Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MCI did not notice the massive layoffs in the Russian media.

In Russia in December 2008 significantly reduced the number of media workers, although there was no mass lay-offs, said the Ministry of Communication and Mass Communication.
According to Deputy Minister Alexander Zharov, who leads Prime-TASS, during this period the Russian media have lost 12-15 percent of employees. He added that the remaining journalists "during this period and the salary is not increased."
But he stressed that the massive layoffs in the media "has not happened and is not expected." Zharov said that the Ministry monitors these regularly.
ITAR-TASS, in turn, causes the words of another Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Naum Marder, who said that "the crisis is not the most important lines, telephones or computers. "Most of our wealth - people, experts," - he emphasized.
It was reported that the global financial and economic crisis has deprived many of the Russian media of advertising revenues, forcing the journalists to dismiss these publications, reduce wages and to introduce part-time working week.
Thus, according to some reports, the regime of reduced working week of staff transferred "Vedomosti" and "Moscow Komsomolets". Other media - among them, called the publication ID "Arguments and Facts" and "News Media" - reduce staffing. Some newspapers, such as "New Izvestia", renounced their own network of correspondents, transferring part of the journalists on the fees.

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