPRK's accusation of human rights violations", said BBC.
Journalist, working for independent television channel Current TV, were arrested on March 17, 2009 near the border to North Korea Tumen River (on the territory of Russia is called the Tumen River). Telekorrespondenty filmed story about the plight of Korean refugees. Then in the South Korean broadcast channel YTN channel, it was stated that the DPRK border guards crossed the Chinese border and detained amerikanok on someone else's territory, said Reuters. However, this information has not been confirmed by Chinese authorities.
June 8, Laura Ling and Yong Lee Korean court sentenced to 12 years' corrected through labor "(imprisonment in a labor camp) for illegally crossing the border with China and the crimes against the state. Then the official Pyongyang is not elaborated on the essence of crime. The trial lasted five days journalists.
Cegodnyashnee Statement Central news Agency DPRK made in anticipation of the meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama, and South Korean President Lee Myung tank. Earlier, U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton announced that all charges against the detainees of the country "are not unfounded."

Tehran banned foreign journalists to cover protests.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya to re Ahmadinedzhada16.06.2009Musavi have called for a new vyboryKommentariiSituatsiya close to revolyutsionnoy16.06.2009Vlasti Iran agreed to review the outcome of vyborovVlasti Iran officially banned foreign journalists to cover the banned rallies and protests in Tehran and other cities country, reported AFP.
  The message from the Iranian Ministry of Culture does not require reporters to report news on developments in those protests, which were not authorized Ministry of the Interior. In particular, by this means continuing with the June 13 rallies of supporters of former Prime Minister of Iran's world-Hossein Mousavi.
Moussaoui Supporters argue that the results of last June 12 presidential election, who won the official version of the current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been rigged. During the protests were arrested about 200 people, ranging from 7 to 24 people were killed. June 16, Moussaoui urged his supporters for security reasons, to refrain from participating in the planned march on Tuesday.
The government media coverage of the proceedings in accordance with the position of the official Tehran. An alternative source of information about what is happening in Iran were mikroblogi and social networks. Note that because of developments in the Iranian leadership Twitter service on 15 June has postponed the planned engineering work that should have been last night.
During protests in Iran have arrested two Dutch journalists and missing German journalist. The principal editors of foreign media complained that the authorities have hampered objectively cover events in the country. In particular, it was closed by the Bureau of television Al-Arabiya "in Tehran, and the BBC News stated that the noise in the satellite is also the Iranian government.

TV host David Letterman apologized for the joke to the daughter Peylin.

U.S. TV host David Letterman apologized for "bad joke", which became the subject of a former candidate for U.S. Vice President Sarah Peylin and her daughter, the Associated Press.
Letterman, a leading popular evening talk show on June 9 broadcast of its program said the daughter had Peylin 'zaletet of players' Yankees' Alex Rodriguez. The reason for urgency was the visit Peylin in New York, during which she and her youngest daughter, 14-year-old Willow, attended the match with the baseball team "Yankees."
After exiting the program was aired Peylin stated that the words Lettermana "encourage the sexual exploitation of children, and her husband called repugnant any jokes about rape his 14-year-old daughter.
In the next issue of talk shows, shown June 15, David Letterman admitted that the joke of the Peylin and her family were unsuccessful. But TV presenter stressed that the target of his jokes was not the youngest - 14-year-old - daughter Peylin, and her older sister - 18-year-old Bristol. "I only joked about the elder daughter, and to show specifically checked that it is adult," - said to Letterman.
"If the audience understood the joke wrong, it is only my fault," - recognized as the lead, adding that apologizes to both daughters and other family members Peylin, as well as "all those who insulted my speech."
The elder daughter of Alaska Governor Sarah Peylin became pregnant at age 17, even before she graduated from high school. About Bristol Peylin pregnancy became known in the midst of the election campaign of her mother who fought for the post of vice-president of the USA in a couple of ex-presidential candidate John McCain. Peylin then stated that the City of Bristol and the 19-year-old father of the child registered their relationship after graduation, but the couple separated and not married.

In Tbilisi stopped broadcasting opposition TV channels.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya seeking the resignation of the Speaker of Parliament Saakashvili12.06.2009Na car attacked opponents with palkamiKommentariiKak stood, and Georgia went stoyat10.06.2009V third month Maidan Georgian opposition television channels stopped broadcasting in protest against police violence against journalists, informs "Interfax".
In the broadcast failed two cable TV channel, covering mainly Tbilisi audience - "Maestro" and "Kavkasia.
The reason for the protest was the arrest by police of one of the journalists of "Maestro." According to the head of the channel Mamuka Glonti, a journalist was beaten up, besides the police broke two camera channels.
Mamuka Glonti promised to appeal to international organizations to help in the fight against "arbitrary" the Georgian authorities.
Abandoned channels transmitted in a live protest Georgian opposition, has been three months demanding the resignation of President Mikhail Saakashvili. At the channel "Maestro" has its own program, one of the leaders of the Georgian opposition singer George Gachechiladze.
According to Interfax about an hour ago, near the main police in Tbilisi was broken up peaceful demonstrations of the opposition. Scores of participants in the protest were injured, twenty people arrested by the police.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, on the other hand, later apologized to the journalists who have suffered during the protests, reported IA "News-Georgia". The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze stated that the equipment selected by some journalists at the time of the incident, he had already returned.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Financial Times used in the Obama campaign.

British newspaper The Financial Times began a new advertising campaign, which uses the praise of U.S. President Barack Obama. This writes the Press Gazette. In March FT interview Obama admitted that the newspaper was his favorite newspapers. This interview was first appeared in the world press since the inauguration of Obama as president.
Advertising poster depicts Barack Obama during the Democratic Party rally in Portland, Oregon. The caption under the poster reads: "Who listens to the one who listens to everything?" (Who does the man everyone listens to, listen to)? According to the FT marketing director Caroline Hollivell (Caroline Halliwell), recognition of Obama is that he is a fan of newspapers, made immediately after winning the election, shows the most influential people in the world to the FT as a credible source of news and analytics.
A new advertising campaign is the next step in lining up The Financial Times a global brand. The paper argues that the world of its 1.3 million people read, and it is printed in 23 printing. According to ABC, FT's daily circulation is about 411 thousand instance, with 70 percent of them are printed outside the British Isles.

In Iran, Ahmadinejad rival newspaper closed.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya to re Ahmadinedzhada15.06.2009Zhalobu opposition to consider the outcome of the elections in 10 days
Iranian authorities have suspended the release paper, owned by former Prime countries world-Hossein Mousavi, who lost to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the presidential election. That was reported by AFP on Monday, June 15.
According to the Agency's publication "Kalameh Sabz" ( "Green World") ceased on sale in Tehran two days after on June 12 presidential elections, in which, according to the official version, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won. On that issue on hold authorities said another Iranian newspaper - "Sarmeeh.
According to AFP, at the first band "Sarmeeha" big announcement published material on the closure of "Kalameha Sabza, but on the inside lane newspaper contained a short note. As the agency on condition of anonymity an Iranian journalist, the material was ottsenzurirovan in printing, where the number has already been put into print. The source also explained that this is a common practice in Iran.
Sources "Sarmeeh" report that the issue was closed for the criticism of Ahmadinejad. Meanwhile, re the Iranian president said at a briefing after the announcement of the election results that "the freedom of citizens in Iran is close to absolute."
Iranian opposition does not recognize as legitimate the results of presidential elections and holds the country's massive demonstrations and rallies.

A Moscow journalist seized SUV and phone Vertu.

In the north of Moscow at night on Monday, June 15, robbed the journalist, working in one of the metropolitan newspapers. As reported by RIA Novosti, citing sources in the police, the woman, whose name is not called away car Range Rover Sport and the bag with money and other valuables.
According to law enforcement authorities, the robbery occurred after midnight on the Boulevard Matroos Zheleznyak. For victims who have to park the car, approached two men and pulled out her bag, after which the journalist was forced to withdraw from the car, got into his own and left.
Other agencies reported that the robbers were three. According to his data, the injured journalist 28 years, she worked at JSC Revision newspaper Moskovskaya Pravda. "
Specified that in the bag with the girl lying instruments, gold watches, Vertu phone, and 10 thousand rubles. The total damage caused by robbers, is estimated at three million rubles.
In the police believe that the criminals followed the journalist before the attack.

In Iran, arrested by Dutch journalists.

Iran detained two Dutch journalists who worked on the presidential election. Correspondents and operator channel Nederland 2 ordered immediately to leave the country, reported AFP.
The journalists were arrested during a shooting in front of the headquarters of the opposition presidential candidate, former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi Iran. Police seized footage from the Dutch seized the material and permission to shoot.
Earlier, the Iranian authorities without explanation closed the bureau television Al-Arabiya "in Tehran. British Broadcasting Corporation BBC laid on Iran responsible for the interference of the satellite, which broadcasts via the BBC channel in Farsi.
According to official figures, a victory in the presidential elections in Iran won the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Supporters of the opposition did not recognize the results of the vote and took to the streets. According to recent data, as a result of clashes with the police arrested about 170 people.
Moussaoui urged his supporters to continue the massive intervention, but did not make the riots. On Sunday, he filed a formal protest with a request to cancel the election results. In addition, Moussaoui turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Iran for permission to hold a national rally on Monday, June 15.

The court overturned a warning channel "2x2" for show "South Park".

Basmannyj Moscow court overturned a warning to the TV channel "2x2" on the inadmissibility of the spread of extremist materials, issued in September 2008 on a complaint by a number of Protestant, Muslim and Jewish communities. This was in a room for June 15, writes the newspaper Kommersant.
Kommersant, in particular, said that he was part of a court decision resolutory Abolishing the appropriate warnings for the TV show "South Park" and some other cartoons, suspected of promoting extremism and violence. According to the court, with the TV channel "2x2" was accused of spreading extremist material made Basmannyj interregional prosecutor's office.
The procedure for appealing a warning from the management of "2x2" was initiated in late 2008. After Basmannyj Court refused to consider the complaint channel, the case was sent to the Moscow City Court, and ultimately Basmannyj Court took it for consideration and ruled in favor of "2x2."
Nonetheless, Kommersant, the Russian Union of Christians united evangelical faith - РОСХÐ'Е (so-called Pentecostals) have already announced their intention to continue to fight TV "2x2". As the publishing manager РОСХÐ'Е Konstantin Bendas, through the prosecutor's office has sent extra supplies of cartoons with "2x2, who are expert at the Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry of the Serb.
Remember, the conflict over the channel "2x2" began in March 2008. Protestants, Pentecostals, as well as representatives of Jewish and Muslim communities appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to deprive TV license. In early September the same year Basmannaya inter Moscow's prosecutor's office issued a "2x2" warning of the presence of 12 reaching the channel multserialah signs of extremism.
Warning against "2x2" jeopardized the chance of extending Rossvyazkomnadzorom the broadcasting license for TV, which expires in mid-October 2008. This development led to massive protests by supporters of the position of "2x2", and October 16 - the day before the expiration of the license - a license to broadcast television has been extended until 17 October 2013.

In Iran, the disappearance of a German television journalist.

In Tehran, the disappearance of working for a German TV journalist ADR. On this Monday, June 15, said the Internet edition "" referring to Officer Peter Mettsgera TV.
Previously, it was reported that the Iranian authorities strongly impede the work of foreign reporters covering the protests, re-organized opponents of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
In particular, in Tehran, were arrested by two Dutch journalists who work for TV Nederland 2, which was removed before the story headquarters opposition candidate for president world-Hossein Mousavi. They were ordered to immediately leave the country.
Also in Tehran was closed offices television Al-Arabiya, a British Broadcasting Corporation BBC announced that hampered its broadcast television and radio broadcasts in Farsi, which she also suspects the Iranian authorities.
On the obstacles in the work of its employees complained, and the German television ZDF and ARD. In this regard, the editors-in-chief of both channels had sent a letter to the Ambassador of Iran in Berlin, which had expressed outrage at the actions of the Iranian authorities, reports AFP.
The winner of the presidential elections of June 12, was declared the current head of state. Starting from the next day in Tehran are the mass protests organized by his chief opponent Mir-Hossein Mousavi. Their main demand is the abolition of the election results, which, in their view, were serious violations.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The publisher went bankrupt Russian-language newspaper in Estonia.

Estonian Russian-language publisher of the newspaper "News of the day" on 12 June was officially recognized as bankrupt, Interfax reports.
Bankrupt fund Jüri Vilmsa (Juri Vilmsa) issued not only the "To Day", which are positioned as the only opposition to Russian-language newspaper in Estonia, and Estonian-language newspaper "Kesknadal", which is now engaged in production of another publisher.
Exit newspaper News of the day "stopped in the middle of April 2009. Publishers explain this difficult financial situation and the reduction of the advertising market.
In addition, with respect to the Fund Jüri Vilmsa criminal proceedings were instituted: the organization was suspected of illegal activities by means of a centrist party in Estonia. But journalists "Vesty of the day" attacks linked to the nature of opposition publications.
Currently, Estonia is a newspaper in Russian: Russian-language version of this edition of "Postimees".
