Sunday, May 31, 2009

Scottish housewife lost in the finals of the competition of talents.

Housewife from Scotland Susan Boyle (Susan Boyle) has been unable to win in the finals of the popular TV show "Britain's Got Talent" ( "Britain is looking for talent"), reported AFP.

According to the results of the voting audience and the results were announced on the evening of Saturday, May 30, Boyle lost group of street dancers "Diversity".

48-year-old Boyle for the first time took part in the TV show in April 2009. The composition "I Dreamed A Dream" from the musical "Les Miserables" ( "The excluded") Boyle brought victory in the first round of the competition and the worldwide popularity - the recording of her statement to the TV show became a hit on YouTube.

The victory in the finals Boyle the other, not only her many admirers, but also members of the jury, but the audience made other choices. Commenting on the defeat, Boyle said that "won the best", and wished the participants of "Diversity" "all the best."

The winner of "Britain's Got Talent" gets 100 thousand pounds and the opportunity to address the variety in front of Queen Elizabeth II.

Chavez may not be able to hold four teleradiomarafon.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suspended the four-day television and radio shows devoted to the tenth anniversary of its program "Hello President", said the night of Sunday, AFP, referring to sources in the Bush administration.

Was planned that within four days - from 28 to 31 May - Chavez will hold a day on the air for several hours. On Thursday and Friday editions of Chavez "Hello, President!" lasted about six hours.

On Saturday, May 30, Chavez was to hold a live debate with the famous Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, but the president of Venezuela has decided to change their plans. "The debate - this is for intellectuals, but I'm just the president and the soldiers," - said Chavez. The writer, who arrived in Caracas to attend the conference in support of democracy, in turn, said that the debate without the Chavez he was not interested.

The final issue commemorative program "Hello President", a source told AFP in the Chavez administration, is scheduled to be held on Sunday, May 31, from the Guariko.

The program of Hugo Chavez "Hello, President!" usually goes on the air every week on Sundays. The channel Chavez not only speaks about foreign and domestic policy and give advice in various areas, but often, students are encouraged by the performance of folk and revolutionary songs.

In Georgia, an opposition television stopped broadcasting.

On Saturday, May 30, in the Georgian town of Rustavi was stopped broadcasting the opposition of "Maestro." It was reported "Interfax" the television director, Mamuka Glonti.
According to Glonti, "government interest" is to turn off the "Maestro" in this city because of Rustavi is the third largest city in Georgia. Director of the channel also announced that it intends in the near future to invite the international organizations, embassies and the media has requested to express solidarity with the "Maestro."
According to RIA Novosti, on the morning of Saturday, Mamuka Glonti contacted by representatives of cable television, Rustavi and was told that they would interrupt the broadcast television due to "pressure the authorities." Furthermore, according to the Agency for uncertain reasons, broadcast television also suspended Kakhetinsky City Akhmeta .
"This new wave of democracy Saakashvili, is a manifestation of his desire for dialogue," - the view of the reasons for going Mamuka Glonti in an interview with RIA Novosti.
In turn, one of the leaders of the party "Movement for a unified Georgia," said Eka Beselia Interfax that if broadcasting "Maestro" in Rustavi will not be renewed, the opposition from Tuesday, June 2, will be held in this city protest.
As the "Interfax", the TV "Maestro" in a live broadcast virtually all of the opposition rallies.
During the night on May 25, 2009, in Tbilisi, near the entrance to the building of the channel, an explosion occurred in which no one was hurt. Representatives of the "Maestro" saw the incident as a terrorist attack.
At the channel aired the popular program "Camera Number Five", which is singer George Gachechiladze (stage nickname - Utsnobi, that is "unknown"). George had to a brother to one of the leaders of the united opposition leader Levan Gachechiladze.
Studio Program is decorated in the style of a prison cell, and the singer from time to time states that do not leave it until Saakashvili leaves resigned. Program in the style of reality show is broadcast in January 2009. Utsnobi has repeatedly violated the voluntary confinement for participating in opposition rallies.
Protests are continuing in Georgia, 9 April 2009. Opposition call for the resignation of Saakashvili, and insist on holding early parliamentary and presidential elections. Georgian President to compromise the opposition is not going to.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Russian Academy of Fine Arts beginning to publish the magazine on the arts.

Russian Academy of Arts (Rah) came to publish the magazine Academia on the visual arts, informs "Interfax" on Saturday, May 30.
According to the agency, speaking at the presentation of the new edition, the rector of the Moscow Architectural Institute Dmitry Shvidkovsky said that the magazine Academia is not only the professional audience, but also "those who are interested in history and contemporary trends in visual art - art collectors, enthusiasts, students of humanitarian university as well as those who have busy cultural self. "
Chief editor of a new magazine Ada Safarova, many decades, having served in the Journal of Decorative Art ", released back in the USSR, said Interfax, that" the history of the Academy it was not their own magazine. " According to her, a new magazine Academia "spin-off from the" Decorative Arts ".
In turn, the TV channel "Culture" clarified that the first issue of the magazine came out on Friday, May 29. Frequency of publication - every two months.

In Tskhinvali, died correspondent "First Channel".

On Saturday, May 30, suddenly died in Tskhinvali correspondent "First Channel" Yevgeny Lukin. That was reported by Interfax. "
"The journalist died on the morning of Saturday in Tskhinvali, in a private house, where television correspondents," - said the agency a source in law enforcement agencies of South Ossetia.
Minister of Press and Mass Communications of the Republic Irina Gagloeva reported that the body of the journalist is likely to be sent to Vladikavkaz.
As the head of Ministry of Internal Affairs said the Southern District of Valery Valiev, death, "most likely occurred because of a heart attack."
There is version of the accident. As the radio station Echo of Moscow "in the Directorate of Public Relations" First Channel, 34-year-old Eugene Lukinov to suffocate because of the failure of gas column.

The American newspaper has released an ad calling for the assassination of Obama.

Newspaper The Warren Times Observer, published in the Pennsylvania circulation of about 11 thousand copies, published a declaration calling for the assassination of U.S. President Barack Obama.
Text ads read: "Let Obama be followed for the Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy." See respective newspapers here (format PDF).
The newspaper apologized, calling the publication problem. In the editorial explained that the officer who took the ad does not seem to have drawn attention to the fact that Obama was mentioned in a number of dead American presidents.
The Warren Times Observer reported on the publication of the local police and U.S. secret service, which ensures the safety of the president. The identity of the person who filed the ad is set, but his name was not called. In the Secret Service said that it was very serious about happened.

Russian journalist had asked for asylum in Finland.

Journalist and human rights activist Elena Maglevannaya, writing about the torture in the Russian colonies, requested political asylum in Finland. This was reported on Friday, May 29, edition of "CIVITAS - Journal of Civil Society."
As the chairman of CIVITAS Editorial Committee for the Protection of Human Rights of Tatarstan Sergei Knjazkin, which, together with Elena Maglevannoy attended a Finnish-Russian Civic Forum, held 25-26 May 2009 in Helsinki, after the forum Maglevannaya not returned to Russia, but remained in Helsinki and wrote a treatment for political asylum by the Government of Finland.
At a human rights forum Maglevannaya delivered a report on the torture suffered by prisoners in the Russian-Chechen colonies. Earlier in Russia after its publication on the topic Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) has filed it in court.
13 May 2009 Kirov District Court in Volgograd Maglevannuyu found guilty of disseminating false information, tarnishing the honor and dignity of FSIN. The reason for the trial have been articles about the torture of journalist convict Chechen Zubayr Zubayraeva entitled "Fate of Chechens in Russian prisons, torture of prisoners continued Chechen", "Torture in the Russian colonies", published on the site CIVITAS.
The Court recognized these materials do not correspond to reality, Elena Maglevannuyu obliged to publish a refutation and pay for the FSIN fine of 200 thousand rubles.
As the CIVITAS Sergei Knjazkin, Elena Maglevannuyu "not worried as much as possible the payment of money, how much humiliation the publication in a newspaper refuting its publications. For her it was simply incompatible with the will and moral criteria by which it publishes the truth about the torture of Chechens."

KrasAir journalists have signed on Prokhorova newspaper Sibirian pickles. "

Journalists Krasnoyarsk newspaper" Krasnoyarsk worker "signed billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov for his daughter editions, said the newspaper on May 30.
Journalists did Prokhorova "present crisis" by signing it in the newspaper Sibirian pickles "," Gardens of Siberia "," Lunar Calendar for Siberia and the magazine "The Moon. Health. Harvest." "In life, handy!" - Officers found "Krasnoyarsky working."
The article that pointed out that at the very newspaper "Krasnoyarsk worker" Prokhorov did not sign. Journalists hoping that business will do it alone and take the opportunity to participate in the "Sign a friend", subscribed to the governor of Krasnoyarsk region Alexander Hloponina.
The fact that Mikhail Prokhorov Eruda prescribed in the settlement of the North-Yenisei region of the Krasnoyarsk territory, it became known on May 22. According to the newspaper Kommersant, Prokhorov will pay to the edge of 16 billion rubles of taxes, with a tenth of that amount will receive the settlement Eruda.
In the Krasnoyarsk region, we remind, are the main assets of the company "Polyus Gold", 35 per cent of the shares owned by Prokhorov.

Friday, May 29, 2009

"Our radio station was allowed to continue moving.

   Radio station "Nashe radio" was allowed to continue to move to a new building. About RIA Novosti 29 May, the director of Moscow Business Center "at Spartakovskaya Andrei Yeremeyev.
The evening of May 28, the radio station management announced that the protection of the business center at Spartakovskaya "does not make the radio equipment from the building, moves to new premises. Director of our radio "Mikhail Zotov suggested that in such a way radios take revenge for the rejection of the lease. Zotov said that the radio has no debt to the former landlord.
As explained on May 29 Andrey Eremeev, radio, warned the leadership not a business center that is going to continue to May 28, began last week, the removal of property. According to Eremeeeva, when the territory of the center unexpectedly entered the truck and the building began to make things, "protection, for obvious reasons, blocked the export of the expensive equipment." Now misunderstanding clarified, and the station will be able to resume the export of the property is already on 29 May.
Yeremeyev said that to avoid a repetition of the conflict business center will offer "our radio" agree on a schedule for moving.
Refused to provide the secretariat of our radio station in an interview with RIA Novosti correspondent confirmed the Eremeeva, saying that "we do not retain." When asked about the posted on the official website of the radio news release, entitled "Our Radio hostage", he replied that nothing does not know. "Of course, I look, there on our site, but I repeat: we have everything" - said the agency interlocutor.

Journalist beaten Beketov refused to treat.

SyuzhetyPokushenie to Glavred "Himkinskoy truth" 09.02.2009Usilena Guard chief editor of Pravda Himkinskoy "staff the center, even money can not agree to keep the Michael Beketov, chief editor of" Himkinskoy truth, brutally beaten in November 2008. That was reported by radio station "Echo of Moscow" referring to the leader of the movement "In Defense of Himkinskogo Forest Eugene Chirikova.
The journalist shall be discharged from the center on Friday, May 29. According to supporters of the journalist, he has passed the minimum rate of recovery, but stopping it is currently very dangerous.
Chirikova reported that the rehabilitation of Michael Beketov agreed to deal with Victor Shklovsky - Academician RW, scientific director of the Center for Speech Pathology and neyroreabilitatsii. However, in the next two months, the center will not work, and, therefore, in this period to provide medical assistance to journalists will be there.
After the assassination Beketov time spent in a coma. Doctors amputated his fingers of the hand, leg, and also conducted an operation to remove fragments of bone marrow.
The criminal case brought under the attempted murder. " The journalist's colleagues believe that the attack is linked to his professional activities. In particular, the attempt Beketov struggled against the authorities' intention Himok cut a local forest.

Chavez will speak on TV and radio, four consecutive days.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez began a four-day television and radio shows devoted to the tenth anniversary of the state of his program "Hello President," sends agency Reuters.

Anniversary Issue "Hello, President" will continue with minor interruptions, from Thursday to Sunday, however, say how many hours of May 31, complete the transfer, could not yet say even Chavez himself.

It is noted that Hugo Chavez has begun a program of the Council met to correct adolescent sexual behavior, and then gradually moved on to how he had to struggle with excess weight.

Then Hugo Chavez read a congratulatory letter from former President of Cuba Fidel Castro, saying that since its first release in the broadcast "Hello President" broadcast a total of 1536 hours, ie 64 days.

"Never has the revolution not to use the media as well", - stressed the Castro in the letter. "Hello, President" out every week on Sundays. Hugo Chavez is a program from all over the country. Running is not strictly limited to: Number one lasted eight hours.

Hugo Chavez makes extensive use of "Hello, President" for the promotion and advancement of socialist ideas in general, and its policy initiatives in particular. The program has also become a platform for high-profile foreign policy statements, including offensive attacks against the United States, which Chavez has repeatedly criticized the "imperialist" policies in Latin America.

Murdoch has predicted the end of an era of free news on the Internet.

News Corporation media owner Rupert Murdoch believes that the days of free news on the Internet are numbered. As reported by AFP, billionaire said in an interview with television channel Fox Business Network, included in his corporation that readers will have to pay for access to the sites of your favorite newspaper. In addition, he promised during the year to make a pay site of its own publications.
Murdoch, in particular, belong to The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, The Times and Sun. The Wall Street Journal has already introduced a fee for access to the full content of your site.
According to Murdoch, in the next 10-15 years, the newspaper paper going into the past, but after two or three years, readers will be able to get full access to the press with their smartphones and other mobile devices, the information will be updated every hour.
The current financial crisis is forcing leading analog media to seek new sources of revenue. Thus, the newspaper The New York Times has already announced plans to make access to your site fee.
One of the first charge for access to the contents of the site has introduced the British newspaper The Financial Times. Subscribe to all content costs about $ 200 a year, and is available free of charge a limited number of materials. For fiscal year 2007 FT work on the online subscription of almost 18 million dollars.

"First Channel" has agreed to broadcast in Ukraine.

Management CJSC "First Channel. World Network has agreed with the National Council of Ukraine for Television and Radio to continue broadcasting on the territory of the country. According to the press service of "First Channel" Received ", 28 May Natssovet filed registration papers on the subject of information activities.
Television director Nikolai Dubova said that the leadership of "First Channel" was sympathetic to the request oversight bodies to the net broadcast channels in accordance with the legislation and said that during the consultations and negotiations produced a set of measures that would lift all restrictions on the broadcast channel at Ukraine.Pervy Natssoveta Deputy Chairman Andrei Miroshnichenko, in turn, said that the submitted documents will be reviewed at the next meeting of the organization. "Actions by the Russian side suggests that the claim for broadcasting" First Channel "and the channels of" digital Telesemeystva "on the territory of Ukraine can be withdrawn," - added Miroshnichenko.
In mid-April, the National Council gave an indication of the Ukrainian providers before June 1, the net result of broadcasting in line with the law. In the message also recalled that the "first channel" has not complied with previous conditions of a temporary permission to broadcast.
Some media cited the decision of the National Council politically motivated. However, the supervisory authority argued that the conflict was not linked to the Russian-Ukrainian relations.

Fired the editor in chief of the Russian edition of the magazine Elle.

In the Russian edition of Elle magazine publications dismissed its editor-in-chief Irina Mikhailovskaya and several senior staff. For information about the confirmed " 'employee magazine, who did not want to call your name. According to her, an official statement will be made on Monday, 1 June.
Mikhailovskaya reaffirmed its dismissal of the portal OPENSPACE.RU. Former Glavred argues that the wording fired at full strength. According Mikhailovskaya, the publisher of the magazine audience unhappy decline.
Elle Magazine is a publishing house Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev ( "Ashet Filipaki Shkulev). In 2006 was appointed group publisher of magazines Elle, which in addition to actually include Elle Elle Girl, Elle Decore and Elle Deluxe.
Position publisher until recently occupied by Anita Gigovskaya, came in from Elle PH Conde Nast. " According to, the new publisher was the Natalya Shkuleva with experience of the publication of magazines Marie Claire, "Home. Interiors plus ideas and Departures.

The landlord has blocked the move "Our Radio".

Management Business Center at Spartakovskaya 'evening on Thursday blocked the transfer of radio station "Nashe Radio" in the new office space. This "Lente.Ru" explained the general director of the station, Mikhail Zotov.
According Zotova, protecting a business center on the order of administration prevents the removal of the equipment necessary for broadcasting, and does not let a car with a computer. During several hours of radio station employees could not leave the premises.
Speech on "Dispute business entities" is not, stressed the director, as the media, which includes "My Radio", there are no debts to the landlords. Zotov expressed surprise at this situation and suggested that the actions of the administration business center are revenge for the rejection of the lease, which she had known in advance. Friday morning in a radio station guide will connect to address the issue of lawyers.
Work "Our Radio" is not disrupted due to the fact that earlier the radio station staff were able to remove the console and to broadcast in the technical line. Broadcast station can thus no longer than two days, said Zotov.
" 'My Radio' is drawn to the city of Moscow, to colleagues from other media and to all our listeners who care about the fate of one of the leading Russian media and honest, to help overcome the chaos!" - Stated in a press release at the station.
"Nashe Radio" owns media News Media Radio Group (NMRG), which manages the Best FM radio and "Ultra". Their offices and studios are also located in locked rooms business center.
Business Center at Spartakovskaya "-" high-center Class A, giving tenants a full range of modern services ", stated at the landlord. Creating complex, located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, was carried out by JSC "ARZ-6" management investment company under the joint-stock company "Vash Financial Trustee.

SU-155 has filed an action for the protection of the reputation of the "United Media."

Group "SD-155" is one of the largest developers in Russia, Thursday, May 28, has filed two claims on the protection of business reputation, the defendants in which advocates holding "United Media, which includes radio station Business FM, as well as the correspondent of the Radio Rushan Janov. That was reported by RIA Novosti.
As explained in an interview with RIA Novosti press-service representative "SD-155, the company believes these claims court reminding the media of the need to" delicately refer to the information - both to its filing, as well as to the facts. "
In the claims refers to causing harm to reputation. "He, too, has its price", - said the agency interlocutor, not mentioning the exact amount of claims filed with the Arbitration Court of Moscow.
According to RIA Novosti, the cause of court was the dissemination of untrue information. What exactly were these details are not specified.
However, interviewee RIA Novosti noted that 13 May 2009 a correspondent of one of the radio stations said that an organization such as "SD-155" does not exist. Was this correspondent Rushan Janov also not specified.
In addition to the radio station Business FM, holding United Media includes business news portal BFM.Ru and other companies.
Group "SD-155 works in the construction industry in Russia for more than 50 years and includes more than 140 independent organizations, including 28 industrial enterprises of construction industry in 17 cities of Russia.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

AOL Time Warner will make an independent company.

Time Warner, the world's largest media, announced that will provide AOL Internet unit into a separate company, reports CNet News. Prior to this, Time Warner bought out the Google-five per cent shares of AOL, bringing its share to 100 percent. As expected, the deal with Google will be held in the third quarter of 2009 and fourth quarter of AOL will own the company.
In mid-July 2008, Time Warner negotiated on the sale of AOL, Microsoft or Yahoo!. The parties did not comment on possible transactions. As reported in the case of Yahoo! it could be a merger with AOL. In this case, Time Warner inherited a small share of the combined company. In the case of negotiations with Microsoft, talked about the sale of AOL.
In February 2009, Time Warner announced a net loss in the fourth quarter of 2008 of $ 16 billion dollars. Financial losses arose due to the write-off of assets amounting to 25 billion dollars, as well as the reduction of advertising revenue, and AOL Journals Group Time.
Holding Time Warner in its present form was created in 2001 following the merger of Time Warner and AOL. Holding is engaged in the production of film and video, telecommunications, and production of magazines, including Time, Sports Illustrated and Fortune.
AOL offers access to online services and bulletin boards. Companies owned social network Bebo, popular internet paging ICQ and AIM, as well as media Winamp.

Tymoshenko has banned journalists booze in the aircraft.

Head of government of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko has introduced "dry" for the journalists accompanying her during foreign visits. This tells "Today" with reference to the source in the protection of Tymoshenko.
The ban, according to the source, will operate on board the aircraft, which fly Tymoshenko and her escort. The members of the government delegation, as noted, it would not apply.
According to the "Today", the ban was imposed after the Tymoshenko's recent visit to Japan. "Fly, it was far away, are some of the journalists and move - a source tells the publication. - Some had to endure almost on his hands. It is therefore out of harm's way journalists have decided to no longer water.
At the same time, "dry", he said, would operate only during the flight abroad, and during the return flight to Ukraine journalists, reportedly continues to be "poured everything."
It should be noted that recently the excessive use of alcohol during the trip abroad was suspected head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko. German media reported that at the airport of Frankfurt-am-Main, he, being drunk, started a brawl with airline staff and police. Lucenko refuted this information, but still resigned. The Government, having considered the matter, concluded that information about the drunken debauch not confirmed. As a result, Yuri Lutsenko removed from office prior to the time a service inquiry, returned to duty minister.

In Russia, open online store periodicals.

The "Logos", which brings together major businesses in Moscow for the dissemination of press launches online store Read, which will occupy a quarter of the range of periodicals, reports Kommersant.
The new online store, you can purchase separate numbers of periodicals, or to subscribe, including the rare in Moscow on Journals.
According to the Director General of "Logos Online" Vyatcheslav Pomeschikova, the shop will open on June 3. "About 40 per cent range would be a book, about 25 percent - periodicals, 20 per cent - multimedia, and the rest - stationery," - said the landowners. Read Creators promise to provide users with more than 100 thousand book titles.
Scheduled to deliver the goods by mail or by courier. In Moscow and St. Petersburg will work samovyvoza items, which will be 380 points of the spread of the press, owned by "Logos." The company expects to achieve in the coming years, the monthly turnover of up to two million dollars.
In a non-commercial partnership "Logos" is composed of a network of "Tsentropechat" company "Center of Distribution Media", "Press House", "Inter Agency subscription", "Neva Press. Partners for these enterprises are Dmitry Martynov and the heirs of Olga Bylininoy.
In 2004, Russia's largest Internet shopping Ozon has refused from the sale of periodicals because of low profits from that part of the range.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The MP demanded that the Kommersant 6 billion rubles.

In Volgograd the leader of the regional branch of the party "Fair Russia and State Duma deputy Oleg Mikheev appealed in court against the newspaper" Kommersant "for" publishing false slanderous nature, "said RIA Novosti. Mikheev found that the published paper in autumn 2007 forced him to sell at unfavorable conditions, a large block of shares "Volgoprombanka" and demanded damages of $ 6 billion 761 million rubles.
According Mikheeva, it is an article in "Kommersant" has resulted in mass cancellation of the contract and the withdrawal of funds from the accounts of depositors of the bank, which he owned 86.88 percent of shares. A few days from the bank, investors have been 35 thousand residents of Volgograd Region, has been withdrawn by 1,152 billion rubles.
According to the press service of the offices of the Fair Russia, "Mikheyev was forced to sign an agreement with Promsvyazbank to the provision of credit in half a billion rubles by 13 per cent per annum. One of the conditions of the loan was for sale Mikheeva shares Volgoprombanka "at a nominal cost.
Mikheev believes that at the time of the sale price of shares amounted to 5.103 billion rubles, which is also under the contract received only slightly more than 79 million rubles. In addition, issuance of credit linked to the performance of even a number of conditions to which the fellow in other circumstances would not agree.
In publishing house "Kommersant" abstained from comment, referring to the fact that they do not yet have full information on the lawsuit.
28 September 2007, the Oleg Mikheev was detained in the case of tax avoidance by Bronka-M. On 1 October the same year, the court authorized his arrest, Mikheeva charged with tax evasion on a large scale. October 17, the court decided to release him from custody. Sam Mikheyev said then that the case against him is political in nature and caused by "United Russia".

Suspects in the assassination of the journalist Saratov prolonged arrest.

SyuzhetyPokushenie to the director of the Saratov media "Vision" 27.05.2009Podozrevaemomu in the attack on Vadim Rogozhina extended arestaVolzhsky District Court of Saratov on 27 May left a suspect in the assassination of the journalist Vadim Rogozhina in custody until July 28, the agency "Interfax". The term of investigation on the cause of the attack on the head of media "Vision" is extended until July 6.
According to prosecutors, the man is also accused of illegal possession of arms and drugs. In addition, according to the Interregional Human Rights Association "AGORA", he was identified by the Vice Chairman of Consumer Rights Protection Center Alexei Suslikovym, who was attacked in September 2008.
Attempt to Vadim Rogozhina was committed 5 March 2009. Head of media was hospitalized in serious condition and some time was in a coma. As the attack was a criminal case, and April 17, human rights defenders have reported the detention of the suspect. A week before the newspaper Kommersant reported that the first figures affairs became commercial director of "cliche" Vitaly Pavlov, who also found a grenade and heroin.
May 26, Vadim Rogozhina released from the hospital. Soon he would return to work. In the media "Vision", the head of which Rogozhin began in late January, includes newspaper, television and Internet news agency.

The Iraqi intelligence service demanded by the British newspaper million dollars.

The national intelligence service of Iraq (Iraqi National Intelligence Service, INIS) has accused the newspaper The Guardian for libel and the publication of a lawsuit filed in court. As compensation for the damage to the reputation of agency required to pay one million dollars, reported The Guardian.
The reason for discontent was the INIS article published in one of the April issue of the newspaper. It argued that the rule of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has become more authoritarian in nature. In doing so, the author relied on interviews of the three members of INIS, whose names are not mentioned.
This article was published during the visit of Iraqi prime minister to Great Britain. Al-Maliki has been in London, promised that the newspaper will be filed against a lawsuit. In addition to financial compensation, the Iraqi intelligence required to disclose the names of anonymous interlocutors edition.
As punishment, Iraqi authorities ordered to close the Baghdad office of The Guardian, but later canceled the decision. The beginning of the trial scheduled for June 23.
The newspaper has hired Iraqi lawyer to defend their interests in court. The Iraqi government is not the first time initiating litigation against the Western press. Earlier, the Interior Ministry of Iraq sued the newspaper The New York Times. Discontent led to officials report, which alleged that 35 of them were dismissed.

Vatican Radio broadcasts in the first place advertising.

The official Vatican Radio for the first time in its history, will start broadcasting a promotional message. This is the German agency DPA reported the Director of the radio priest Federico Lombardi (Federico Lombardi).
As an advertiser's Book Radio Vatican chose the Italian company Enel, which is one of the largest electricity producers in the world and the largest supplier of gas to Italy. Short spot Enel heard Vatican Radio broadcast July 6, 2009 and will be the first in the history of the station, which began broadcasting in 1931.
"We are extremely proud that the Vatican Radio, which listens to a huge number of people, has chosen our company as the first advertiser", - said Chairman of the Board of Directors of Enel, speaking at a press conference at the Vatican.
Vatican Radio, the founder of which is the Italian radio and entrepreneur Guglielmo Marconi (Guglielmo Marconi), broadcasts in 47 languages. Programs station broadcast on shortwave and medium wave and FM-band.
Also, the Vatican radio you can listen online. In addition, together with the Vatican Television Center station has launched a video-broadcasting. Whether the Vatican Radio in the near future to work with other advertisers, so far unknown.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jokes of the assassination of Obama against the backdrop of the White House acknowledged racist.

The Canadian regulator accepted the joke about the color of Barak Obama in the New Year transfer comedy Bye Bye inappropriate, offensive and racist, reports Sky News. To the Board of the Broadcasting Standards Authority (The Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council) has more than 200 complaints.
The program of French-speaking channel, Radio Canada network, commenting on the election of Barak Obama, one of the leaders said that this is a very practical step. "We are not racists. Negro in the White House - it was good. Black on white is better seen, it will be easier to shoot."
Moreover, the show was presented to the interview in which Obama portrayed one of the actors. The leader told him that "you're black, everything looks the same and advised viewers to hide away their wallets.
The Board felt that these statements violated the standards of Canadian broadcasting, but the producers of the show with the accusations in his address is not accepted. The report did not mention what sanctions will be taken against the prankster.

Hugh Hefner has decided to part with Playboy.

The founder of Playboy magazine 83-year-old Hugh Hefner is considering selling the magazine, whose first issue came out in 1953, reports The Daily Telegraph. According to unconfirmed reports, the publication of an estimated $ 200 million.
Although the magazine remains the most popular in the U.S. edition of men, it runs continuously falling. If in the 1970's, Playboy published in 7 million copies, is currently the circulation dropped to three million. Only during the first three months of 2009, losses amounted to 8.6 million editions of dollars.
In order to reduce costs have been laid off 25 per cent of the magazine in Los Angeles and New York. One of the main reasons for reducing the demand for Playboy called the rapid development of Internet and the associated facilitation of access to paid and free pornoresursam.
One of the most famous brands in the world of Playboy began with a circulation of 70 thousand copies. Hefner was not sure whether he had the opportunity to release the second issue, but publication was immediately gain popularity and by the end of the first decade of its circulation has exceeded one milllion. Playboy goes around the world, Russian edition version was released in 1995.
In accordance with editorial policy Hefnera erotica was not only appealing party publications. Along with photos of celebrities (for the magazine at various times posed Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Cindy Crawford, Pamela Anderson and others), Playboy published the stories of such writers as Arthur C. Clarke, Ian Fleming, Vladimir Nabokov, and Margaret Atwood, Stephen King. The magazine has published material on the problem of political life and social problems. At various times he gave interviews, Martin Luther King, Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat and many other policies.

Putin became the columnist "Russian pioneer.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for the first time in his career wrote a column for the Russian media reports said. The submission, which will be released on 29 May in the journal "Russian pioneer" under the heading "Why is difficult to dismiss a person," Putin told his experience separations.
According to the prime minister to the staff changes should be treated with caution and to avoid hasty conclusions. "Sometimes it seems from that person simply drives a broom. But I assure you that this is not always true. Do not tarnish for the human eye can not be dismissed and to throw out just because someone has something for you said about this man ... I am too well aware that in such cases is often a difficult political fight, "- says Putin.
Premier stressed that always solves the staffing issues in person. "I usually cause people to the cabinet and directly face to face, I say: there are specific claims - such and such. If you think that this is not true, not true, please, you can deal with this challenge," -- Prime notes.
However, he expressed the belief that permanent changes are harmful, as people came to the new post, always takes time to get started. "And most importantly: I clearly understand that others who came to the scene of laid-off will be the same as their predecessors: someone will know the crux of the problem is worse, some better, some do not understand what will not. As a result, the same will be the same as it was, if not worse, "- said Putin.
Magazine "Russian pioneer" for which the chairman of the Russian Government, wrote a column, began publication in February 2008. Editor-in-Chief is the Kremlin correspondent of Kommersant "Andrei Kolesnikov. He told RIA Novosti that a while ago, editors turned to Putin with a request to write a column for the magazine. "It is not denied to us," - said Kolesnikov.
Formerly Vladimir Putin has tried himself as a journalist. In 2006, the London newspaper The Financial Times was published his article "Europe has nothing to fear Russia's aspirations" (Europe has nothing to fear from Russia's aspirations), which Putin has spent the relations between Russia and the EU.

Agency of RBC-Ukraine reduced working week.

KommentariiHvatit nightmare holding14.04.2009RBK obstupili creditors pokupatelyamiZhurnalistam Information Agency "RBK-Ukraine" reduced the working week to four days, said proUA with reference to the statement by the chief editor of the agency Kiryakova Daniel.
"Some are working on three days, some four, others - on five, as before," - he said, explaining that this was done "c purpose of optimization."
Sources with the claim that, to reduce working hours and wages were cut. Kyriaki also declined to comment on this information and say how much lower wages, if at all reduced.
According to him, the subsequent optimization activities in the near future is not planned. On the contrary, in summer the agency may return to normal mode.
The main shareholder of "RBC-Ukraine" is a Russian holding RBC, which itself has recently experienced financial difficulties.

Mikroblog Twitter will become the TV series.

Mikroblogersky service Twitter would realize its potential on television. According to Variety, the company entered into an agreement with a group of Reveille and Brillstein Entertainment to shoot a television series based on their blogs.
Project details are kept secret, there is only a general description, stating that the format of the series will be revolutionary, but its participants an opportunity to feel like a real celebrity.
The concept of the series was produced writer, and writer Amy Efron (Amy Ephron), it has also become the producer of the show.
Recall that mikroblogersky service Twitter has started in 2006. It can help you via SMS or Web interface to post messages in online diaries, with up to 140 characters. Currently, Twitter is one of the most popular mikroblogerskih services in the world, but has not yet been brought to its owners a profit.
In April 2009, the number of unique visitors to the site mikroblogerskogo service Twitter has reached 32 million. Among these, 17 million are Americans.
Many Hollywood stars such as Hugh Dzhekman, John Favre, Demi Moore, Ashton Katcher and others are regular users of the service. Here or register an account and instituted a major Hollywood film studios.

In Russia start televersion magazine The Hollywood Reporter.

Company METAN Development Group LLC and a group of THR, dedicated to the publication of the most read magazines in the world of the film The Hollywood Reporter, entered into an agreement to launch in Russia televersion the same journal, reported Kommersant.

As noted in a press release on the official site METAN Development, Television The Hollywood Reporter will be a 15-minute news releases, which are devoted to Hollywood and local celebrities.

It is noted that the percentage of local content will be not less than 20 per cent. Russian News release will be a supermodel Eugenia Tanaev (Jenia Tanaeva). Shaw will be offered to buyers telekontenta and television.

Chairman of the Board of Directors "Mus-TV" Ruben said Oganes Kommersant that the finished appearance of a separate program on the news from the life of Hollywood and local celebrities, it would be interesting, because now the same program on the channel composed of materials of news agencies.

For his part, Director of "MTV Russia" Alexey Efimov noted that the draft Metan Development MTV interested only in the case of exclusivity. " Efimov added that news of the star's life took no more than one tenth of the broadcast MTV, and not particularly in demand.

The Hollywood Reporter is one of the most authoritative publications on the film industry in the United States. The magazine was founded 79 years ago - in 1930. There are currently appears daily and weekly press rooms, in addition, the site presents a variety of magazine electronic proposals. Publishers The Hollywood Reporter also are the organizers of the annual prestigious awards Key Art Awards and Women in Entertainment.

In Kiev, the Ukrainian journalist beaten by "Izvestia".

Unknown beaten in the center of Kiev special correspondent of the newspaper "Izvestiya in Ukraine" Dmitry Komarov. This May 25, reported on the website edition.
According to Izvestia, in an area Hidropark car journalist pressed to the margins of foreign cars. It came out a man who began pounding a baseball bat to the car Komarova. Then he pulled out of the car itself spetskora and began to beat ego.Dmitry Komarov escaped and went to his car. Reported that the assailant pursued him to the Pechersk police.
The publication said that Komarov recently prepared reports on the lives of prisoners in Ukrainian prisons. At the time of the attack, he was an editorial task. It also specifies that for a few days prior to the incident 25-year-old journalist has refused to accept any personal photographer to become mayor of Kiev Leonid Chernovetsky.
Agency "Interfax" referring to the center of public relations of the Kiev police head said that Komarov is not applied to the Dniprovske rayupravlenie police on the scene and wrote a statement in Pechersky rayupravlenii.

Moscow school teach "safe" reading newspapers and websites.

Moscow schoolchildren will learn to filter out information from Russian media. That was reported by Interfax on Monday, May 25.
The idea of introducing in the metropolitan school lessons on media education was endorsed at a joint meeting of the committee Mosgordumy on science, education, and the Duma Committee on Health Care and Public Health.
"The goal of media education - the formation of young people a critical attitude towards the media. We are well aware that we can not stop the flow of information, which now befalls us, but we can teach children to filter out useful information from the manipulative," - said at the meeting the head of the Duma Committee on Health Care and the Public Health Lyudmila Stebenkova.
In turn, the dean of faculty of journalism of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov Elena Vartanova said at the meeting that "media education - a comprehensive strategy that will facilitate a more active, more mature consumers of the information society." "In the Scandinavian countries, media education is aimed at all population groups, in Russia it useful to focus on school and university students of non-university", - said Vartanova.
According to Vartanova, you can introduce the subject of a separate media education as optional, but you can include it in the course of social science and literature.
According to Interfax, on the meeting of the deputies decided to offer the capital of the department of education to provide training of teachers at the rate of media education, to create a network of experimental sites at the gymnasium classes for the development of the technology media education.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The New York Times has missed about Uotergeyte.

The journalists of The New York Times in 1972, recklessly squandered story, brought glory to their colleagues from The Washington Post. We are talking about Uotergeytskom scandal that led to the resignation of Richard Nixon. Two former employees The New York Times decided to talk about what happened 37 years later.
In June 1972, burglars group allegedly linked to the Nixon administration, entered the headquarters of Democratic presidential candidate George Makgoverna in capital hotel "Watergate." Burglars detained at the scene, but the Nixon scandal hit much later, after his victory at the elections-1972.
As it turns out, just two months after breaking a reporter for The New York Times, Robert Smith (Robert M. Smith) received from the Acting Director of the FBI Partrika Greya (L. Patrick Gray) "explosive information". In particular, Gray spoke of the guilt of former prosecutor general, John Mitchell (John Mitchell) and hinted at the role the White House.
Smith immediately went to the Washington bureau of the newspaper and reported on the data obtained editor Robert Phelps (Robert H. Phelps). Phelps, all carefully recorded, and Smith the next day went to teach in the School of Law Yelya and uotergeytskim business deal more than he could. More than three decades, Smith is not talking about the incident, but decided to break the silence to learn that Phelps told that he had received information from Greya in his memoirs.
In the period after the receipt of "indications" of Greya Washington bureau of The New York Times by the National Congress of Republicans, and then Phelps had to go on a business trip to Alaska. Why scandalous figures have never been published, he does not know. In his memoirs, former editor writes that asked colleagues, but they were unable to explain anything.
The main role in the coverage of the case played uotergeytskogo The Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstin (Carl Bernstein) and Bob Woodward (Bob Woodward), to receive information from government sources, whose identity was concealed for a long time, the pen name "deep throat". In 2005, it was found that "deep gulps was Felten Mark (Mark Felt), a former deputy Greya to the FBI. After that, Gray said that he envied Felten and contact with journalists from the desire to harm supervisor.

In Moscow, the Polish journalist beaten up.

The evening of May 24, unknown beat in the south-west of Moscow in Russia accredited by Polish television Andrzei Zauhu, sends agency Interfax.

Final of "Eurovision" has collected a record number of viewers.

Online "Eurovision-2009": final16.05.2009Rasposledny text onlaynKommentariiMoskvovidenie17.05.2009Moskva experienced Eurovision SyuzhetyEvrovidenie-2009 in Moskve17.05.2009Na Eurovision winner NorvegiyaFinal Music Contest "Eurovision-2009 "held on May 16 in Moscow, has attracted a record number of viewers in Europe, according to the site of the European Broadcasting Union. Shaw looked over 122 million people from 45 countries.
According to the European Broadcasting Union, teleauditoriya finals contest exceeded the average number of spectators Saturday prime time in almost two-fold. There was a noticeable increase in the number of viewers in France, Estonia and the Netherlands.
In Moscow the final of "Eurovision" to see 73 percent of TV viewers.
In 2008, teleauditoriya finals competition, which won speaker of Russia singer Dima Bilan, of 105 million people.
In the final of "Eurovision-2009" was attended by representatives from 25 countries. The winner is a native of Belarus, Alexander Rybak, speaking for Norway. He scored a record in the history of the competition points - 387. Represents Russia Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko with 91 scores won 11 seats.

The CEC will monitor the equality of parties before the media.

   RF Central has developed a method for monitoring access for political parties to television and radio in the inter period. This May 25, writes the newspaper "Vedomosti".
According to the recently adopted law "On guarantees of equality of the parliamentary parties in the coverage of their activities publicly state television and radio channels, all parties represented in Parliament is guaranteed by regular reference to the state media. The CEC will begin from September 1 to check whether the TV "Russia" and "Vesti-24", as well as the Radio of Russia "and" Mayak "paying equal attention to ruling party and opposition.
CEC member Maya Grishina told journalists that according to established methods, the CEC will calculate the time during which the broadcast were representatives of a party, and the number and total volume of messages on the activities of parties. In doing so, the transmitted information to the media about the activities of the authorities to take into account the CEC will not. Speeches deputies will be considered a "party access to the airwaves, only if the audience be told the deputy party affiliation or if he will talk about the parties.
Monthly observations will generalize the results of a working group comprising representatives of the CEC, political parties, mass media, the Public Chamber and Roskomnadzora. If you find that any party was present in the air for more than five minutes longer than their political opponents, the next month, the difference will be offset. According to the newspaper "Kommersant", for the radio maximum permissible error is even less - one party can not act on the air for more than a minute a month longer than the others. How much time each party must be present in the air, the method is not prescribed. CEC will only ensure that this time was equal for all parties.
A member of the CEC with an advisory vote of the Communist Party Andrew Klychkov in conversation with a journalist "Vedomosti" expressed the fear that television will often provide edinorosov both officials and the opposition - as representatives of the parties. Thus, it appears that the "United Russia" even loses airtime, and can expect to be compensated. Unnamed representative of "Russia" objected, arguing that the wording seeks to reflect the status of all serving politicians to make the fullest possible.
June 16, the CEC will hold a meeting with the parties, which will make proposals to improve the methodology for monitoring.
The law "On guarantees of equality of the parliamentary parties in the coverage of their activities publicly state television and radio channels has been developed by members of the Presidential Administration, the Central and the VGTRK. In February 2009, a document introduced in the State Duma of Russian Federation President Dmitry Medvedev. The law, both houses of Parliament approved, it will enter into force on 26 May.
The opposition has repeatedly complained that United Russia has better access to public broadcast media. 5 Nov., 2008 that the political forces should be guaranteed equal access to state media, said in his message to the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

In building an opposition TV channel in Tbilisi, threw a grenade.

On the night of Monday in the Georgian opposition TV channel "Maestro" in Tbilisi, an explosion occurred, sends agency Interfax.
It clarifies the agency for about three hours of the night during the broadcast of a live transmission of socio-political "Camera Number 5, attackers threw a grenade into the house TV. About the victims of accidents are not reported.
Drive "Camera Number 5" Zaza Papuashvili, commenting on the explosion in the building of the TV, called the event "the last chord of power," stressing that "the terror in this country continues."
Note that the channel "Maestro" to transmit a live broadcast of opposition protests demanding the resignation of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. Sending "Camera Number five is the author's program of opposition singer George Gachechiladze, the brother of one of the incoming opposition leader Levan Gachechiladze.
Recall, protests continue in Georgia on 9 April 2009. Opposition call for the resignation of Saakashvili, and insist on holding early parliamentary and presidential elections.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

China has banned the transfer of disperse a student demonstration.

Hong Kong television signal ATV at the time of transfer of the events of the year 1989 in Tiananmen Square on May 23, was locked in the rest of China, the Associated Press.
Half the program containing the memoirs of participants of events, archival imagery and photography, outside of Hong Kong has been replaced by programs about tourism and travel.
4 Jun, 2009 marks the 20 anniversary of the crackdown of student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. In mid-April 1989, several thousand protesters broke the students on the area, which adjoins the country's parliament building, a tent city. Referring to the announcement in the Soviet Union the process of "perestroika", the protesters demanded a similar liberal reforms in China. May 20 in Beijing was declared martial law. On the night of 4 June, government forces using tanks broke up the demonstrators. The exact number of dead is unknown. According to official figures, killed 241 people.
From 1842 to 1997, Hong Kong was a British colony. In his return to China in the area have been preserved, local political and economic systems. The signals of Hong Kong television on political grounds are often blocked by Chinese censors in the rest of the country.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The brother of Hustler publisher pornozhurnala gave to him in court.

Jimmy Flint filed in court for his brother, pornozhurnala Hustler publisher Larry Flint, reports Associated Press.
The lawsuit, filed in District Court Gamilton in the state of Ohio, Jimmy Flint argues that his brother is trying to illegally evict him from under his administration building, which houses the shop selling products Hustler. The building itself belongs to Larry Flint, who takes him to rent his brother.
As the site of, in the lawsuit, in particular, that Larry Flint accuses Jimmy in the absence of timely payment for the lease of the store, which does not correspond to reality. The amount of the alleged debt is 31 thousand dollars - money that Jimmy Flint, as he claims, is actually paid.
The lawsuit also states that the true motive of action Larry Flint is a response to the actions of two sons, Jimmy, who organized a company Flynt Media and released pornofilmy using belongs to the owner of Hustler brand.
Larry Flint is the owner of Larry Flynt Publications, which publishes Hustler magazine and some others, as well as shooting pornofilmov. In addition, Larry Flint has a casino in California, and several nightclubs.

"BBC" criticized for paying big premiums.

   British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC" found to have paid too great prizes to staff members. This May 22, writes the newspaper The Daily Telegraph.
Media has learned that for the 2008 fiscal year ending March 2009, "the BBC has paid 9777 of its employees bonuses totaling 17.5 million pounds (nearly 28 million U.S. dollars).
The names of the awardees are not called, but it is known that earlier in the number of recipients of prizes came representatives of the corporation. Thus, the executive director of BBC Worldwide, John Smith in the 2007 fiscal year, received a bonus of 88 thousand pounds (140 thousand dollars), a deputy director general of the corporation, Mark Biford - 44 thousand pounds sterling (70 thousand dollars).
Compared with 2006 and 2007 financial years the amount spent "BBC" on the prize, in 2008 decreased by approximately 2.5 million pounds sterling. However, critics believe that in a crisis state corporation still too generously directed the taxpayers' money. Particular dissatisfaction analysts is the fact that the "BBC", despite the payment of large bonuses, regularly expresses its serious financial situation and going in the near future to reduce staff by 90 journalists. Shadow Minister for Culture, Mass Media and Sport Jeremy Hunt said that "BBC" - a very opaque structure, so it is impossible to determine whether payment is justified bonuses. The representative of the Alliance of the taxpayers named Matthew Sinkleyr waste so much money for bonuses outrageous.
The "BBC" are responsible, that the decision on the payment of bonuses had been taken long before the economic downturn. Appointment of new awards, as stated in the corporation, frozen for two years.

Programs leading scandalous "BBC" will be broadcast in the record.

Programs known scandalous escapades radioveduschego "BBC" by Jonathan Ross will now go on the air in the record, said The Guardian.
This decision was taken by the leadership of Radio 2 after a 48-year-old leader made a live joke rastsenennye as homophobic.
The first transmission of Ross in a recording will be aired on May 22.
In October 2008, Jonathan Ross was suspended for three months from the ether of the scandal that erupted after he and another leader - Russell Brand - left several obscene messages on the answering machine on the older British actor Andrew Sachs. As a result of the incident Russell Brand resigned from his radio, but "the BBC and Jonathan Ross apologized actor.
After the return of Jonathan Ross in the studio to the lead once again began to receive complaints from listeners.
In April 2009, the corporation "the BBC has paid a fine of 150 thousand pounds sterling for obscene jokes delivered Brando and Russia on the air in October 2008.

Friday, May 22, 2009

UEFA Cup Final brought together to record Ukraine teleauditoriyu.

SyuzhetyPohod Ukrainian clubs in the UEFA Cup UEFA21.05.2009Kubok arrived in DonetskKommentariiPeremoga21.05.2009Donetsky Shakhtar won the Cup UEFAOnlayny "Shakhtar" - "Werder" 20.05.2009Posledny Cup match UEFATelevizionnaya broadcast of the final match of the Cup UEFA between Donetsk "Shakhtar" and Bremen "Werder" collected a record in the Ukraine since the beginning of 2009 the number of visitors, said research company GfK Ukraine.
The match was broadcast May 20 on-air TV channel "Inter". Total in Ukraine over the course of the meeting saw more than 7 million viewers.
How to explain "" in the company GfK Ukraine, rastirazhirovannaya many media figure of 17 million 824 thousand spectators turned out to be a permanent addition to the audience of those who switched to football from time to time and at short intervals.
A large number of spectators gathered only matches the national team of Ukraine in the play-off 2006 World Cup. During the match, which won with the score 2:1 Shakhtar, the most watched in Kiev and the eastern regions of the country - for peripeteia wrestling watched more than 18 percent of the population in these regions.
The most interesting victory for the Ukrainian team led the audience the older generation. If young people aged 15-24 watched the game a little more than 13 percent of Ukrainians, in the age group from 55 to 64 years for the match saw 19.11 percent of the population. Among those who are more than 64 years, the number of visitors was the highest final - 22.45 per cent.
Researchers note that only in the Ukraine match looked 15,57 per cent over four years, almost half of all Ukrainians, and include the time their TV sets, preferred to other football programs.

Purchase Evening Standard cost Lebedev to 8.3 million pounds.

KommentariiLebedinaya pesnya11.05.2009Mediamagnat Alexander Lebedev lost in the labyrinths of wages
Buying British newspaper Evening Standard in January 2009 cost the head of the National Reserve Corporation Alexander Lebedev to 8.3 million pounds sterling, the Kommersant daily on Friday, May 22.
The publication describes the amount referring to the statements of former owner of the newspaper Daily Mail and General Trust. Moreover, the buyer will pay the seller of 1.8 million pounds for services rendered for printing and distribution of newspapers (as at 29 March 2009). According to the Kommersant, Lebedev previously recognized that the publication requires significant investment - up to 30 million pounds.
January 21, 2009 British media group Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) has sold 75.1 percent stake newspaper Evening Standard, were obtained for cash, 8.3 million pounds, according to the published financial report of May 21, DMGT half ending March 29.
DMGT announced in January that the group company Associated Newspapers Ltd agreed to sell majority stake in the company Evening Standard Evening Press Ltd, founded by Alexander Lebedev and his son Eugene. Reported that the newspaper will move the transaction to the balance of Evening Standard Ltd, in which Associated Newspapers will be 24.9 percent. The transaction was closed Feb. 27, 2009.
The newspaper was sold for a symbolic amount, officially announced in January, DMGT. The British press has reported about one pound. Sam Alexander Lebedev, whereas this amount is not confirmed, clarifying that pledged to cover losses Evening Standard. According to the Kommersant, the proceeds from the sale of 8.3 million pounds were reinvested. Alexander Lebedev did not comment on the publication called DMGT amount.
"I have made some investment in the Evening Standard Ltd, which DMGT as minorities may choose to reflect in its financial statements", - explained the business edition. In the DMGT did not respond to a request by "Kommersant" to clarify the financial relationships with Lebedev.
In announcing the sale of Evening Standard, DMGT said she was the new owner of the newspaper to provide transition services for its printing and distribution. The corresponding agreement between the group and the Evening Standard Ltd has been concluded at market rates. On March 29, by a new publication from the owner for services rendered is 1.8 million pounds.
Becoming the owner of Evening Standard, Lebedev has changed its editorial team. In February 2009, directed since 2002, edited by Veronika Uodli succeeded by George Greig, former head of the magazine on the social life of The Tatler.
In May Book Evening Standard newspaper restart (the new name of the publication - London Evening Standard) and launched an advertising campaign, in which the publication apologized to the residents of London for its past editorial policies.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Google refused to absorb the newspapers.

Google has decided not to cross the line between technology and content "and refused the idea of buying the newspaper, which was seen in the recent past. This was in an interview with Financial Times said the executive director of Google, Eric Schmidt.
Rumors that Google intends to enter the market of suppliers of information content, circulated for a long time. But Schmidt said that the acquisition of media companies would have been too expensive, and it would incur a greater risk. The company will continue to work with publishers to improve their sites and make them more attractive to advertisers.
The head of Google expressed confidence that the provision of paid access to the news is futile: the reader simply will not pay for them. Schmidt said that the toll could be just some kind of exclusive or special information.
Earlier, the head of Google told reporters that the company is not going to buy migroblogersky resource Twitter. In doing so, Schmidt admitted that the strategic alliance between the two companies is possible.

Two private TV channels will join the Spanish.

Two private TV channels Spain finalizing a deal to merge, reported AFP on Thursday, May 21, with reference to the Spanish media.
Sources of business daily La Gaceta de los Negocios reported that in the near future channel Cuatro (owned by Spanish media Prisa) has announced the merger with the channel La Sexta (owned by Mediapro). Other details of the transaction are not reported.
In February 2009, Spain adopted a law to televladeltsev snyavshy restrictions on cross ownership of shares of TV channels. Previously, a shareholder in the share capital of TV can not exceed five per cent.
The restriction was lifted for TV, because the advertising marketplace, as the entire economy of Spain, now in deep crisis. The experts of the Spanish Government believes that the removal of restrictions on joint ownership of private channels will help hold in the water.
In fact, Spanish Premier Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in April 2009 promised to substantially reduce the volume of advertising on goskanalah TVE1 and TVE2 (paid from the budget). It was expected that this measure also will help private telesektoru, because advertisers will begin to place more advertising in "private."

Chapter Roshydromet proposed the creation of TV weather.

   The head of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russian Federation (Rosgidromet) Alexander Bedritsky said that Russia should be a federal channel weather. This May 21, RIA Novosti reported.
According Bedritsky, "weather" channels already exist in many countries around the world. "We have a very large country, five different climatic zones, so that the channel would be for people" - said the head of Roshydromet.
Bedritsky said that about five years ago the idea of creating a TV weather has already put forward. However, when it became clear that the cost of the project - 40 million dollars, from the opening of the channel refused. Chapter Roshydromet believes that this decision is reviewed. He said that part of the cost would be paid back through broadcast advertising.

A foreign cable channels check.

Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communication (Roskomnadzor) intends to take control of broadcasting of foreign channels on cable television. This says "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" on Thursday, May 21.
Chapter Roskomnadzora Sergey Sitnikov said on Wednesday, May 20, which is likely to require foreign companies make in the territory of Russia branches or representative, to register them as the media and to obtain a license to broadcast.
As noted by Sitnikov, some foreign channels have gained popularity, but still do not have a license to work in Russia's cable networks. However, Roskomnadzor will not take hard action and impair the interests of the audience. But, perhaps as early as 2009, the foreign broadcasting will enter into the legal field. Russian channels, explained Sitnikov, bear the financial risk, the cost of licensing, while their foreign colleagues are bypassed. Moreover, from cable operators, they receive a lot of money.
In turn, GAZETA.GZT.RU cites the words of the head office: "The most offensive to me that this is a good channel, for example, Animal Planet, Discovery. They solve the many socio-cultural challenges and managed to catch the fancy audience." According to Roskomnadzor to hold negotiations with Western partners, primarily with the management of the canals. "However tough we are not going to cut," - added Sitnikov.
As the "Russian Newspaper", it is also the licensing and mobile television. Now, for example, in Moscow there are three operators, who are developing this service. Sitnikov said that most likely they will be issued a license, similar to cable networks. Chapter Roskomnadzora explained that these channels may appear as an official record of the media, without competitive bidding. Sitnikov also noted that this service does not have a regulatory framework, and it will develop.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Iranian security services have identified accomplice Roxana Saber.

Plot "Spyware" case Roxana Saberi15.05.2009Amerikanskaya journalist left IranKommentariiSamy humane sud12.05.2009V Iran released American journalist Roxana Saber
The Iranian security services have identified accomplice American journalist Roxana Saber previously convicted an Iranian court for eight years for spying for the United States. This telekakanal told Iranian Press TV on Tuesday, 19 May.
The representative of the Iranian Judiciary Alireza Djamchid (Alireza Jamshidi) told the press that the person who surrendered the Saber secret documents concerning the U.S. invasion of Iraq, it was found. Other details Djamchid not reported.
32-year-old American journalist of Iranian origin Roxana Saber (she has dual citizenship), May 15, left Iran.
In January 2009, Saber had been arrested in Iran for the purchase of wine. " In April 2009 she has been charged in the Western media without accreditation, and of spying for the United States. On 18 April a court in Tehran sentenced the journalist to eight years in prison.
Following the announcement of the sentence, U.S. President Barack Obama said about the absurdity of the charges and demanded that Iran release the journalist. In Defense of Saber also made many international human rights organizations.
Shortly thereafter, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged Iranian court to fully comply with the procedural rights of the convicted to appeal the sentence. May 11, 2009 Iranian court reduced the sentence to two years suspended and ordered the release of Saber.

In Arkhangelsk refused to print a newspaper with articles on the election of the mayor.

Printing JSC "True North" refused to print the next issue of "The Old Guard of Arkhangelsk region, containing articles about the corruption scandals in the mayor's office of Arkhangelsk and journalistic investigation of the counting of votes at the elections of city mayors in the May 2008. This was written May 20, "Novaya Gazeta", with reference to the chief editor of the Old Guard of Arkhangelsk region "Andrew Rychkova.
The official reason for not printing plant has been named a technical problem that prevented the display number in print. However, according to Rychkova, one of the leaders of the printing personally informed him that there was "a certain letter, after which it was decided to abandon the press room.
The funds listed printers for printing the "Old Guard of Arkhangelsk region, have been fully repaid.
According to Andrew Rychkova, denial printing is initiated by local authorities. In turn, the head of the press service of the Administration of Arkhangelsk Region Podoksenova Love said the agency "BaltInfo" that this situation should comment on the printing, rather than administration.
The newspaper "The Old Guard of Arkhangelsk Region is a regional edition of the newspaper the Russian party of pensioners" Old Guard ". Regional issue printed in 2006 and distributed free of charge. Its circulation is 70 thousand copies.

The journalist escaped a fine for killing fish shampoo.

Danish telezhurnalistka Lisbeth Klester May 19, was found guilty of cruelty to animals and violations of the laws of the experiments on animals, reported AFP.Sud convictions, but decided not to punish the journalist, as an offense for by Lisbeth Klester threatened to fine, was committed by it in 2004. Then Klester experiment poured in aquarium fish with twelve guppi of dandruff shampoo. Within three days, all fish but one died, that, from the viewpoint of the journalist, to prove the toxicity of shampoo.
Saw the program filed a complaint against a veterinarian Klester. He claimed that fish feel fear and die a long and painful. The Court agreed with his arguments.
Counsel Klester expected that telezhurnalistka will be fully justified. He claimed that the animals are killed, and in other cases: for example, cooks, boil the crustaceans alive who does not bear the responsibility.

Son Lucenko demanded Bild refute the article on drunken debauch.

KommentariiPohmele12.05.2009Alkogolny incident in Frankfurt turned into a nightmare KieveKak became known publication "Kommersant-Ukraine", the son of Minister of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko, Alexander filed a complaint to the German newspaper Bild, published article on drunken debauch, which father and son allegedly arranged on the night of May 5 at the airport Frankfuta-am-Main.
According to Article Bild, Ukrainian Minister and his 19-year-old son were detained by police during a brawl, which is arranged with the staff of both airlines, who did not want to put them on board the aircraft. According to the publication, following the detention of the father and son found in the blood alcohol content at three thousand. This level is reached after the consumption of approximately 700 grams of vodka.
In his statement, Alexander Lutsenko states that are not thrown in the police cell phone, how to write the newspaper, and has not been tested for blood alcohol. In doing so, the plaintiff contends that there has been drinking and was not drunk.
Requirements son of the Minister are to Bild withdrew an electronic version of a note on the incident from your site, and published an appropriate rebuttal.
Previously, it was reported that Yuriy Lutsenko has also sent a lawsuit against the newspaper Bild. According to the Minister, the fight was triggered by the airport staff, who ill-treated by members of Ukrainian delegation. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine did not confirmed the conflict.
Meanwhile, it became known as "Kommersant-Ukraine", the prosecutor's office in the Land Court of Frankfurt has refused to conduct a preliminary inquiry in respect of the Heads of Ukraine and his son.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In the western Georgian opposition TV channel will begin broadcasting.

SyuzhetyOppozitsiya seeks resignation Saakashvili14.05.2009Oppozitsionery hold public sobranieGruzinsky channel "Maestro", which is considered to be the opposition in the coming days, will begin broadcasting in several cities in western Georgia: Poti, Senaki, Batumi, Kutaisi and Zestafoni. This, according to Civil Georgia, said at a rally in Tbilisi, an opposition leader Levan Gachechiladze.
So far, according to the edition, the transfer of "Maestro", transmitted on the cable networks have been available only to residents of Tbilisi, as well as the Telavi and Rustavi (eastern Georgia). In western countries, as explained company director, Mamuka Glonti, will be broadcast by local cable operators.
TV Channel "Maestro", as well as TV Kavkasia "(which is limited to transmissions from Tbilisi), transmits live opposition protests demanding the resignation of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. At the channel "Maestro" also aired an author program "Camera Number Five" one of the most popular opposition leader, singer George Gachechiladze (acting under the pseudonym "Utsnobi" / "Stranger").
Giorgi Gachechiladze, which accounts for his brother Levan Gachechiladze, remember equipped studio in the style of a prison cell, and said that would not leave it until Saakashvili leaves resigned. Program in the style of reality show is broadcast in January 2009. Over the past few months, however, Gachechiladze has repeatedly violated the voluntary confinement, leaving the "camera" to take part in opposition rallies or concerts.
In the near future, reports Novosti-Georgia, "Gachechiladze intends to make a series of concerts in western Georgia. His speech should become part of a campaign of protest in the regions, which Saakashvili's opponents hold in anticipation of the May 26. On this day, remember to Georgia Day of Independence. Organizers of protests taking place in Tbilisi on 9 April, was appointed on 26 May next planned date of the resignation of the president.
Saakashvili himself is still argues that prematurely leave his post is not going to.

Ukraine accused of "Eurovision" fraud in the results.

KommentariiMoskvovidenie17.05.2009Moskva experienced Eurovision "Online Contest" Eurovision-2009 ": final16.05.2009Rasposledny text onlaynSyuzhetyEvrovidenie-2009 in Moskve17.05.2009Na Eurovision winner NorvegiyaVitse-president of the First National Channel of Ukraine Roman Nedzelsky said that at "Eurovision" Anastasia Prikhodko got more points from Ukraine than it was awarded the Jury members and residents.
As the, Ukrainian jury has represented Russia Prikhodko zero, as voted by SMS residents - slightly above. " However, in the air the contest was announced another figure - eight points.
"We have just sent an official letter to the EBU (Eurasian Broadcasting Union). We ask that we explain how both could happen," - said in this regard Nedzelsky.
According to him, the case was this: "We are two minutes before airtime dropped from EBU this incredible figure, and that the information we had to distribute. We had to voice it in the air. To say we were shocked!"
This Nedzelsky said that the process of formation and the grading of the Ukraine was for him not quite clear: "There is a company which has been monitoring all the ballots, poll it, and we dropped them. If we would have done themselves, then clearly understand, as the process of voting. "
Nevertheless, he stressed that the decision on the status of a professional jury, he knew: "We will not give Russia any points."
Nedzelsky also reported that the Ukrainian side will still have to voice vosmiballnuyu assessment for Russia, though we did not want to do this. "
Recall that, according to the rules of "Eurovision", each country makes assessing other participants. Estimates that are based on the decision of the professional jury and the views of the audience who can vote for this or that song on the phone.
The competition, held in Moscow on 16 May, the Russian singer Anastasia Prikhodko took 11 th place with a result in 91 points. The first place Norwegian singer Alexander Rybak: he received 387 points.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Was the latest issue of Business Weekly Smart Money.

KommentariiNe time umnichat08.05.2009Delovoy Smart Money magazine closed because of the crisis and nevostrebovannosti18 May sales received the latest issue of Business Weekly Smart Money. The main reason for the closure of the magazine, which published Independent Media, a decrease in the number of advertisements, resulting in a significant reduction in income. The magazine was published in March 2006.
In an article published in the latest issue of Smart Money, says that the log earnings for the first four months of this year amounted to 20 million rubles. In this edition the publisher was costing twice the price. According to the analytical center "Video International", publishes a weekly advertising revenues in the first quarter of 2009 declined by half - to 300 million rubles.
Previously, the general director of Smart Money and a member of the Board of Directors of the publishing house Independent Media Michael Dubik said that the publishing house is considering the idea of launching a new monthly devoted to private investment. Perhaps, this monthly will be called Smart Money.
Business Smart Money magazine came out every Monday, circulation 50 thousand copies. In February 2007, SmartMoney left his first editor-in-chief, Leonid Bershidsky, converted to the post of managing director of investment bank KIT Finance. " After Bershidskogo second and the last chief editor was appointed Alexander Malyutin.
A more detailed biography of the journal written by his staff, you can read the article "commercial breaks", which is included in the latest issue Smart Money.
It should be noted that Bershidsky now occupies the post of chief editor of Internet project, on business topics. Officially, the new web portal began on Monday, 18 May. The staff there are several former journalists Smart Money. In particular, Yuri Granovsky - a former deputy chief editor of the magazine Smart Money.

Ukrainian TV will sue because of the broadcast of Eurovision. "

KommentariiMoskvovidenie17.05.2009Moskva experienced Eurovision National Television Company of Ukraine intends to sue the operator of local cable networks" Will-cable "for violating the rights of exclusive broadcast the finals of Eurovision in Moscow , writes the newspaper Telekritika "with reference to the statement by the First Vice-President NTKU Michael Kobli.
The essence of the claims is as follows: NTKU has acquired exclusive rights to broadcast the music contest in Ukraine, but the "Will-cable" in the same time showed the Russian version of the show, which is distributing "first channel. World Network."
According to the measurement of the audience, top Russian and Ukrainian versions were similar, and in major cities broadcast "first" look even more people than NTKU.
"Before the broadcast, we sent the cable operators to prevent that NTKU - the only TV company of Ukraine, have the rights to show" Eurovision ", but they do not listen," - told Koblya.
But he noted that the Court's decision is difficult to predict, as in the past year in a similar situation a decision was taken not to NTKU.
Recall that the final of "Eurovision" was held in Moscow on 16 May. This event has attracted the attention of a very broad teleauditorii. In particular, in Moscow the share of television music contest was 73 percent.

The Court declared illegal the dismissal barricaded in Ostankino journalist.

Barricaded in Ostankino officer "First Channel" Oleg Ptashkin was fired illegally. The decision was taken on 18 May Ostankino district court in Moscow, informs "Ð"азета.Ru" with reference to the word itself Ptashkina.
Chief-Editor of the "plot" reinstated in office and plans to work on May 19. His dismissal, alleges "Ð"азета.Ru" on First Channel called "confusion in the department of personnel."
On termination Ptashkina and his colleagues became known Elkhan Mirzoyev March 18, 2009, when journalists barricaded themselves in one of the offices in the telecentre Ostankino, announcing an indefinite hunger strike.
Former employees of First Channel said that they were unlawfully dismissed: before the expiration of labor contracts and without payment of compensation to put.
The lawsuit Elkhan Mirzoyev Ostankinsky Court will consider on 1 June.

The crisis did not prevent the radio station "Fruitcake FM" to increase advertising revenues for 2500 per cent.

KommentariiBez prosveta14.05.2009V the first quarter of 2009 advertising market has experienced a real income obvalReklamnye Radiostation "Fruitcake FM", despite the crisis in the Russian market have increased. From September 2008 to February 2009 revenues "Fruitcake FM" from advertising increased by 2578 percent and exceeded 15 million rubles, the calculations show a news web portal
Advertising revenues "Fruitcake FM (Saint Petersburg) increased by 571 percent and reached 7.5 million rubles. Revenues from advertising Radio Classic grew by 390 percent to nearly 44 million rubles.
Increase the amount of advertising revenue, and some TV channels. Thus, the rate of the TV channel "Star" in the same period increased by 624 per cent and amounted to more than 104 million rubles. Among the print media has grown revenue from advertising from the "AIF about health - from September to February, this figure rose to 1041 percent and exceeded 4.2 million rubles.
However, many Russian media have suffered significant losses during the crisis. For example, from September to February by 49 per cent of advertising revenues fell channels "Capital TV" and "Channel 3", 74 per cent - Radio Hermitage (St. Petersburg), 94 per cent - of "Panorama TV.
Recall the recent Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR) published data showing a reduction of Russian advertising market by 29 per cent in the first quarter of 2009. According to the ACAR, the most serious - 42 percent - the market dropped local advertising media. The amount of radio advertising for the same period decreased by 38 percent.

The head of China Central Television resigned after a fire in the telecentre.

President of the Central Chinese Television (CCTV) Huayun Zhao (Zhao Huayong) has resigned, reports The China Daily.
According to official figures, the president of CCTV resigned from the post to reach retirement age, 60 years old. However, according to the media, the president has 61 years, and retire, he planned no earlier than October 2009. The China Daily binds early dismissal Huayuna fire, which destroyed the uncompleted building of the Hotel Mandarin in Beijing. It also had to be a new TV CCTV.
With PE in the 159-meter skyscraper, designed by architect Rem Koolhaas and Ole Sherenom, one fireman was killed, seven others injured. The investigation concluded that the fire occurred because of the fireworks, which launch in China on the last day of New Year celebrations.
Police arrested four members of CCTV and a further eight people who were hired for the firework. According to the investigation, the suspects are not asked for special permission to start the fireworks, and ignored warnings about the possibility of ignition. According to some sources, the TV, which is paid for by taxes, has spent 146 thousand dollars for the organization of firework.
The new president of CCTV has become a 54-year-old Li Jiao, before occupying the post of Public Relations of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

Leonid Bershidsky, opened a business "factory of opinion."

On Monday, May 18, started working a new web portal dedicated to business topics, As reported at the site of publication, will not "produce news articles, the emphasis will be placed on the views and comments."
Apart from the chief editor of the project by Leonid Bershidskogo (organizer startups Vedomosti, as well as the Russian version of Newsweek magazine, and Forbes) in the new project team included: Alexander Gordeev (one of the founders of the newspaper Vedomosti), Yuri Granovsky (former deputy chief editor of the magazine Smart Money ), Dmitry Kuznetsov (worked as chief editor of the journal "Russian Newsweek" with Leonid Parfenov) Olga Romanova (formerly Glavred "Business Week Russia") and other journalists.
The website edition reported that the name "" - not an abbreviation, and each reader can make up for themselves the best version of his decoding. The authors project associated with the choice of the name Sufi parable of the blind encountered an elephant, and separated in the views that he is.
The sponsors announced that - this is a kind of "factory of opinion" about the economy, business, politics and the life of the middle class. The views of "produce" newsmakers, journalists, bloggers and staffing the project. The creators of the portal believe that in RuNet no shortage of news articles, but there is a shortage of "clearly expressed views about what is happening."

Eurovision watched three quarters of the Moscow audience.

Online "Eurovision-2009": final16.05.2009Rasposledny text onlaynKommentariiMoskvovidenie17.05.2009Moskva experienced Eurovision SyuzhetyEvrovidenie-2009 in Moskve17.05.2009Na Eurovision winner NorvegiyaDolya television musical competition "Eurovision 2009 "in Moscow was 73 percent. In other words, almost three-quarters of Muscovites, smotrevshih at this time of TV, watching the developments in the competition. This informs "Interfax" referring to the Direction of the head of public relations "First Channel" Larisa Krymov. "It's just some unreal numbers. As far as I remember, these results in the history of television has never been" - said Krymova.Vsego broadcast of a musical contest for the "First Channel" 64.2 percent of Muscovites looked older than 18 years, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the results of monitoring carried out by TNS. Rating the competition at 17.6 percent. For comparison, the 2008 co!
mpetition saw 52.4 per cent of residents (rating - 15.3 per cent).
Final of "Eurovision" was held on Saturday, May 16 in Moscow, attended by representatives from 25 countries. The winner was the Party of Norway. Alexander Rybak, who was born in Belarus, performed the song Fairytale. Represents Russia singer Anastasia Prikhodko won 11 seats.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Publishing House "Kommersant" restarted magazine Ogonyok.

Publishing House "Kommersant" published the first issue perezapuschennogo the magazine Ogonyok. Materials publications out of which resumed after four months of inactivity, are available on the official website of the publishing house.
Formerly editor-in-chief Viktor Loshak told in an interview with "that the paper version of the magazine will appear in the retail sale on May 18. According Loshak, the "lights" are not changed, but the publication is up to the educated middle class.
However, the precise audience publications to determine the management of the publishing house "Kommersant", as long as the main rivals renewed "lights" are magazines "Russian Newsweek", "Results", "7 days" and the newspaper "Arguments and Facts", said Loshak.
Issue oldest Russian magazine "Ogonyok" was suspended in January 2009 due to restructuring of the publishing house and a change of ownership. Previously, the magazine owned holding "Telecominvest".

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Two U.S. newspapers cease publication on paper.

Two regional U.S. newspapers - The Tucson Citizen and The Ann Arbor News - announced that will no longer be issued on paper by switching to online versions of the Internet. This is the agency Associated Press.
The Tucson Citizen is the oldest daily newspaper of Arizona. The last printed issue of the publication will be released on Saturday, May 16. Michigan The Ann Arbor News will cease to publish a paper version of 23 July.
The Tucson Citizen could close even earlier: in January the company Gannett, which owns the publication, said that the newspaper will close if it does not find a buyer before the end of March. But then it was announced that negotiations with potential investors, and the newspaper will continue until May. Later it became known that negotiations have failed.
Associated Press notes that The Tucson Citizen actually lost the battle for readers of the newspaper The Star. For comparison, the circulation of The Tucson Citizen is 17 thousand ekzmeplyarov, and The Star - 117 thousand. At the peak of its popularity in the 60 years of The Tucson Citizen published a circulation of 60 thousand copies.
In turn, due to the closure of The Ann Arbor News will be laid off 214 people. Some of them will go to work at the site, which will be the successor to the publication on the Internet.
The transition from paper to on-line version is due to the sharp decline in revenue from advertising. In the face of financial crisis, fewer companies want to publish an advertisement in the paper versions, preferring the Internet. In 2009, the U.S. has already closed the newspaper The Rocky Mountain News in Denver, and The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is available only online. The Christian Science Monitor has transformed from a daily to weekly. In addition, several publishers have declared themselves bankrupt and sought protection from creditors.

Journalist sank aquarium fish from dandruff shampoo to live.

Danish telezhurnalistke faces a fine for cruelty to animals, reported AFP on Friday, May 15.
Lisbeth Klester (Lisbeth Kloester), a leading program for consumers on the channel DV1, during a transfer, wishing to demonstrate the toxicity of shampoo against dandruff, vylila liquid in the aquarium with 12 fish guppi, and the fish died.
The transfer looked a veterinarian (his name is not mentioned). He insisted on prosecuting a journalist, because the view that the death of aquarium fish was long and painful. "
The lawyer said the journalist AFP, that the charges against Klester, absurd, because "fishermen also kill fish, and cooks in restaurants lobster boiled alive, but for them it is none Taskaev by the courts."
Case against Lisbeth Klester be examined by the Court of Copenhagen in late May 2009. If a journalist found guilty, she will designate a penalty.

Lucenko sued the reporting drunken debauch the Minister for the newspaper Bild.

KommentariiPohmele12.05.2009Alkogolny incident in Frankfurt turned into a nightmare KieveMinistr Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko sued the German newspaper Bild, reported on drunken incident involving the officer and his son . That was reported by Interfax. "
It clarifies the agency filed suit himself Lucenko reported Friday night on the air of Ukrainian TV channel "Inter". "I sued the newspaper Bild, and I am sure that win," - said the Minister, noting that the first meeting of this case will have on Tuesday, 19 May.
Remember, the conflict involving Lucenko and his 19-year-old son, as reported by Bild, occurred on the night of May 5 at the airport of Frankfurt-am-Main. According to the newspaper, the Minister, being in a position of strong alcohol, began to brawl with the employees of the airlines are not willing to let them into the aircraft, and podospevshimi police.
Sam Lucenko argues that the conflict was provoked by German airport staff, who ill-treated by members of Ukrainian delegation. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, for its part, also have a version of events. According to the Ukrainian Ministry, the crew refused to take the aircraft to board members of the delegation Lucenko latecomers, which Ukrainian officials have decided to fly the next flight. "No handcuffs, no conflict was not drunk," - emphasized in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The newspaper The New York Times was accused of promoting atheism.

American television and radioveduschy Henniti Sean (Sean Hannity) suspected the newspaper The New York Times in the promotion of atheism. In April, the newspaper published an article on the front of the growing popularity of atheism in the United States, and it has a conservative commentators excuse to blame the liberal media in the conduct of "war against religion." Writing on this theme release transfer Hannity is presented on the website of TV Fox News.
In his broadcast television Henniti talked to a journalist and writer Bernie Goldberg (Bernie Goldberg), whose latest book hit the bestseller list of The New York Times. Goldberg believes that the article itself is about atheists, published in the newspaper for the April 27, is a normal product of journalism, but its placement on the first lane indicates the position of the publication.
Henniti and Goldberg agreed that the merger is happening in the U.S. political liberalism with the atheistic mood (which, as noted by Goldberg as "fashionable in places like Manhattan") and expressed dissatisfaction about the statement Barack Obama that America is no longer a Judeo-Christian civilization. It was noted that the press belongs to believers and arrogantly prejudiced, and Henniti, summarizing the interview, said that "journalism is dead in America."

Party canceled debts to the media.

May 15, the State Duma adopted on first reading a bill absolving the political parties lost the election to the Parliament of debts to the media, Interfax reports.
Deputies released the political parties of the responsibilities for hosting the pre-election campaign for election to the Lower House of Parliament in December 2007.
Recall that under the current legislation of the political parties participating in elections, have the opportunity of free advertising materials to broadcast television and radio, and print media. In the event that the party gaining 3 per cent of the vote, the cost of this advertising offset them from the state budget.
However, 8 out of 11 political organizations that participated in the elections 2 December 2007, have not been able to overcome trehprotsentny barrier - they have something and are having problems with payment of the advertising campaign.
Their total debt to the media at this time is more than a billion rubles.
In the list of the main defaulter previously been party Yabloko, "Civilian Power", Agrarian Party, the Democratic Party and Union of Right Forces. Note that the five parties, four of these no longer exist, the survivors remained only party Yabloko.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The list of Kazakhstan's media asked to include fences.

Internet community representatives in Kazakhstan have developed a bill to formally equating fences to the media. Thus, according to RIA Novosti, they decided to express their protest against the attempts of states to tighten control over Internet resources, equated them to the media (the bill in the first and second readings was passed the lower house of parliament).
As the president of the International Fund for the protection of freedom of speech "Adil Soz" Tamara Kaleeva, the bill "On the fences" will shortly be sent to Parliament. The document, she said "defines the legal framework for transferring and storing information on fences, coarse lines of State policy, law readers fences, and restrictions on the dissemination of information on the fences."
"The purpose of the bill - to show the absurdity of all the amendments that were adopted by Parliament", - explained the defender.
In accordance with amendments to the law on mass media, the MPs who took the lower house of parliament, the media are invited to equate all online resources (blogs, forums, online stores and other sites). Accordingly, they will be issued a criminal and administrative law governing the media. Internet users fear that the new rules are actually a powerful tool of censorship. If the bill is finally passed (it is already under consideration by the upper house of parliament), law enforcement agencies will have the right to block Internet resources, if you decide that their contents do not meet the requirements of the law.
Kazakhstan has repeatedly held protests against equating Internet resources for the media. May 13, in particular, users for one hour left Kazneta sites. "The initiators of the action want to show the future Kazneta when he turned in no fit, abandoned ruins," - explained the President of Foundation "Adil Soz" Tamara Kaleeva, IA REGNUM.
