Friday, June 26, 2009

Khodorkovsky gave an online interview at his birthday.

SyuzhetyVtoroe the case of Khodorkovsky and Lebedeva01.06.2009Mosgorsud dismissed all complaints against lawyers of Khodorkovsky and LebedevaV his 46 th birthday of the former head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, gave an interview to the Internet edition of "Ð"азета.Ru" . This publication businessman set out his views on the charges in the multibillion theft.
In the introductory statement of the interview, Khodorkovsky lawyers noted that his presence in public places - the necessary additional guarantee of its security. "
Khodorkovsky and former head of Menatep "Platon Lebedev are accused of stealing crude oil and shares from subsidiaries Yukos in an amount of almost 900 billion rubles. Businesspeople are not guilty. Khodorkovsky in an interview again stresses that all his actions to manage the company, including those relating to the optimization of taxation, were in the existing legislation at that time.
The trial of Khodorkovsky and Lebedev began March 3, 2009 Hamovnicheskom court in Moscow. Entrepreneurs are in detention since 2003. In 2005, he was sentenced in the first case: they were sentenced to eight years in prison for financial fraud.
During his imprisonment Khodorkovsky several times published papers on current political topics. The last publication of this kind was the article "Russia-trial" on the reform of justice, which appeared in the June 15 edition of Kommersant-Vlast. "
In addition, recent Khodorkovsky has given interviews to various publications, which expounded his point of view. The most notable of these publications have become the writer Boris Akunin interview for the Russian version of Esquire magazine in October 2008 and the publication of the interview "the speaker in March 2009.

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