Friday, June 26, 2009

Hugo Chavez accused the media of over-attention to the death of Jackson.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in his TV program "Hello President" June 26, criticized the Western media, and in particular television channel CNN, for excessive, from his point of view, attention to the death Michael Jackson. Reported Venezuelan newspaper El Universal.
Perturbation Chávez raised the fact that the channel CNN has devoted more attention to Jackson's death, rather than the political crisis in Honduras. Hugo Chavez said that while the President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya and his team risk their lives, CNN "stuck" in one story, telling about the awards and accomplishments of Jackson.
Nonetheless, Chavez wanted Jackson "rest in peace," then called on Venezuelans to fight against "the values of capitalism."
Michael Jackson has died in Los Angeles on June 25. The official cause of death has not yet been named, but the lawyer artist told reporters that Jackson abused hard drugs.
According to the Associated Press, in many major cities of Jackson fans gather to mourn together. Thus, at Times Square in New York, where the large screen TV news, gathered a crowd of residents of the city, many of whom were dancing to the music of Michael Jackson by copying its trade movement.

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