Friday, May 29, 2009

The landlord has blocked the move "Our Radio".

Management Business Center at Spartakovskaya 'evening on Thursday blocked the transfer of radio station "Nashe Radio" in the new office space. This "Lente.Ru" explained the general director of the station, Mikhail Zotov.
According Zotova, protecting a business center on the order of administration prevents the removal of the equipment necessary for broadcasting, and does not let a car with a computer. During several hours of radio station employees could not leave the premises.
Speech on "Dispute business entities" is not, stressed the director, as the media, which includes "My Radio", there are no debts to the landlords. Zotov expressed surprise at this situation and suggested that the actions of the administration business center are revenge for the rejection of the lease, which she had known in advance. Friday morning in a radio station guide will connect to address the issue of lawyers.
Work "Our Radio" is not disrupted due to the fact that earlier the radio station staff were able to remove the console and to broadcast in the technical line. Broadcast station can thus no longer than two days, said Zotov.
" 'My Radio' is drawn to the city of Moscow, to colleagues from other media and to all our listeners who care about the fate of one of the leading Russian media and honest, to help overcome the chaos!" - Stated in a press release at the station.
"Nashe Radio" owns media News Media Radio Group (NMRG), which manages the Best FM radio and "Ultra". Their offices and studios are also located in locked rooms business center.
Business Center at Spartakovskaya "-" high-center Class A, giving tenants a full range of modern services ", stated at the landlord. Creating complex, located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, was carried out by JSC "ARZ-6" management investment company under the joint-stock company "Vash Financial Trustee.

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