Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In Georgia, the opposition resumed broadcasting channels.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya seeks resignation Saakashvili16.06.2009Pravitelstvo and Parliament resumed work as usual rezhimeKommentariiKak stood, and Georgia went stoyat10.06.2009V third month Maidan Georgian opposition TV channel "Maestro" and "Kavkasia" ceased Broadcast on 15 June in protest against police violence against journalists, once again went on the air, the website "News-Georgia".
TV Guide had been angry that the police detained one of the journalists "Maestro." Reported that he was beaten, and smashed two cameras.
Meanwhile, the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs on 16 June formally apologized to the journalists, victims of police action. In addition, on behalf of the country's leadership has apologized Parliament Speaker David Bakradze. According to him, "Yesterday, during the events at the police department had recorded the facts that prevent the execution of professional responsibilities to several journalists. This is outrageous and unacceptable."
Bakradze also said that the journalists returned to the camera and footage material. According to the "Georgia Online", Ministry of Internal Affairs also conducted an internal investigation and has announced strict reprimand two officers. Total penalties suffered nine policemen.
Reported that the TV channels to resume broadcasting, and asked the opposition leaders, and representatives of the country's leadership. According to the Director of Television "Maestro" Mamuka Glonti, TV channels will be broadcast again, but if in the future from the actions of the police "will suffer at least one journalist," he would do everything to ensure that the Georgian media have declared a strike, while the head of Ministry of Internal Affairs Vano Merabishvili files to resign.
Meanwhile, Interfax reports, one of the leaders of the opposition Eka Beselia stated that an apology is not enough and demanded the Ministry of Internal Affairs to institute criminal proceedings against Merabishvili.
"Maestro" and "Kavkasia are cable TV channels that broadcast mostly in Tbilisi.

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