Friday, June 19, 2009

The Guardian has announced a competition for the compromising of members of Parliament.

KommentariiNepredvidennye rashody21.05.2009Britanskie legislators excellent save from nalogoplatelschikovBritanskaya newspaper The Guardian called on its readers to find the best possible shameful waste by the members of parliament for the state account. For this edition has launched a website search engine for 92 to thousands of pages of reports on the costs of parliamentarians.
Score from The Guardian to have a 700 thousand of documents on the costs of members of Parliament. Of the 91,996 published web pages remains unknown more than 23 thousand. They read the newspaper and invited readers.
The contest will run until June 21, it can participate only British. The winner of the contest, as the most shameful waste of parliamentary documents, received the prize - house for ducks. A similar house on the public money has become, according to the documents, Tory Sir Peter Viggers (Peter Viggers).
In the brief instructions stated that first of all need to examine the requests for payment for food, as well as requests to meet which was denied. In addition, under suspicion are repeated requests for an amount less than 250 pounds. They do not want to pay the check.
For the first time, attention to data on expenditures were brought newspaper The Daily Telegraph, which had managed to buy from an unknown official terabytes of parliamentary expenditure reports for the past five years. Information was offered to newspapers The Sun and The Times, but they refused to deal. Regular publication of excerpts of the documents allowed The Daily Telegraph greatly increase its circulation.

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