Friday, June 26, 2009

Russian radio broadcasts devoted to Michael Jackson.

KommentariiSmert korolya26.06.2009V Los Angeles has died, Michael DzheksonRyad Russian radio stations will be during the June 26 put on the air hits the American pop singer Michael Jackson, who died June 25 in Los Angeles, reports RIA Novosti .
In particular, the "Radio 7" has a song from the repertoire of Jackson at the end of each hour, a leading regularly reminds details biography and career of the artist. 20:00 in the evening will be two special program dedicated to the memory of the musician. As part of its famous people and callers on the air the students will talk about the music of Michael Jackson.
Radio station "Hit FM", DFM and Radio Monte Carlo "and" Lighthouse "also expanded their playlists compositions Jackson, as well as news of his death.
On Friday in Moscow, near the U.S. embassy there were bouquets of flowers. Fans of the musician in front of a fence decorated with photos and posters of Jackson, soft toys and ribbons. At an improvised wall of memory were also lit candles.
Fans of the musician gave to the idol around the world. Crowds of people gathered around medtsentra at the University of California at Los Angeles, where the singer died at his first house in the town of Gary, Indiana, as well as Times Square in New York. People listen to Jackson's music, sing their song and dance by copying its trade movement.
Michael Jackson had died by day 25 June in Los Angeles on the 51-year life of cardiac arrest. On Friday there will be a body opening, which will be released after the official cause of death of the musician.

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