Monday, June 15, 2009

The court overturned a warning channel "2x2" for show "South Park".

Basmannyj Moscow court overturned a warning to the TV channel "2x2" on the inadmissibility of the spread of extremist materials, issued in September 2008 on a complaint by a number of Protestant, Muslim and Jewish communities. This was in a room for June 15, writes the newspaper Kommersant.
Kommersant, in particular, said that he was part of a court decision resolutory Abolishing the appropriate warnings for the TV show "South Park" and some other cartoons, suspected of promoting extremism and violence. According to the court, with the TV channel "2x2" was accused of spreading extremist material made Basmannyj interregional prosecutor's office.
The procedure for appealing a warning from the management of "2x2" was initiated in late 2008. After Basmannyj Court refused to consider the complaint channel, the case was sent to the Moscow City Court, and ultimately Basmannyj Court took it for consideration and ruled in favor of "2x2."
Nonetheless, Kommersant, the Russian Union of Christians united evangelical faith - РОСХÐ'Е (so-called Pentecostals) have already announced their intention to continue to fight TV "2x2". As the publishing manager РОСХÐ'Е Konstantin Bendas, through the prosecutor's office has sent extra supplies of cartoons with "2x2, who are expert at the Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry of the Serb.
Remember, the conflict over the channel "2x2" began in March 2008. Protestants, Pentecostals, as well as representatives of Jewish and Muslim communities appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to deprive TV license. In early September the same year Basmannaya inter Moscow's prosecutor's office issued a "2x2" warning of the presence of 12 reaching the channel multserialah signs of extremism.
Warning against "2x2" jeopardized the chance of extending Rossvyazkomnadzorom the broadcasting license for TV, which expires in mid-October 2008. This development led to massive protests by supporters of the position of "2x2", and October 16 - the day before the expiration of the license - a license to broadcast television has been extended until 17 October 2013.

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