Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TV host David Letterman apologized for the joke to the daughter Peylin.

U.S. TV host David Letterman apologized for "bad joke", which became the subject of a former candidate for U.S. Vice President Sarah Peylin and her daughter, the Associated Press.
Letterman, a leading popular evening talk show on June 9 broadcast of its program said the daughter had Peylin 'zaletet of players' Yankees' Alex Rodriguez. The reason for urgency was the visit Peylin in New York, during which she and her youngest daughter, 14-year-old Willow, attended the match with the baseball team "Yankees."
After exiting the program was aired Peylin stated that the words Lettermana "encourage the sexual exploitation of children, and her husband called repugnant any jokes about rape his 14-year-old daughter.
In the next issue of talk shows, shown June 15, David Letterman admitted that the joke of the Peylin and her family were unsuccessful. But TV presenter stressed that the target of his jokes was not the youngest - 14-year-old - daughter Peylin, and her older sister - 18-year-old Bristol. "I only joked about the elder daughter, and to show specifically checked that it is adult," - said to Letterman.
"If the audience understood the joke wrong, it is only my fault," - recognized as the lead, adding that apologizes to both daughters and other family members Peylin, as well as "all those who insulted my speech."
The elder daughter of Alaska Governor Sarah Peylin became pregnant at age 17, even before she graduated from high school. About Bristol Peylin pregnancy became known in the midst of the election campaign of her mother who fought for the post of vice-president of the USA in a couple of ex-presidential candidate John McCain. Peylin then stated that the City of Bristol and the 19-year-old father of the child registered their relationship after graduation, but the couple separated and not married.

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