Friday, June 26, 2009

Poland has accused Russian television in the falsification of history.

Poland has accused Russia of falsifying history. A formal letter of protest was sent to the Polish Embassy in Moscow in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The reason was the one of the scenes of the "News Week" on "Russia", said Kommersant.

According to the Polish part, the story of Elijah Kanavin "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: declassified materials shown on 21 June (the eve of anniversary of the German attack on the USSR), exposes Poland indirectly responsible for the start of the Second World War.

Perturbation of Polish diplomats in particular, led to the assertion that in 1939 just before the outbreak of war the Poles, confident in the support of Germany, "all trying to outsmart, Japan offered to open a second front against the Soviets. Germany and Poland - with the West, Japan - from the east" .

An official letter from the Embassy of Poland in the Moscow story Kanavin called "brilliant attempt of falsification of history", noting that "the surface and lies, of course, does not have a positive impact on improving relations between our countries."

In addition to the Russian Foreign Ministry a copy of the letter was sent to the holding VGTRK, which includes channel "Russia". In VGTRK will not comment on the situation, noting that the official response is not yet ready. For their part, representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed surprise by the Polish side.

"The views expressed in the television, should not become the subject of formal organizations. To which, we propose to come back? We have freedom of speech" - brings "Kommersant", the words of Russian diplomats. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation believe that Poland has a policy of double standards. "If we always pay attention to the fact that the states of the history of Russia and the USSR to the public channels of Poland would be a very different conversation," - stressed in the FCO.

Recall that in April 2009 on the site of the Ministry of Defense has been posted article on fiction and falsifications in the assessment of the role of the Soviet Union the previous day and the beginning of the Second World War military history of the Institute of Defense Sergei Kovalev, the author who claimed that the Second World has started because of the the refusal of Poland to meet the "very moderate" claims in Germany. Once off the press "noise Defense article was removed from the site, noting that the publication of a discussion and should not be construed as an official point of view, the Russian military.

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