Monday, May 18, 2009

Ukrainian TV will sue because of the broadcast of Eurovision. "

KommentariiMoskvovidenie17.05.2009Moskva experienced Eurovision National Television Company of Ukraine intends to sue the operator of local cable networks" Will-cable "for violating the rights of exclusive broadcast the finals of Eurovision in Moscow , writes the newspaper Telekritika "with reference to the statement by the First Vice-President NTKU Michael Kobli.
The essence of the claims is as follows: NTKU has acquired exclusive rights to broadcast the music contest in Ukraine, but the "Will-cable" in the same time showed the Russian version of the show, which is distributing "first channel. World Network."
According to the measurement of the audience, top Russian and Ukrainian versions were similar, and in major cities broadcast "first" look even more people than NTKU.
"Before the broadcast, we sent the cable operators to prevent that NTKU - the only TV company of Ukraine, have the rights to show" Eurovision ", but they do not listen," - told Koblya.
But he noted that the Court's decision is difficult to predict, as in the past year in a similar situation a decision was taken not to NTKU.
Recall that the final of "Eurovision" was held in Moscow on 16 May. This event has attracted the attention of a very broad teleauditorii. In particular, in Moscow the share of television music contest was 73 percent.

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