Monday, June 15, 2009

The Financial Times used in the Obama campaign.

British newspaper The Financial Times began a new advertising campaign, which uses the praise of U.S. President Barack Obama. This writes the Press Gazette. In March FT interview Obama admitted that the newspaper was his favorite newspapers. This interview was first appeared in the world press since the inauguration of Obama as president.
Advertising poster depicts Barack Obama during the Democratic Party rally in Portland, Oregon. The caption under the poster reads: "Who listens to the one who listens to everything?" (Who does the man everyone listens to, listen to)? According to the FT marketing director Caroline Hollivell (Caroline Halliwell), recognition of Obama is that he is a fan of newspapers, made immediately after winning the election, shows the most influential people in the world to the FT as a credible source of news and analytics.
A new advertising campaign is the next step in lining up The Financial Times a global brand. The paper argues that the world of its 1.3 million people read, and it is printed in 23 printing. According to ABC, FT's daily circulation is about 411 thousand instance, with 70 percent of them are printed outside the British Isles.

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