Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Americans called the Internet the most truthful source of information.

Living in the USA network called the most credible and reliable sources of information, according to a report of Zogby International. According to the poll, most Americans use the Internet as the only news media. This web edition of overtaking on the popularity of television, radio and newspapers combined.
In the Zogby International poll was attended by over three thousand people. It was found that 56 percent of American adults prefer to learn about current events through the Internet, if they will need to choose only one source. Television, radio and newspapers, together scored only 41 percent of all respondents.
About 38 percent of Americans believe that the Internet is published in more reliable information than other sources. Television trusted only 17 percent of those surveyed. Third place is taken by newspapers (16 per cent of the vote), but on the last line turned the radio (13 per cent of the vote).
In doing so, 49 percent of respondents believe the national newspaper websites important news resources, and 43 percent of Americans say the same about the sites of national TV channels.
Note that the popular social network Facebook and Twitter mikroblogi residents of the United States is not regarded as major news sources. The first resource is trusted only 10 percent of respondents, while the second - only 4 per cent.
Only one person in two believes that newspapers are the main source of information in 2014. In doing so, 82 percent of Americans believe that it is the internet will become the leader among all other media in five years. As the popularity of television believe only 13 percent of those surveyed.
Added that in recent times, many U.S. companies abandon paper-based versions of newspapers, preferring to publish online versions of publications on the Internet. This is due to the fall of revenues from sales of advertising, which is a consequence of the financial crisis.
According to VTsIOM poll, which was held in late 2006, only 13 percent of Russians consider the Internet as a source of information. This 86 per cent of respondents trust television, while 31 per cent - the central newspapers.

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