Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tehran banned foreign journalists to cover protests.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya to re Ahmadinedzhada16.06.2009Musavi have called for a new vyboryKommentariiSituatsiya close to revolyutsionnoy16.06.2009Vlasti Iran agreed to review the outcome of vyborovVlasti Iran officially banned foreign journalists to cover the banned rallies and protests in Tehran and other cities country, reported AFP.
  The message from the Iranian Ministry of Culture does not require reporters to report news on developments in those protests, which were not authorized Ministry of the Interior. In particular, by this means continuing with the June 13 rallies of supporters of former Prime Minister of Iran's world-Hossein Mousavi.
Moussaoui Supporters argue that the results of last June 12 presidential election, who won the official version of the current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been rigged. During the protests were arrested about 200 people, ranging from 7 to 24 people were killed. June 16, Moussaoui urged his supporters for security reasons, to refrain from participating in the planned march on Tuesday.
The government media coverage of the proceedings in accordance with the position of the official Tehran. An alternative source of information about what is happening in Iran were mikroblogi and social networks. Note that because of developments in the Iranian leadership Twitter service on 15 June has postponed the planned engineering work that should have been last night.
During protests in Iran have arrested two Dutch journalists and missing German journalist. The principal editors of foreign media complained that the authorities have hampered objectively cover events in the country. In particular, it was closed by the Bureau of television Al-Arabiya "in Tehran, and the BBC News stated that the noise in the satellite is also the Iranian government.

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