Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Channel One has received the right to broadcast to the Ukraine.

National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting company registered with limited liability" The Russian TV (ORT) as a subject of information activities, the "Ukrainian Truth".
Thus "first channel. The global network" was granted the right to broadcast its programs in Ukraine.
For this decision voted in six of the eight members of the National Council. One opposed, one was not present at the meeting due to illness.
Voted against Vitali Shevchenko said after the vote that does not support the policy of registration of foreign channels as subjects of information, and advocates for their licensing as teleradioorganizatsy in Ukraine.
The Russian JSC "First Channel. World Network" May 28, filed documents in Natssovet Broadcasting of Ukraine for the purpose of registration as the subject of information activities.
The issue of registering several times postponed due to controversy in the Ukrainian legislation, and members of Natssoveta said that they wanted to make sure that their decision would be consistent with the laws of the country for one hundred percent.
It says "Ukrainian Pravda, LLC ORT Ukraine will present the" First Channel "and related niche channels" Digital telesemeystva "(" Dom Kino "," Music First, "" Time: the distant and near, "" TeleNyanya " "Telekafe).
Earlier, Ukrainian authorities have demanded that the Russian TV channels wishing to broadcast in this country, to bring its broadcasting network in accordance with local laws.

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