Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bolivians illustrated story about upavshem Airbus staff of "Lost."

Private Bolivian television PAT illustrated story about a plane in the Atlantic upavshem Air France staff from TV "Lost" (Lost), announced June 22, Agence France-Presse.
As a news channel showed two shots, which are presented as the announcer photographs taken by one of the unfortunate passengers of flight. The photos allegedly kept in the memory card, digital camera and the deceased passengers were restored after the device is remove from the water.
In one photograph shows passengers in oxygen masks, but behind the scenes - fall off the tail of the aircraft and a fragment of the sky, in the second photo shows how one of the passengers because of the pressure drop as a result of depressurization tip out of the salon.
The head of news service Channel Eddie Franco apologized in connection with the lining occurred. According to Franco, this photo is actually found on the Internet, rather than one passenger made the flight, as told on the radio Leading.
Recall accident Airbus A330-200 occurred on the night of 1 June. The airliner flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, crashed over the Atlantic Ocean in 1100 kilometers from the coast of Brazil. As a result of the crash killed 228 people. Black boxes from falling aircraft has not yet been found.

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