Saturday, June 27, 2009

Two major publishing associations have joined together for survival.

The world's two largest non-governmental organizations, which combine periodic publications - World Association of Newspapers (WAN) and the International Association of Publishing and Media Technology (IFRA) - announced a merger. From 1 July 2009 officially begins the World Association of Newspapers and the news media (World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, WAN-IFRA).
This was reported at IFRA, which is part of a new joint Internet portal WAN-IFRA.
After the merger of the organization will have in their ranks more than three thousand companies from 120 countries. WAN-IFRA Association will represent the interests of 18 thousand publications and about 15 thousand web sites.
Proponents of the hope that it will increase the efficiency of developing new business models of the functioning of the press in a reduction in print runs of traditional media because of the development of electronic technologies. Affecting the world financial and economic crisis also pushed the two organizations to merge.
President of the Association will Geyvin O'Reilly (Gavin O'Reilly), Director General of the Irish group Independent News and Media, who previously headed the WAN.
WAN was founded in 1948 to protect and promote the ideas of freedom of the press, as well as to promote economic independence of the press. Focus more on the problems related to the development of advanced technologies IFRA was founded in 1961. One of the main objectives of establishing IFRA was advancing technology of color printing. In the future, IFRA switched on promoting digital technology and new ways of interaction between publishers and readers.

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