Thursday, May 7, 2009

The First Lady of the USA took part in the episode of Sesame Street. "

United States First Lady Michelle Obama took part in the episode of children's TV show Sesame Street, reported in The Mommy Files blog site San Francisco Chronicle. "Perhaps it is best that I have to do after coming to the White House," - said wife 44 th American President.
Detail of the transfer, in which the first lady will appear, along with one of its main characters, ELMO, is dedicated to the theme of healthy eating. "I never thought that visited here on Sesame Street and I see with ELMO and Big Bird, and I was excited. I'm still excited, I feel a real delight," - Barack Obama's wife admitted.
Sesame Street "(Sesame Street) goes on the air since 1969, and a traditional part of the transfer are invited celebrities. In particular, the chance to participate in the show the first forerunner of the current Lady - Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton and Barbara Bush.

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