Monday, June 15, 2009

In Iran, Ahmadinejad rival newspaper closed.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya to re Ahmadinedzhada15.06.2009Zhalobu opposition to consider the outcome of the elections in 10 days
Iranian authorities have suspended the release paper, owned by former Prime countries world-Hossein Mousavi, who lost to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the presidential election. That was reported by AFP on Monday, June 15.
According to the Agency's publication "Kalameh Sabz" ( "Green World") ceased on sale in Tehran two days after on June 12 presidential elections, in which, according to the official version, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won. On that issue on hold authorities said another Iranian newspaper - "Sarmeeh.
According to AFP, at the first band "Sarmeeha" big announcement published material on the closure of "Kalameha Sabza, but on the inside lane newspaper contained a short note. As the agency on condition of anonymity an Iranian journalist, the material was ottsenzurirovan in printing, where the number has already been put into print. The source also explained that this is a common practice in Iran.
Sources "Sarmeeh" report that the issue was closed for the criticism of Ahmadinejad. Meanwhile, re the Iranian president said at a briefing after the announcement of the election results that "the freedom of citizens in Iran is close to absolute."
Iranian opposition does not recognize as legitimate the results of presidential elections and holds the country's massive demonstrations and rallies.

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